Unlocked and Loaded - Weapon, Blessing and Class Changes Balancing Patch Notes - Pt.2

Wouldn’t surprise me. A moany bunch that lot. :wink:


Ordo dockets are one of the two bottlenecks to getting good gear. So some damnation auric players load up on +dockets.


I get it. What’s 10% ? An extra grey weapon? Fine.
It should really be rendered moot by good crafting changes, or even useful emperors gifts. If curios can be unlocked too then it’ll be less frustrating a roll when Hadron does her thing.

Also … usefulness aside, I still think it’s a nonsensical addition to a curio ?
“Ah. I see you’re wearing the dibble finger with three bars rather than the standard two. I like your style. Here, have a small 10% bonus to the mission” :slight_smile:

10% x 3 = +30%

Not negligible. I would not take it, but it is far from negligible.

But, from my understanding, they will remove locks on curios and we will be able to pick what we want. Or, maybe, I missed something??
But if it is what they will do, then they can let these perks.

But what is funny is that darktide game lantern website don’t even list them in their “complete” perks list… it means a lot.

Longer “Melee” Psyker feedback. @FatsharkStrawHat

Few thoughts about Fatshark acknowledging that there is some space on the talent tree for a “melee” psyker playstyle after all. Whilst I appreciate the addition of new melee focused talents, the proposed Mettle talent change is likely scre…over the current “safe” melee psyker builds. It’s all about melee toughness regen and DR mechanics and how they tie to peril.

As it stands now psyker is lacking a dependable toughness regen mechanics. Most of the current psyker toughness regen is tied to peril and warp attacks. As a melee psyker you want your peril to be high at all times for toughness regen, damage and damage resistance.

The problem is that the current state of the talent tree gives you limited options for peril generation on demand if you are trying to stay in melee. A lot of weapons and abilities which generate peril on attack, fit poorly into the chaotic nature of melee. The most dependable are probably force swords and Assail. Scrier’s Gaze is fine, but it has a cooldown, also its not a great design for a playstyle to depend for toughness regen on the active ability.

So lets go over the available options. Assail is fine, however weaving it in melee leads to challenges around spacing, but there is a reason why I tend to include it in “melee” psyker builds, unless I run force swords.

Now to force swords. The first issue: you tie the melee playstyle to one single weapon type. Secondly force swords are not that enjoyable to use in melee. They lack decent cleaving combos, their special attacks are not useful (with Illisi’s being an exception), and remain cumbersome to use, despite some special attack changes. Sadly that special attack (or blocking attacks with fs) is the only real, on demand option for peril generation and maintenance.

Mettle talent with its toughness on critical attacks was that “fairly” dependable toughness regen mechanic, AND gave you a decent movement speed boost. That almost gave you a baby Warp Speed ability from the 40k lore. Sadly the ability soon will no longer trigger the crit multiple times on the same attack. No, Mettle isn’t Invocation of Death or Tactical Awareness equivalent, it doesnt reset your ability at insane rate. Nor gives psyker unfair advantage. Especially when ogryn and zealot swim in toughness regen and DR simply by existing, dodging and hitting targets.

Souldrinker is an interesting addition as it seems to be on the right side of the talent tree. Lets assume it will work on kill of any enemy affected by Soulblaze. For self sustainability, this again would tie you to ONE weapon class: force swords with a Riposte/Shred + Blazing Spirit. That is quite a sacrifice already in melee power.

Also for love of Emperor, I hope you marked force swords on your roadmap for a REWORK. They movesets are meh, they lack interesting attack chains, especially for horde clear. For example there is no logical attack transitions between specific attacks, such as for Obscurus: H1 into L3 (absent), easy access to H2 which is supposed to be a Vanguard attack for horde clear, maybe combined with some hidden light attack to extend horde clear combo?

Anyway we will see when those changes are released whatever these changes manage to suck out the fun out of “melee” playstyle for me. Atm, I remain “concerned”.


Another thing which came to my mind. People will struggle to afford them, so we might end up with another case of keystoneLESS builds as on vet. Some current talent nodes: +5% movement speed, -5% peril generation just feel like a total waste of a talent point, yet you have to take those as you progress through the tree. Toughness damage reduction is always welcome, but psyker just gets a meagre 5% per point investment.

From the perspective of someone who has been trying to run psyker with a melee focus, we are ALREADY talent point starved.

Some comments in bold on new talent additions.

Lightning Speed

  • +10% Melee Attack Speed. Potentially useful on some weapons, but fairly uninspired

Warp Splitting

  • Up to 100% Cleave, based on Peril. If cleave doesn’t translate into extra damage, this is going to be fairly useless

By Crack of Bone

  • Melee Weakspot Kills Quell 5% Peril and Reduce further Peril Generation by 20% for 4s This could work with Scrier’s sustain…but in general you want to stay on high peril as a melee psyker, as this means higher damage and toughness damage resistance. Also as mentioned psyker lacks on demand tools to easily raise and maintain peril levels in melee. With the exception of Illisi special spam which is extremely boring and again ties the player to a specific weapon


  • Killing an Enemy with Soulblaze restores 5% Toughness and grants 5% critical Hit Chance for 5s. This could work with Perilous Combustion or Blazing Spirit, the first one you might just about to afford to take, but is fairly situational as you need a specific enemy to kill. Blazing Spirit one is going to tie you to one melee weapon with really specific blessings, at the cost of far better blessing options.

Absolute dogsht change. This talent is extremely important for gunpsykers in order to both mitigate damage as well as have enough movement speed to quickly reposition, when in danger or to attack.

Stop killing fun stuff FFS. Speedpsyker is peak fun.


Same for the +X% faster revive. Make it work on all revive/rescue actions, not just one.


Did an 1GB update just drop?

Yes, Im downloading it right now.

should not be the “buff everything” patch

I expect it to be more than 1Gb… must be an hotfix.


Yes, this is a hotfix. These balancing changes won’t be coming until Unlocked and Loaded releases on Sept. 26


@FatsharkStrawHat Good changes overall but i have a question : does the changes on the talent tree will reset all the points of our loadouts like it does when you added the Veteran keystones months ago ?
Since i have around 10 builds on each classes it would be kind to warn us if that’s the case, that way we can prepare ourself and don’t lose a precious time to reattribute all of it. :smile:

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We’ve previously been told that our existing blessing library will be converted to mastery.

Do we yet know what counts towards that conversion?

I, for example, have only bothered to reclaim blessings of Tier 3 and 4 for most weapons, as putting a Tier 1 or 2 blessing in my library has been mostly pointless - it’s better to cash in the weapon for dockets than bank a blessing tier I’d never deliberately apply.

Is it just the highest tier we have for a given blessing on a given weapon that will count for this, or is it every tier? (In which case, I’m going to have to try to fill in gaps for lower tier blessings on some of my favourite weapon classes so that I don’t have to spend as long rebuilding mastery…)


EDIT: Ah right, I’m reading the wrong place, it’s mentioned in the FAQ section on the Dev Log for the itemisation:

All tiers count, higher tiers more, but you don’t need everything to hit max mastery.

Seems I may need to fill in a few tiers if I can.

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I have a feeling a higher difficulty level is coming for Atoma and Auric, especially since we are getting another new mission map with a new element we have not had yet: its a timed countdown & on a train headed for disaster!

I am already imagining the panic of players attempting to manage the objectives for this, groaning or laughing as they mistakenly fail the objective, which sends the train right into the collision course or off the edge into a chasm (ala Solo, Andor, or Boba Fett Star Wars Stories and Wild Western Cowboy Movies lmao)

Also seen how Clandestium Gloriana had really tested the mettle of even the most experienced players, especially when:

  • players are intentionally or unintentionally hitting explosive elements (barrels/pipes), flying off the edge
  • getting pwnd by the Monstrosities directly into being smashed off ledge
  • getting absolutely mobbed in the generator fuse zone (activate random fuse and must hit switch within five seconds to transfer power to the button for access to the Lateral Shuttle)
  • player panic at the final objectives for Moebian Steel, especially for the switch that opens panels underneath the structure (had to tell teammates to stop spamming that button for it, because it kept ruining ability to break ice on cogs efficiently)

So much is coming in Unlocked and Loaded, name says it all [lol] ;p
Unlocked for the “locks” off Blessings/Crafting Rework, and Loaded for all the new goodies that are bundled in it, just wondering how difficult will things get for players on timed mission, im so there for it lol


There will be the exciting new feature to replace Hadrons old “surrender weapon for blessings” we did before. It will now be an exchange of weapons like a sale value to sacrifice towards the Mastery points path.

With that available, players can unlock the Tiers I and II very quickly, both by playing a couple of missions and sacrificing weapons, which will give access to the higher tiers immediately. Win-win :slight_smile:

Anyone who decided to “burn mats” before the update might get frustrated, as they were warned to not burn mats, as it would be helpful towards fast tracking progress. That or unless having had done all the hoop jumps, hunting down the blessings already.

The trade off we get is a transitioned transmission of Grind, RNG, Crafting, Itemization, and reward system of a couple of unlockable weapons cosmetics skins for each weapon family. Oh by the Emperor how I am looking forward to those for the Bolter and Bolt Pistol atop their new fixes coming!

Also being on DT since beta i remember the old penances including a “flash mission” that never occurred. Maybe this new missions coming with Itemization update has something to do with this.

I for one would surely welcome a new higher difficulty level. If FS makes it auric exclusive all the better…

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Flash missions are maelstroms

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splitting the playerbase even more is great me thinks !


Well there isn’t any paywall ot anything that detters players entering the aurics except ofc skill or the illusion of it.

Sooo I don’t get your argument about “playerbase split”…

Didn’t think of this. Is this your estimation or something official? I mean “flash” points into maybe timed or short heavy action mission of sorts.