Unlocked and Loaded - Weapon, Blessing and Class Changes Balancing Patch Notes - Pt.2

We can all agree on this.

Revolver should not be the best sniper “rifle” of the game.
The “sniper” rifle should be the helbore. Revolver should be a short range weapon with mass cleave and deadly shots… but only at short range.
If it was done, then boltpistol would have a niche for its use. Even if for this one I would like that they fix the headshots registered as body shot.
I also would like that puncture applies on explosions. I don’t use this blessings, but this makes sense to allow that.


Which one is it? I dont see it. I know they are adding Souldrinker, which gives toughness on Soulblaze kill , or as we are likely to discover, killing enemies affected by Soulblaze.

Agreed :slight_smile:

In the meantime, I would like to know if there are any adjustments to the difficulty level. It’s a very different story if there is or isn’t.

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Speaking of Curios…

When are they going to get a look over, please?

Obvious ideas;

Corruption and Grim Corruption ~ should be one and the same given the low value of grimoires themselves. Suggest this is just merged.

15% chance to get another Curio? Recursion = see recursion. No thanks, this one is rubbish.

10% extra XP … should be expunged. Just add it naturally to players’ second or later character, up to a level not exceeding their highest (base) level character. e.g. Avatar 1 = level 22, Avatar 2 gets levelling bonus until they reach 22. If Avatar 1 goes up to 30, then Avatar 2 gets bonus again 'til 30.

Extra Ordo Dockets: Well, I guess some people might like this but many would be “pfft”

New ideas (not so new, really)

Add “Lucky Miss”: 5% chance to deflect x% of damage on hit.
Add “Looter”: higher chance to open a box and find something within it.

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Makes me wonder if they’ll make it work with mastery xp. That’d be some use at least

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Preliminarily, what I see for the Psyker disappoints me. What the hell is up with melee combat and the use of weapons that aren’t related to staves? Seriously? It’s already a pathetic and boring class, and now you want to distort it even more? Stop. A couple of ideas are fine, but melee combat and firearms… you know where you can go?

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There is a bit of an difference if its 20 % rending capped vs 60 %+ that is getting thrown around.
Like that’s the first time I’ve seen that datamine, so if it works like that then sure its probably not as good as i originally tought.

It would honestly help if fatshark in their patch notes actually put this stuff out there.


Staff gameplay is extremely boring and involves next to no interaction with Darktide’s mechanics. Making the game less M1/hold M2/R is never not a bad thing.

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Heya, I hear you. I replied a few times on Reddit about this. We are working on it and it’s in the testing phase. It’s something that is quite complex, so it hasn’t been possible to roll into a hotfix before the next update. If we did, it would break other things. We will be rolling it into the update coming out on Sept. 26. It should address the stability issues with consoles.


I don’t know how it will interact with cleave but old bolt explosion only worked on last target, and the current is probably the same.

It would probably be a blessing against mixed hordes and such on Bolter, while the other blessing would still take priority for other uses (like sniping and bursting targets).

If it isn’t utterly broken for some reason I’d also really like to see it as option.

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would be great if they removed the stupid wound stacking and made it like the passive from vermintide zealot (also making your entire health a single wound for some high risk high reward gameplay)


Indeed, what I like about Lethal Proximity in the language is the ability to have explosive damage proc in the near to point blank range in place of the distance-time priming proc over the close range point. With all the feedback we can give, hopefully helps add all of the blessings that Bolt Pistol and Boltgun have to both be merged into one

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Very excited about the buffs to the thunder hammers. With some special attack cleave and the new heavy special, I may actually start using the Crucis again over the Ironhelm. Thank you for this!

@FatsharkStrawHat : If you are taking feedback notes, I think there’s a notable consensus here that the Mk II eviscerator seems to lag significantly behind the Mk XV in terms of overall power and usability. Which is a shame, because I think the Mk II has a much less boring move set and is more enjoyable to use. I think the two marks need to be brought a little more in line with each other, in whatever way the devs think is best.

Also, as someone has pointed out already, the eviscerator’s nerfed bloodletter blessing hasn’t been addressed here. Any chance that can be brought as feedback to the devs? If the low number of bleed stacks was intentional, I think it was overdone and has made the blessing near-useless. If it wasn’t intentional, I think it’s high time it was fixed, as it has been like this for about 1 year.


Alright, this is excellent work, and it’s clear you’ve started listening to the community. I can’t wait to try out the new weapon improvements and the new Psyker talent! Keep it up!


Help me understand, what are you imagining? How are you interpreting ‘weapon wield speed’? Are you reading it as reducing the recovery animation delay between attacks, and so speeding up the primary spam? Did you misread it as weapon charge speed? Is there some obscure tech with weapon swaps and primary fire that is better than Q cancel that this will improve?

VERY excited for these changes good job!


My only concern is the power creep that certain blessings on certain already powerful weapons will bring (for example rending + blaze away to purgatus stave?? Wow!)

Ofc all this will be perfectly fine by me if a new higher difficulty awaits to surprise us (named maybe Purgation? You know the next level after damnation?)

At any rate, considering the low skill of the average player and since a player can always choose to play exclusively auric maelstroms with whatever hellish spec condition combo, i would choose buffs over excessive nerfs any time.


You’re gonna get some pushback from a shockingly large number Damnation Auric players if you get rid of these.

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