Unlocked and Loaded - Weapon, Blessing and Class Changes Balancing Patch Notes - Pt.2

Big cleavers could recharge ults in literal seconds before. Fun sure, also broken OP. It needed that nerf. But at least you had to build into it and use it right.

The problem with this new version is it’s basically just a constant passive CD booster, same pretty much no matter what your build.

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Can’t wait to bring the new Branx into missions - weak stagger on special and slow chain times out of H2 were the two things that felt ‘unintentional’ about it, so it’s great to see them addressed.

Glad Paul is getting some love - I still think his heavies are just kind of anemic, but I’ll let the Paul mains speak to that.

Seems like the dev impression is that Ogryn aren’t taking enough damage? Typical Ogryn brawler is losing 10-20% damage reduction with the patch, which might be a bit much considering what big targets they are.

Buffs to Gungryn are moderate but welcome… but that Lucky Bullet millstone is still weighing them down. I honestly think it needs some kind of streak breaker - guaranteed proc every 30-45 seconds? Minimal impact on stubber/ripper, but would give it more use with rumbler/kickback.


You obviously did not read what I wrote correctly. I play almost exclusively Loner BECAUSE the talents around it are strong.

I’m saying Loner is garbage, but the talents around it are really good for that dodgy/stealthy playstyle. I want Zealots to be able to grab those Talents without feeling bad for getting the Aura on the right side of the talent tree. That is why is my suggestion was +Weakspot/Crit damage for the team, because that aura doesn’t currently exist and is really fitting for that side of the tree.

Conversely, I can see a rework to Loner being something like the Zealot counting as 2 people in coherency. Meaning they are in 2 coherency by themselves, 3 coherency with 1 teammate, and 4 coherency with 2 or 3 teammates (because the cap would still be 4). It would retain the same spirit of the Aura while also not being completely worthless to the rest of the team.

Game is unplayable on a console for a few months straight, constant frezes fallowed by disconnects.
Here is an exaple Reddit - Dive into anything can we get an official responce? Network guy on permanent vacation?

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I like loner. I did not understand you play the talents around.
However, loner is good. Especially when you boost it.

I disagree, Loner is not good.

There are several glaring issues with it.

The first and most obvious is that it brings NOTHING to the team when you are in Coherency. Literally nothing.

The only time you get value is when you are OUTSIDE of Coherency. Sometimes there are times that require the Zealot (or anyone) to do this. On those occasions, it’s useful, but still not good. 2 Coherency is around 2 Toughness regen per second. There are several other talents in the tree that restore noticeably more Toughness than this aura does. Even the 15% Toughness damage reduction aura outpaces Loner by the fact that it further increases the value of your Toughness and Toughness Regen in all circumstances.

When playing the Stealth Zealot effectively, you will NOT be spending a lot of time away from your team. You should be, at most, spending short bursts away from them and working your way back toward them. You never want to be that far away from your squad. As a result, the value that Loner provides is very minimal, even in cases where it is actually doing something. The reason people like me even grab is because there are a lot of strong talents around it (Good Balance, Thy Wrath be Swift, +1 Stamina), and it also makes it more flexible in a Shroudfield build since it is literally right beneath it.

Given the opportunity to make a flexible Shroudfield build that takes an Aura OTHER than Loner, I would take it in a heartbeat.


Already discussed in a topic.
I disagree with what you said, especially because it depends of how you play.
I like loner, especially cause i loot (in regular games) every chest.
But even when I do not loot all chests, I find it good cause often you will be cut from the team when you go looting. And also, cause it can really help when cut from your team.
First cause i identified for such situation is the death of all your teamates. It makes difficult to be in coherency when it happens.
I won’t write more. For me loner is good. Something should be done to give an aura effect. I like the proposition to see thw zealot counting as 2 for the coherency.

But i think this topic has been decelopped so many times… Feel free to create a new thread. I think all others have been close by the auto close feature I hate.

Loner also gave baseline zealot aura as a bug. It seems like this will be fixed. So less fun for lonerbros, but still all the best talents are around loner aura.

I 100% agree that it is a roundabout way to put a hamper on Zealots running so far ahead. It is also simply punishing good Zealots who use that Speed extremely well. The fact they are nerfing the Stealth duration on Shroudfield makes it even more hampered.

I can also see the Shroudfield nerf being a roundabout way of getting more Zealots to use Perfectionist. The nerf to Shroudfield doesn’t buff Perfectionist, and the ACTUAL buff to Perfectionist does not change that people won’t really take it. It’s just further nerfing how much Zealots can do in that extended Stealth Window. That extra time was usually very useful for doing something useful, like objectives or rezzing teammates. It’s very odd that there was no Dev note for this nerf, because it isn’t like the skill was a problem.

If they really want more people to take Perfectionist, here is how they could do it: Make the extended stealth BASELINE to Shroudfield. Then make it so that players have to choose between Perfectionist OR Invigorating Revelation (40% Toughness regen over 5 seconds and 20% reduced damage taken for 5 seconds). Some people may end up preferring the damage. Others may prefer the tankiness.

Wild idea (but maybe not): What if: Loner worked such that every player counts as being in coherency with the Zealot with Loner, and the Zealot always counts as being in coherency with only 1 player (themselves) plus each other player that is also alone.

So Loner still benefits the Zealot, but it also helps the rest of the team all of the time and in the event that players all get separated, they get the loner zealot inspiring them on their solo journey!

Seems like this retains the useful of the aura but also gives a cool perk to the rest of the team.

Edit: maybe rename the aura “One for All” or “Never Alone” or something like that.


What heretics? All I see is smoke.

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Some Zealot Talent tree suggestions:

I think it would be best for the Shroudfield ability modifiers not to contain downsides or nerfs. The 6-second duration of Master-Crafted Shroudfield is fine as is, and the damage increases from Perfectionist without its increased cooldown would strike a nice balance between choosing between these safety and damage options. Somewhat related, I think it would be far better to go over Veteran’s Infiltrate and give that a balance pass.

The Ambuscade ranged backstab damage increase is nice, but I think it should have a matching value with the melee backstab increase, or perhaps combine the talents to make room for something new.

If you wish to also remove the sprint efficiency talent from Zealot like that which has been done for Veteran through the removal of the Vanguard talent, Zealot remains the only class out of the 4 to not possess a talent that increases the aura radius, so that could be beneficial, and it would thematically fit within the middle route of the talent tree.

Loner could use a buff to be less awful for teammates. I’d recommend allowing it to create an aura that treats coherency as being 1 higher than it is. So for Zealot alone, it would behave as the first level of coherency, which is how Loner currently operates, but would also grant increased coherency regen for teammates, and allow for maximum coherency regen to a team even while 1 player is gone.

I think it would also be good to merge Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude with Banishing Light, as currently, it is the only Ability that requires more than 1 point to progress into the tree past Ability choices. Chorus builds could use a buff in this way to better compete with the other Ability options by providing these builds with the taxed point to spend elsewhere.

Martyrdom in general could benefit from reducing the required stacks needed to gain full benefits from its Keystone and Modifiers while making the build less gear-dependant in the form of necessitating wound curios. The benefits provided would be similar in power level to the other Keystones, and could be condensed to activate within 3 wounds. This would increase curio options and also allow for more synergistic building with other Zealot talents that affect toughness and health.


in my experience the cleave heavy kinda stinks but I also have very limited experience - might have to give it another look!

The version of that blessing that’s been sitting in the game files caps at 20% rending/brittleness. If they don’t change it, it’s not going to be that strong. How much impact will the new Penetrating Flame blessing have on a Purgatus build? (with numbers) - #4 by syllogism


Martyrdom is already the strongest keystone. Hard disagree with lowering its skill floor or gear requirements.


Yeah I think people are overreacting to this one. Realistically you’ll probably only feel it on maulers, flak ragers, and crushers. Even then it’ll probably only be felt noticeably on crushers, which are still definitely not going to start dying at any kind of impressive rate to it at only 20%

Overall this is still a massive nerf against armour vs previous iterations when we also factor the FotF “fix”. I don’t see it being an issue.


I want there to be reasons for Bolt Pistol to be chosen over revolvers


So do I…

What players miss is that you can’t have 3 blessings on your staff. So, if you put the new blessing, it means you have to drop one. We have to see, but it could more situational than what everybody thinks. If you choose this one, it means you have to drop or warp flurry or warp nexus.


this is…the deadliest combo i’ve ever seen.

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I want Lethal Proximity on Locke IIb Spearhead Boltgun as well, I think that they may have not chose to have the blessing available for it due to the Boltguns Full Automatic hip fire.

Lethal Proximity (in element that it actually works properly) is devastating when being able to fire away with the upcoming increased cleave (the Penetration value we been hoping for).

I am not against the idea if the blessing would be available for it, since we are wanting to see Bolt Weapons be able to better match up with other weapons choices (the current meta Revolvers and Infantry or Braced Autoguns).

It seems logical to have all the same blessings for the Bolt Weapons to be shared