Unlocked and Loaded - Weapon, Blessing and Class Changes Balancing Patch Notes - Pt.2

Thats also why that one got nerfed first, ridiculous buffs for wasd and dodging shouldn’t be a thing. Zealot is another underbaked one for me, but I know the Vetbrains like to cry about their actual options and having to weigh costs.

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Thankfully it’ll still be flatout worse than Brutal Momentum and Skullcrusher, but I agree it is a weird design choice to go for. Would’ve liked to see something on it to help out the light attacks.


Can we please just be able to pull out a melee weapon and not cancel the ability? It sucks if a dog, a poxburster, or some groaner runs up behind you you have to lose your ult to protect yourself.


i’m afraid that this buff to purgatus will further increase the number of psykers who spam it at everything. i mean the visuals in this game, which are cluttered already. if you have just one psyker with shield, shriek and purg on your team, the whole game will be a blue haze. this in/out of the blue shield, the burning enemies at every shriek and the flame puffs, adding to explosions and smoke. i find this very annoying and have left a few games because of this. imo it would be enough if soulblazing enemies glow blue (just like nurgle blessed glow green) without the flames, and the purgatus should have a thinner beam that bursts into flames when it hits the target.


Am I missing something here? Won’t perfect strike be useless on it? You get 2.5% base crit chance. It doesn’t have any crit blessings. Massacre + a crit node would put it at a bit below 16% crit chance. Why put perfect strike on it?


You aren’t wrong per say, but that is all my friends play and allow themselves to play. That difficulty also rewards the most as of now, so there is incentive to push yourself beyond what you would normally play.

I’m actually one of the 5 people who wanted things nerfed into ground because the game has 5 and a half difficulties and 3 of them feel like cakewalks then the 4th difficulty up compensates by just spewing things constantly until I grow numb. (but also that may be a map specific spawning issue it’s hard to tell)

Though rather than nerfing any one weapon I think nerfing the ability for all classes to constantly regenerate Toughness with certain builds would probably be best, I can’t see how it’s not worse than when the Psyker Force Swords had infinite dodges. Dodging constantly when the game trickles random single dudes behind you is tiring, but if you have toughness regenerating constantly you can truly fall into a coma and just exhaust your dodges without timing anything. Nerfing the cooldown reduction stuff was a good start and it feels like your backing off it abit too easily


this update will be fun, definetely. I’m just worry about the difficulty of the game after this.
I know I’m certainly not with the majority of the community on my time passed on the ame, but I’ll say this : Auric need to be more difficult somehow since I’m begining to be able to do it reliably with only one teammate.

The update will ake that far easier, because, FS, you need to realize that the duelling sword is above most weapons in the game, and when I say most, only the power sword and Combat blade could "rival’ it in cleave for the PS or in boss kiling.
But otherwise, at this point, this weapon is insane even with a class with almost no melee perks. Give it 25 to 45% attack speed, bonus damage and additionnal Crit chance from Zelote or Vet and it will certainly be better than a Power sword in most case, only the knife would still be mostly usefull beside it.

Aside from that, I’m still hyped up for using it on the Vet and Zelote, but it will be busted 100%


Rending/brittleness is such a сancer mechanic, but they keep shoving it further, basically making weapons homogeneous and having no indentity.


Surge. Why surge remain broken for this weapon this long?

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100% agree lol. It’s a roundabout way of telling the stupid Zealots to stop sprinting 3 miles ahead of the team. But what if you’ve learned to not do that and instead use your speed for good purposes ?

Bleh. Anyway, I’mma just take the 5% move speed bonus instead on the left tree. How convenient, that’s where the buffed Invocation of Death is !


Cause they don’t play their game, and don’t play games at all it seems.

Not only those things you mentiond, but also while you will be trying to get those stacks and make some use of them after - enemies will be killed by your mates already.

If they want to buff blocking/turtle build they need stuff like parry+thorns - timed blocks apply bleed or stagger, etc.

And stuff like shield charge - you can run while blocking but it costs more stamina.

So you can engage enemy first like a true frontliner, tank shots, but also you deal damage when using your offhand weapon - shield.

That’s why any ARPG has thorns/damage reflection and shield charges so you can both get to the fight, be tanky and not being a zero dps pleb at the same time.

Or if they want that block-hit loop playstyle, then successful block should buff your one next hit for A LOT. But not that sit afk to get stacks.


I never picked perfectionist cause it is simply useless. Shroudfield is too strong and so you don’t need perfectionist to one hit any specialist/elite.

So, i don’t get the nerfed extended duration. It was not something problematic, and it won’t help perfectionist.

See discussion about zealot and daggers.
Swift certainly had a +10% move. Zealot knife had a very strong mobility. This was the only thing that could be nerfed without having to nerf all weapons of the game.
And let’s be honest, it won’t change swift certainly utility.

Speak for yourself. What i read here is that you have never tried the talents around loner. I really like these talents.
Loner is also an aura that i would not point as OP. And I feel it as something interesting. Especially when you met rushers. And players that don’t even look their team, this is something really common.

This is bad. Purge builds already can do MASSIVE dmg no matter what enemy is, but now even crushers not even a threat. With “Empyric Shock” and shriek i can have 90% (20 stacks of soulblaze) rending MOST of my time. This is NEED to be nerfed BEFORE patch.


Right, I had some time to read through some of these proposed changes. Time to step on some toes, I’m sorry Sweden.

I have news for you, no one concerned with build optimalisation was using this talent. How exactly have you arrived to this dev note conclusion? Meanwhile the most OP, the most popular zealot build path which allows you to grab ALL good talents in the tree remains unchanged.

Great, now replace Smite with an ability which doesn’t mass disable enemy AI. Everyone LOVES attacking non-responsive enemies whilst their teammate holds a button /sarcasm. Terrible design.

Too much power creep and removal of risk reward mechanics, just like you did to the plasma gun. You are also buffing soulblaze, yet another broken and totally OP mechanic when utilised with staves and Venting Shriek. Why? The only thing which MIGHT prevent Souldrinker from being OP its suggested position in the tree (on the right side?). This just MIGHT make it less outrageous, if build pathing prevents it from being easily taken by staff users.

-40% Peril generation? :joy: :popcorn:


Tbh, i use it on a martyr build. And this “nerf” will in fact buff my build.
Less recovered health = more stacks actives after recovering health

But, on the other side, I hope that they don’t plan to nerf it again. Cause 20% is not interesting at all out of a martyr build.
Less would be just a wasted point. And if you don’t pick this one, until the death is just a wasted point.

Tbh, I must have missed something, but I have the feeling that everything is buffed BUT zealots have some nerfs.
All nerfs seem to impact only this class. And there’s something wrong here.

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Unless I missed something crucial the only actual zealot nerf I can see here is the following, and again this barely matters.

The zealot tree still remains focused on the usual template: Blades of Faith into Benediction into Fury of the Faithful, into whatever you prefer. On the way you can grab all the “meta” picks in one build. Some talents are just too good to miss out on them. Zealot build variety remains hampered. Meh.


Can’t quote all on the phone

Not sure this one is not
Have to test

But speaking of nerfs, there are two
I did not notice any nerf for other classes

I have no real problem with such changes, however this is the 3 only nerfs I see in this explosion of buffs.
The 2 first seem, for me, really not something it needed badly a fix. At contrary, i don’t feel they needed a nerf.
And considering all that is causing problems, i remain surprised why they had to nerf these 2 talents and why nerfs hurt only the zealot class.
Especially cause, on zealot talent tree, there are talents that could be nerfed with serious good reasons to do it

Yeah, Zeal tree is so boring and I don’t even think anyone cares to fix the major jank issues with the beacon ult (the most honest source of disabling enemy AI since it also disables a player’s ult and that player) or its awful support nodes. Somebody thought TDR when Piety was up was a major buff (not that I won’t take it, but I still probably won’t run it lol). Hopefully him and oggy come up soon. I actually have builds that look different on Psyker and Veteran.

You mean a massive nerf compared to how fun it used to be.