Unlocked and Loaded - Weapon, Blessing and Class Changes Balancing Patch Notes - Pt.2

Meh, they did say that rebalance was still on the table and that these patch notes aren’t complete. Seeing as its basically all buffs minus ‘Mettle’ getting the OG invocation of death fix (this is a sad day for freaks) I think this was more of a hype building thing.

Maybe I’m coping but perhaps the bad news (nerfs) are yet to be announced.

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They might be afraid to do that while Helldivers is getting review bombed from orbit.

I don’t know enough about Helldivers to know if the complaints are reasonable (and I don’t think they apply here). This “why nerf a pve game” mind virus needs to reach its “because it’s multiplayer” end.


Did you just forget staffs exist?

Yeah I am also wondering what DS on Zealot/Vet will look like, but TBF DD and Scrier’s are already very strong boosts for DS on Psyker. With their new talents as well I don’t think they’re gonna lag behind there.


Would have a chance to try all these changes. Just don’t forget the player base is really low actually and if they decide to close the game I think we are all loosing. To be honest if I was a new player and coming on this forum I probably never buy this game when I see the hammer of nerf asked for almost everything… killing the motivation…

how so? have you considered playing the game without the “meta” weapons

Dueling sword has cracked critical and finesse boosts, which the psyker already delivers hard on. Has anyone even bothered using the knife with them in the current game? I will continue to play this class with dueling sword. Other characters having this weapon will not really subtract from the hard in built synergies psyker has with it. They aren’t going to be wigging at super speed while nailing crits almost every swing with scriers up.


The blessings are for both…

he obviously knows that too, he’s making the point of ‘why can’t they make anything that would benefit Kantrael’. which is true, lagnum is one of the game’s dumpier why weapons. massive ammo consumption for no juice.


They have learnt the wrong things. This patch is a lot of buffs for already strong weapons and playstyles, and is leaving the underpreforming options in the dust.


Honestly, some of these ideas seem great, it might just need some tweaks in terms of raw damage. I actually think the idea of exploding projectiles will make the weapon vastly more fun!

Overall I think this update has great potential to get people back in the game, trying new things and crafting new weapons. Just what you guys were obviously hoping for.

Though I do agree with other people, that perhaps the weapons that need the most love are the ones being ignored?

(Personally, plasma is less of a concern. Damage needs turning down, but keep it FUN. AoE blasts, some penetration, these are what will make the weapon a unique tool for Veteran. Be mindful though that any reduction in power also means larger ammo consumption.)


I like a lot of the changes here, but I noticed a few changes to the Zealot that I wanted to mention.

Master-Crafted Shroudfield getting going from 6 seconds to 5 seconds.
Perfectionist going from 50% increased cooldown to 25%.

Shroudfield is a strong skill, but I’m not sure what nerfing the duration on Master-Crafted Shroudfield is accomplishing here. The key advantage to the extended duration are the ability to reposition, complete objectives, and revive allies. I didn’t notice a comment on why this was nerfed, so I’m genuinely curious as to what the intention is here.

Perfectionist is definitely underused and needs help, but it’s primary use that I am aware of is making Boss One-shot meme builds. People tend to avoid it because they would rather have the advantages listed above, especially when a lot of breakpoints are met anyway. I don’t see how this change affects this dynamic.

As for the Nerf justification to Swift Certainty “being a strong talent” that warrants a sprint speed nerf from 10% to 5%… No, it’s really not. Players can already “dodge gunfire” when running at an angle to shooters as long as they have stamina without this talent. All this talent does is allow it to be done without Stamina, which rarely comes into play. What’s worse, the way the description reads, it implies that avoiding gunfire counts as “Dodging,” implying that it can activate dodge-related talents such as Inebriate’s Poise. However, it does not do this either. So the only real value to this talent is the 10% sprint speed… Which is being nerfed to 5%, on par with a regular node in the talent tree. With all due respect, if/when this goes live, I’m going to have to advise people who take this talent to not bother.

Finally, I noticed that out of all the talent reworks, the Zealot’s Loner “Aura” still hasn’t been reworked. This aura forces Zealots that go down the right side of the talent tree to choose between the worst aura in the game, or wasting a bunch of points into talents they don’t want just to bring a aura that isn’t awful. I’m not sure how hard it would be to change to something as simple as increased weakspot/crit damage for allies on coherency or something like that.


Blazing piety + scourge can get an almost permanent 100% CRIT rate, with extra crit & finesse damage from duellist with knife on Zealot. It’s going to be so damn broken with the swords.


forgive my lack of sleep and not browsing through 200+ posts in case this been adressed already.

but the way i read it this encourages further “turtle” tactic all for the wrong reasons.

why should someone block to gain stacks for “offensive” actions, he’s wasting in the process of building said stacks?

by the time i theoretically charged it up, at the cost of stamina, and get into action i could have been the action already and killed the stuff instead of blocking.

maybe i’m in the wrong here, night has been to short, but to my understanding this is an incentive for passiveness, stuff thats already happening to much with shield planters.

reason i ditched the shield in favor of karsolas was trading block opportunity to briefly force ranged into melee mode with moveability.

and i gained way more than i lost in my book.

granted a shield is an inherently defensive object but good shield ogryn from turtle corridor blockers could be destinguished very quickly.

plus offensive shield users still added a good deal of damage to the teams output.

giving damage options while wasting time got me scratching my head a bit. :thinking:


And ? Like plasma gun with new blessings. And this is in range…

As a surge staff enjoyer, the surge blessing will be extremely strong if it works on charged attacks. If it doesn’t work on charged attacks then I can’t see it being picked.


But this is also a weapon with relatively high hit damages and fast attack speed. So as per usual I don’t think any Zealot loadout is going to come close to Martyr with it…I’d love to have some loadouts that don’t feel so horrible vs just running martyrdom. Especially with the knife right now, even more crit biased than dueling sword. Martyrdom knife is far dumber than piety…

Looking at the changes to Invocation of Death, I think the rework will end up feeling worse for fast crit weapons like knives, tac axes, and dueling swords because you’ll likely end up hitting more crits than you need to to maximize the effects. Alongside that, I don’t think cleaving weapons will feel the same benefit from hitting multiple targets with crits that the pre-nerf Invocation gave, which, while busted and deserving a nerf, was also really fun. Additionally, although 175% cooldown regen speed is strong, it isn’t quite the same as the instant 1.5s cooldown reduction, which can help a player survive a difficult situation where FotF would otherwise still be a second on cooldown.

My suggestion for the rework to Invocation of Death would be to lower the cooldown reduction to 1s on strike, and give a stack of a buff granting the cooldown regeneration speed for 1s for each additional enemy cleaved, up to a stack of 4 or 5. The buff stacks would decay after a second and fall off one at a time, and additional crits would add to/refresh the stacks.

In my opinion, this would still let fast single target weapons benefit from the current functionality, while also allowing weapons like Combat Axes (w/Brutal Momentum) and the Eviscerators to benefit from cleaving through hordes without the silliness of instantly refunding the ability.


I have no idea what you’re smoking, but I want some too.


reality? are you telling me like 25% crit chance for the 6 dead nodes and keystone is better than the laundry list of buffs martyrdom has, the only keystone with no falloff and no maintenance besides ‘be missing wounds?’ you’re basically invincible and on a ridiculous damage curve, sustaining only off resist death if it even activates ever between your blender attacks and TDR. for way less node cost and actual good nodes around it.

blazing piety is getting a buff BECAUSE its ass, but ok dude.

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So true piety is totally old school and obsolete. To be honest Martyr is almost. You can go all with inexorable and got almost the best result for every weapons. Actually they can rework zealot class if they want with all the tax nodes and all the useless things you got finally 1-2 true build choices.