So there’s already a topic about the passive vent on non force melee. My point with this thread is not to argue whether or not that is a reasonable change but more to suggest that when Fatshark fixes a long standing bug, one that many of us would reasonably assume is a feature, it would be nice to at least have an explanation for why the devs feel the previous way it worked wasn’t OK.
It must have occurred to Fatshark that fixing passive quell is in practice a noticeable nerf for those of us using guns or non force sword melee. Were other values considered when they fixed this? Did they feel that the previous passive quell was unbalanced or was it as simple as “this isn’t doing what we meant it to” and that’s all the thought that went into it? I’d genuinely like to have that thought process shared because naturally for many of us it just looks like another straight nerf to one way Psyker is played. That’s gonna rub a lot of people the wrong way so I’m simply suggesting some tact be applied when fixing something that has been in the game for so long, while FS has to my knowledge at no point communicated that it was unintended.
I’ll post @umikaloo’s meme again because it sums up the issue quite succinctly.
Despite everything surrounding the release of the game, mostly Fatshark actions and lack of even beginning to question their choices (they wrote themselves there was too much randomness to their system and then actually increased that randomness when finally releasing crafting) …
Where was I … oh yeah, despite that shitshow, you stayed positive and having rational exchanges on these forums and I will praise you for it.
But at some point … look they just won’t listen to anything here. Nothing.
The slow death of these forums is both a blessing (way less crazy posts by crazy people), and a curse (no engagement from players any more).
Chastise the Wicked will need to be addressed at some point too, since the undescribed interaction of it giving crit or armour piercing to ranged weapons seem to be used by a lot of Zealot players.
Yes I am also concerned about this one now. After it had remained through so many patches I was starting to think it’s pretty safe. The passive quell change shows that nothing is safe and no amount of time left in the game is good enough evidence to suggest something is intended.
Imagine if we were given a heads up ahead of time that something is unintended and they’re planning to fix it and we actually got a chance to write here where we think its balance is at as it currently works? Wouldn’t that just make everything about this discourse more pleasant?
As it stands with so many incorrect descriptions in the game we’re left guessing about every single one. It’s awful.
I mean that just 100% sounds like a bug but it’s also so specific and random that it’s hard to tell.
Like what would even cause that when on paper it’s only supposed to effect melee weapons and it’s mentioned nowhere?
Do you work it into your strat even though it might catch a huge nerf later or do you ignore it and gimp yourself?
I figured if anything passive quell was to compensate for normal melee weapons to give more incentive to actually run one over a force sword but apparently not? It’s very confusing.