I’ve found some very old topics (such as this) that can unfortunately no longer be responded to to bump, but I am sad to see that even years later, nothing has been done.
I really do feel like Unchained Living Bomb should be dropped to 90s, possibly even lower to ~75s, and that it should come with a strong stagger effect on use. Unchained Sienna needs to have a reliable way to vent overcharge in melee combat without having to switch weapons around constantly, while also being able to participate offensively once in a while without feeling like they can’t just in case they maybe suffer a stray attack or two.
Also, as an aside, Blood Magic needs to be capped on fast low-damage effects like gas. The speed at which overcharge builds up when caught in a gas cloud is ridiculous, and often goes faster than it is possible to switch weapons to a staff and start venting, even if that is viable (it usually isn’t, if you’re under attack, since you cannot block with a staff).
Thirdly, I don’t understand why you can’t vent with melee weapons, all of which has no reload function anyway. I always considered this an oversight, so to not see it fixed after so many years feels bizarre.