Sub optimal build moment
Your perks and blessings and I assume your perks as well are all just terrible
Sub optimal build moment
Your perks and blessings and I assume your perks as well are all just terrible
There’s a reason Im not using extra dmg blessings, and I ignored crits when taking the screencaps.
And there is your problem, and the problem of this whole stupid system. You shouldn’t need “help” of perks and blessings to kill a thing with a shotgun to the head that close. Perks and blessing are an extra, should not mandatory for normal functioning.
If there’s only few blessing and perks that are not “terrible” and make the weapon optimal, then the system is not balanced.
A beautiful display of whats wrong.
Why is full bore mandatory? Why is deadshot mandatory? What if you don’t crit?.
What do we do with all the other blressings in the pool?
Darktide is literally a game about making gear builds to preform on scaled difficulties, the whole point is to use perks, and blessings to make stuff that can allow you the reach the thresholds to complete higher difficulties
It’s incredibly skewed in the player’s favour with how broken you can become especially now with the gear progression overhaul when you have a basic understanding of the game’s mechanics and how to not die.
Absolutely agree, and that’s not a good thing. It’s not balanced.
It never will be balanced
It’s literally impossible to balance a game like darktide. Scaling difficulty along with the ability to modify gear stats is an impossible task.
Bolt Pistol I haven’t used so can’t comment on.
But I absolutely refuse to even entertain a thread saying shotguns and revolver don’t do enough damage.
There’s a reason everyone runs manstopper on shotgun these days. The strength of shotguns lies in its access to near plasma level cleave. Absurd scaling into density and an overall damage monster. Kantrael is one of my favourite guns for very consistent 2 shot body shots out to mediumish range. Very enjoyable to have reliable killer than is fine with you aiming centre mass.
Revolver has long been complained about as the oppressively meta special sniper, but it does rely on you hitting heads, as is only reasonable.
I don’t even comprehend the argument I’m seeing being made that the weapons should be strong without any blessings/perks or talents. Those things combined are a HUGE power booster. Any weapon that is strong without a build would be F#©k busted when optimised. That’s the RPG side of this ARPG, build your damn character/weapon properly. Post class update getting your weapon the way you want it is basically trivial.
I could only imagine how insanely stupid my shotgun build would be with these hypothetical buffs these people want darktide this ARPG to to play like a standard fps
One shoting maulers and ragers on damnation with a quickly reloaded pump action shotgun with 11 rounds in the tube.
I don’t think it’s an impossible task if done correctly, the problem is that the whole system was designed to keep people hooked on the old crafting casino mechanics. Make them spend time getting that one or two blessing worh using.
The right way to make this is adding different mechanics that are not about more % dmg to x. It won’t happen so it doesn’t matter Iguess.
Sure, it does. But why won’t it kill a rager at point blank to the head unless you have that 25% or a crit or full bore active?. The same way the MK III eviscerator wont kill them on heavy activated attack unless it’s on the head.
I had all the blessings I wanted before the crafting update, I had already tried almost all combinations just to always go back to the same few because they were the only optimal. That is not a good thing. When you only need to use only a small part of the system and the rest is bloating, the system is bad.
Because it is designed to be the highest base damage, lowest finesse shotgun, so naturally it will get the least benefit from headshots. That is literally the trade you are making for a better body shot weapon.
I think the problem here is blessing balance not the weapon’s base damage. The main change I’d make for shotguns is more base cleave then nerf manstopper. The cleave is definitely too feast or famine with and without that blessing and over centralises crit in general.
Blessing balance needs work across the board frankly.
You know 90% of the weapons would also feel bad if you purposefully not using optimal build right? THammer without Thrust, Power Sword without Power Cycler, Combat Axe without Brutal Momentum etc.
It’s not even about just shotgun anymore.
So other shotguns would?
Zarona with 25% on maniacs
I agree. The whole thing is made up on artificial difficulty for the sake of “progression”
I personally wasn’t even looking for the close range damage. I use my zarona like this for mixed horde dmg
But I was certainly surprised to find this nonsense when testing things for op.
Speaking of, I was trying to get kantrael’s alt fire worth using and honestly no blessing nor perk can make it better than zarona’s, dps/ammo cost efficiency.
Honestly with their mag size I think it’d be a little dubious if they could, though I’m sure there are Vet setups that would enable it. I would also presume Agrip special can do it but Agrip is my least favourite shotgun so I may well be wrong.
Kant alt fire I think is mostly used for scatter shot stacking though to be frank I’m pretty much primary only with Kant. I’d agree that’s probably the weakest special and could do to be looked at. I’ve considered some goofy flechette + manstopper Kant build but frankly the Zarona special probably just does that better anyway.
The cleave nerf to Kant special wasn’t really needed to be frank. It was a bit of a meme even before so but if it didn’t need manstopper to get its cleave back flechette + scatter shot might have been able to pull some weight in the current game state (higher bleed stacks with the T3 and 4 version of flechette that came with the itemisation update).
This conversation has suddenly pivoted into a far more interesting one…
Why bother with an array of perks or blessings if only a handful are useful or effective?
There’s a facade of customization, but the system it’s built on is structured so that there’s not a reason to actually engage with customization, instead opting for what is most effective…
That’s kinda a problem…
Idk, In this case he’s trading single target damage(No respite/Fullbore) for cleave(Scattershot/Manstopper) so It actually offer 2 different playstyle depend on what build you’re going for.
If FS suddenly decide to make shotgun able to one shot most elites without single target blessing then they would be pretty much pointless most of the time and people would start prioritizing other blessing instead. Which would actually narrow the build more.
Not to mention being able to kill 5+ elites with single shell would be pretty broken, sure Assault Shotgun can also do it but it’s more fair because it have limited range and ammo.
The only problematic one I would say is the must-take stuff like Power Cycler. While other weapons actually offer multiple build depending on what blessings you have on it.
Revolver having low damage? Are we playing the same game?
Can. There’s almost no reason to use anything but the special.
I wasn’t. I was trying simply to test the raw strenght of the shotgun without any +%dmg. Those blessing simply were good for it since I’m forced to have some equipped
It doesn’t. That kantrael you saw was an attempt to make the alt fire useful, but not even with the extra cleave and crit it does the job, so there’s no different playstyle because it wasn’t worth it.
Because they need to buff the raw dmg of the shotgun (and many other weapons) and instead make new blessing with different mechanics.
Flechette is actually a good blessing, as a conceptm, even if it has the problem of relying in luck and the absolute need for scattershot, and crit% on reload. Other worth blessings could be chem ammo, explosive ammo, etc. Something that adds extra stuff to the weapon.
If there is only one viable build, then it’s already playing like a standard fps. They just make you grind for your weapon to work normally, and not even so because full bore has condition to activate. Magic!
Full bore should give you the extra damage on all pellets hit and that’s all. No 5 seconds after nonsense. And it would not be necessary as a blessing if the shotgund had better dmg on the first place. The blessing is LAZY
True. However, the question should be, is it normal?
And are the shotguns, without man stopper, enough good?
If I compare the shotguns against revolver, no doubt that the revolver is better and by far.
You should never see a situation where a weapon is good with a blessing combination and garbage out of this.
Fatshark defined the new balance with this patch. All weapons have to be balanced toward revolvers / void strike staff / plasma gun.
And considering that, a damage boost for shotguns is something that should be done.
And this come from someone that thinks we should have balanced every guns toward the shotguns cause I was thinking that these weapons were well balanced. But, again, Fatshark has placed the balance toward revolvers / void strike staff / plasma gun. And if you compare to them, shotguns should deal more damages.
Sidenote: I think that they should nerf man stopper if it is so good…
I agree on the revolver. Even the agri revolver is good (tested it, not as good as a zarona, but really good however).
As I said before personally I’d massively increase their base cleave, so manstopper is less centralised. I still think their damage is fine. Oh yeah buff Kant special too please.
Yeah, If anything Zaroana/Plasma should be nerf instead of trying to make shotgun perform like them.
Only thing that need buff is probably their lackluster special and maybe the ammo count on Dragon’s breath shotgun, whatever it name after the patch.
I don’t really use Lawbringer because of its special but because it got good breakpoint and minimum pellet.