You should of course use cover if you aren’t in a convenient place to dodge, as they can’t shoot through walls
Or make distance and strafe to decrease the chances of it hitting if you can’t see the trapper clearly
They are in no way a Vermintide 2 hookrat with 5x range and 3x movement speed. Trappers are my favorite specialist and should in fact be buffed to inject you with anthrax after you get netted
There’s two trapper bugs going around that make them impossibly obnoxious to deal with.
The first is that the trapper can instantly reload after shooting the net, there’s video of this in the bug report section and it may have to do with stagger state resetting the loaded status of the net gun.
The second is that trappers can “feint” by playing the net shooting sound but not actually shoot the net, then shoot normally a split second later while the player is still locked in a dodge state.
These are in addition to the ability to shoot through walls, chainlink fences and corners that they’ve had since launch.
Developers silent when stuff like this happens. Like can’t they put out a developer post talking about how jank their game is with stuff like this that actually matters to the gameplay experience?
Like don’t get me wrong the game is fun, the maps are awesome and well designed but issues like this take away from the overall experience especially when you have to fully complete the levels to get rewards
Now that you mention it, I definitely think I’ve encountered trappers doing too many nets per second for the amount of trappers there actually were. As for when the sound plays twice, I just assume they got staggered out of the first shot and are immediately shooting again. That does sound incredibly BS.
For this reason, trappers don’t need to be buffed as much as I said. They can instead be given a cattle gun in order to finish you off once they net you.