Trappers are shooting faster than their sound queue and in consistent

Issue Description:
this is 2 bugs im reporting. first one: trappers are shooting the net much faster than before after the sound queue. they are basically running and as their running, you hear the sound of the net but the net is already out and on its way. this is game breaking. at first i wrote this off as bad connection/lag but i have too many friends and viewers also seeing this behavior. clips included

second bug: trappers are skipping the reloading of their gun after they flee from a failed net attempt. i found 2 ways they are doing this. first is if they get light staggered or staggered in general, they animation cancel and shoot instantly. second way is when they interact with a door or climb/ledge, they game switchs them to reloaded. clips included


Had both happen to me, too.

I’ve run into that trapper instant reload several times now.

I had the opposite happen too many times, a second delay between sound and shooting.

Yea thats what i meant by inconsistent. I feel like disablers should do that exact same timings every time when it comes to sound queues. Use vermintide as a baseline. Never will a leach tele in and grab u inconsistently. U jus know: sound, wait, dodge. Same with assassins, hooks, etc. They didnt do things late or early or break. This is a very important problem that needs fixed

my dear player, tier 1 doesn’t have that question. Here is not the place for tier 2~5’s question.

CUE not queue.


I wonder how the devs managed to accidentally make the most obnoxious enemy even more obnoxious… and how long we will have to wait for a bug-fix.

Its actually everything doing this in my experience. Trapper, shotgunner, sniper. Im not sure about shooters, but sometimes it felt weird how they shot me too. Like when you charge in and stagger them and then you feel like there is something off with their timing vs how your intuition is after playing almost a year. Snipers definitly are doing weird instant shots with no aim and animation. The trapper also instant shoots after being staggered. They never did that before.


Now that you are mentioning it, snipers seemed to be suspicious since the recent patches, too.
Apparently the specials are on speed all together.

For sure yea. Some of this is dedicated server lag/jank. Really is messed up that something like a trapper can do this. Game breaking af

again, this shouldn’t happen

this should be happening

can i get like a combat dev or something to look at this? this keeps happening with the last major patch (skill tree update)

is it jus my internet?

They acknoledged the issue, they’re obviously working on it, there’s no need to keep reporting the same thing…

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I can totally relate to trapper having an instant reload or shooting her net with different timings.

yo good point. thx man

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