Top 2 or 3 Weapons per career

I know there have been posts on this in the past but it seems like a lot has changed since some of those were created. I have a bad habit of not trying new things on some classes and when I do I am not always sure what I like better. So in your mind what are the top 2 or 3 melee and ranged weapons for each character or career. If you have reasons why, properties, or traits that explain more please add that as well.

So for recent 1.1 patches… what are your thoughts?

I use attack speed and stamina as well as parry on almost everything.


  1. Glaive (no way to play Legend otherwise)
  2. Can’t decide (all needs strong help on armor)


  1. Longbow
  2. Swiftbow (crossbow if shade)

Ironbreaker (only one I use)

  1. Sheild and Axe
  2. (haven’t gotten around to testing the others enough, war pick I hear…?)


  1. Drake Pistols
  2. (haven’t gotten around to testing the others enough… yea I know )

Wizard (for me all careers):

  1. Dagger ( I like speed, what can I say. It has a decent strong attack as well)
  2. Mace ( armor bad…)


  1. Fireball Staff
  2. Beam Staff

Zealot and BH only (only ones I play)

  1. Flail (decent speed and fun)
  2. rapier I guess (yay pistol?)


  1. Volley Crossbow
  2. ???


  1. Halberd
  2. Sword and Sheild (is this bad?)


  1. Bow
  2. Handgun

Thoughts? What about you and your experienced opinions?

Dual daggers work well on handmaiden and shade. I’ve solo’d the whole game on legend with a mixture of glaive and dual daggers on both handmaiden and shade.

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Regular Crossbow should in my opinion be nr.1 for every Saltzpyre career, more versatile, less chunky, harder hitting single shot bolts with faster reload. Dealing with elites up to chaos warriors and specials it does very well, it even has great pierce against hordes and well placed shots are devastating.


This list is so wrong… imo of course.


Then give your list man. Maybe I will try some of your stuff out. This is not a ME listing my grand thoughts… this is me actually asking everyone for theirs… their list. Do you have a list to share?

Heck, maybe I listed some silly stuff to get some feedback for that matter lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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  1. Halberd
  2. Halberd (mace)


  1. Longbow
  2. Handgun


  1. 1h hammer
  2. 2h hammer
    (note: I haven’t tried dual axes yet, but people say they are top tier)


  1. All Bardin ranged weapons are usable, about the same strength and have their strong and weak sides


  1. Glaive
  2. Dual Daggers


  1. As with Bardin Hagbane/Longbow/Crossbow are about the same strength
  2. Swift Bow


  1. Mace


  1. Fireball/Beam staff
  2. Conflagration/Bolt staff


  1. Rapier
  2. Machete
    (Victor has very arguable weapon pool with 2 mentioned ones and Flail)


  1. Crossbow
  2. Repeater crossbow

What are your thoughts about the strong attack on the Wizard mace?

It deals more damage than axe or mace charged attack, so it’s great. I use it all the time. But if you mean 2nd and further attacks, I prefer push combo when dealing with hordes.

Nearly all weapons are good to use, but some are certainly easier or more versatile than others. The ones I have found a bit underwhelming are Two-handed Sword on Markus, [blunt instrument] and Shield (although it’s been a long time since I’ve tried them) and one-hand Axe. Even those are usable, at least with certain careers or combined with certain ranged options.

That said, a few weapons also shine a bit more than others.

On Kerillian, Glaive is the most versatile (and probably most powerful overall, even needing a little toning down). Other melee options depend really on what you need them for. On ranged, Longbow is the most versatile, and I find Swift bow the most fun to play.

I don’t play Sienna that much, so not much experience there, but any staff is quite workable, even if I don’t like the lack of actual range on Flamewave. Beam Staff is still quite abusable on Pyro, but not that special otherwise. Melee weapons are all usable, with Battle Sceptre likely being the generally most useful one.

On Markus, Halberd is generally held to be the absolute best, but I don’t like it that much. Probably because I find constant block-canceling annoying. Exec sword, Two-handed Hammer and Mace are more my line. On ranged side, Blunderbuss is my usual choice, but Handgun is nice for some added sniping - and removing Shieldvermin. Can’t really comment on Longbow, I have hardly played as Huntsman anyway.

Victor has Falchion as the versatile option, and Flail is one of my favourite weapons in all. On range, either Crossbow works wonders.

On Bardin, I most often go with Two-handed Hammer, but one-handed Hammer is a more mobile option. His other two-handed options are quite good too, and on Slayer, Dual Axes are just wonderful. On Ranger, Grudge-Raker is my default option for ranged combat, but I like Handgun and Crossbow too. On Ironbreaker, Drakefire Pistols are probably the most versatile option, but others are good options too.

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Elf: Daggers general and spear for HM

Dwarf: Shield and Hammer (more cc if group can handle armored) 2H hammer for all
Dwarf ranged: flamethrower and grudge <3

Wiz: Flamesword over dagger, less atk speed but more decent dmg imo
wiz ranged: Bolt staff crit build <3

Salty: Flail or Falchion…on whc rapier
range: BoP <3

Krub: Blunderbuss…even on legend 1 shots on most elites

Sienna Main, only playing legend.

Melee: Mace - easy smahing armored units
Range: Conflag (horde? which horde?!)

Melee: Flame Sword or Mace, depending on the group.
Range: Beam Staff (crit build, flaming head spams)

This game is more of what career can give to weapon, than weapon to career.

FK Kruber

  • Halberd


  • Handgun for specials
  • Blunderbuss for berserks/plague monks and elites (mind that you can always regain ammo with Scrounger trait with RMB)

Merc Kruber

  • Executioner for high boss dmg, career boost its waveclear capabilities with crit chance and attack speed
  • Halberd with up to 30% power just from career makes you beast against hordes

Ranged: as FK.

Kerillian WW
Melee: I would say that DnD and SnD are more of choice for WW than even for HM and Shade, cause both those careers have increased dodge range via passives and WW have not

  • Dual Daggers with Hagbane
  • SnD with Longbow
  • Glaive with any bow

Kerillian HM


  • Spear with 15lvl stamina regeneration talent makes you beast of horde killer, while dont have to use active as dmg and actually save it for helping allies and killing specials during 3 sec invisibility.
  • One handed sword ↑ better vs elites, but actual reason to use it is ARP on lords (War Camp, Nest), bit weaker vs hordes. Have to get used to it to make it work, while Spear is nobrainer. Have to trade block cost reduction for block/push angle
  • Any other melee weapon except SnS
  • Glaive questionable cause of trading 5% attack speed for 15% power. Personally I dont like having slow heavy weapons playing frontline characters.


  • Longbow for specials and elites
  • Hagbane for bosses (why only for bosses? cause you dont have way to regain ammo u donkey)

Kerillian Shade

  • Dual daggers. Elite and boss killer without waveclear
  • SnD. Boss killer with waveclear. Capable of killing elites still.

Range: what you like the most I would say. Personally I playing with longbow as Shade all the time if hordes not the problem for group.

Fake kruber detected.


  1. 1h hammer
  2. 2h hammer
    (note: I haven’t tried dual axes yet, but people say they are top tier)

Probably the only part where i strongly disagree, although it all depends on the careers.
On slayer, i’d say pickaxe is a definite upgrade over 2h hammer. Gaxe gets a honorable mention because of it’s sheer horde damage.

Both hammers work well on all 3 careers while weapons you’ve mentioned work only for 1. Even if they are better than hammer it’s still only 1 career, so I think it’s fair to say that overall 1h and 2h hammers are better.

Ok, GreatAxe is somewhat playable on other 2 too, but I don’t get this weapon and still think it’s inferior even to shield and axe.


Fixed that for you.


Totally agree Nik

I’m not going on what I think is “best” since that is subjective, but these give me fun and success with my play style. I’ll note that I don’t intentionally scramble to the flavor of the month weapons to try and get easier wins.

Melee Ranged
Merc 2H Hammer
Ex Sword
Hunts Ex Sword
1H Sword
Foot Sword & Shield
2H Hammer
Way Dual Swords
Hand Glaive
Shade Daggers
Dual Swords
Ranger 1H Axe
IB Hammer & Shield
Axe & Shield
Drake Pistols
Slayer Dual Axes
2H Hammer
WHC 1H Axe
BH 1H Axe
Zeal 1H Axe
Volley Crossbow
Fire Lady
Wiz Fire Sword
Pyro Fire Sword
Unch Fire Sword
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The normal crossbow, especially on BH, works amazingly like Longbow Waystalker, but with much harder hitting power. I like the way normal crossbow BH plays because it plays a lot like Longbow WS, but with Saltzpyre’s BH crit passive and that nice ult for taking out CWs. Normal crossbow rules.

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How are you using the one handed sword? I found that the overhead charged attack was awesome for SV and CW, but the non-charged attacks are weak against multiple trash mobs. I found it extremely underwhelming against hordes.

Are you doing two swings and block-cancelling before the single target overhead chop?

Please enlighten me.