To Heal or not to Heal - What would you do?

Playing on Malice
PUB team of four
One Ogryn gets put down to 5 health
Rest of us are full health, clearly comfortable and experienced
I have medikit
Ogryn keeps emoting for health
I dont give
He Leaves :tm:

What would you do :grey_question:

I dont think there is a totally right or wrong answer :white_check_mark:

:hotsprings: so I am interested in all your hot takes :hot_face: :coffee: :hot_pepper:


I’d keep the medkit for an actual emergency, maybe text “medicae coming soon,” but it’s a bummer he felt so stressed out that he left. Still, not worth throwing away such a powerful tool.


There absolutely is a correct answer here, and it’s exactly what you did. Good job :+1:


Drop medikit, a experienced player and not even talking about a whole team is more than good enough to complete a mission on malice even heresy without any trouble, yes the ogryn is a bad player for leaving but i wouldn’t care wasting a meaningless resource to me to help a new player.


Blow up barrel next to him when he passes by. Pull him up, and suddenly he is at 75% health again!


How many downs did he have left

Because if he had downs especially several you were entirely in the right. Medkits should be saved for a tight moment or a holdout section


If you are Damnation player on Malice, then you could have given the medkit to him, let this poor fella have his fun.
If you are feeling if-ish on Malice, then you did what you needed to


I get this with ammo a lot too. Pointless to tell them they removed the third bag of each type before they started playing so dropping them both before the first event is making more difficulty later. I suppose it is part of the ‘difficulty’.


I appreciate the replies.

One thing I think is that it really depends on the situation and down to each player to make a judgement call.
I consider many things: team composition, team health, apparent skill level, nearest medi station, other abilities or items that restore toughness or health etc

In short: it depends.


People are so stupid with ammo crates it’s unreal. The first time I ran into an Ogryn that spammed rumbler every 5 seconds then aggressively spammed need ammo when he was red a few minutes later (we were all nearly full despite the Ogryn hoovering up almost every pickup thus far) my jaw was basically hanging on the floor.

Other people literally only exist to carry ammo crates and medkits for them for these degenerates.


Holding on to crate is the only correct answer
Having him downed by a barrel as another said is bonus points. Triple bonus if he purposely downs himself in a quiet moment if far from meds.

I know it’s only malice but bad habits shouldn’t be encouraged or learned, they never unlearn them and it was near non-stop fresh 30s in Maelstroms tonight with bad habits.


How are you helping exactly? You’re just promoting a terrible habit and rewarding a “main character”; these types don’t stay in malice you know, you’ll find them in Damn Aurics soon as they hit 30. If you don’t see any, do a Damn Auric Maelstrom instead, they’re all there.


If I’m low on HP and have wounds, I find nearest barrel and down myself before next engagement.


Just give him the medkit. If you’re comfortable and experienced there is basically zero chance you’ll actually need to use it later on.

At the very least, you should explain to them why you don’t want to drop it. Holding it AND ignoring them is just a dog move.

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No more than spam demanding a team resource when you’re the only one who “needs” it. Like how low is our bar for the intelligence of randos at this point?

Def agreed explaining why is the best thing to do regardless.

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Same thing when a 5 wound ogryn or 7 wound zealot got downed once and wants the medi stim.

You went all in on wounds, so make use of them.
You will make it to the next med station, without dying 4-6 more times. If you don‘t, you are playing on the wrong difficulty.

Why would i waste a medi stim to heal a fraction of your hp (and restore an irrelevant extra wound), when it could instead be used to give back 50% HP and an important wound to someone else?

The person wanting to waste the ressource, is selfish.
Not letting them waste it, is not selfish. It is a reasonable choice for the good of the team.

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I think there is a right answer: Deployables are a team resource regardless of who carries them.

If I barely have any hp left and am carrying a medkit, I’m still not putting it down bc the rest of the team doesn’t need it. Same with ammo; if one person is red and the rest white then it’s not happening, besides they’ll very likely get their share from the next loot anyway.

But ofc, situations can sometimes be tricky and change fast. An early medkit anticipating heavy dmg and no time to do it later can sometimes save lives. And one red & rest white ammo isn’t always bc one was being wasteful, sometimes they’re also by far the most efficient. And if the others are just loot ninjas the situation won’t resolve itself even with more ammo in the next room.

So team resource first and foremost and used only when obviously needed, but with room for exceptions. :smile: This is also why I seriously dislike it when psykers leave ammo deployables lying around. If you have room, pick it up. It’s not for you, it’s for the team. Yes new people are new, but I doubt this is their first team game ever. I must’ve been level 2 when I got that much. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Depending on Ogryn’s remaining wounds, I’d save it until the next medstation or fight, whichever comes first. Usually it’s better to just take the down in a small skirmish rather than waste an important and limited tactical resource. If anyone had a green juice, they should have jabbed him with it, though.

T5++ DT is a very different game to T3 DT. Most of the people who are comfortable at even vanilla t5 can solo malice no sweat, but not everyone is at that level.

The “correct play” is pretty irrelevant IMO. OP is swinging WAY below their weight. They should be considerate of the people who are playing at their appropriate level.

It’s no different to a T3-skilled player joining a T5 Mael and being an anchor.

i would never drop a medipack for a single ogryn. had one game in power matrix where one ogryn ping spammed and complained on vc for 4 minutes until i dropped it then he camped it and never did events.