To all the people requesting solo mode - keep materials with this method

Download this mod - Many More Try at Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Nexus - Mods and community

It is called Manymoretry - it let’s you save a map for 24 hours and play it even after it expires and you will still get rewards. Randoms are not able to join a map after it expires. That means you can save tons of maps, wait for them to expire, then play them in solo mode to your hearts content for 24 hours and repeat this process forever while getting all the materials as if you were playing it regular. If you don’t want to wait a long time for the map itself to expire, save a map that only has a few minutes left until it expires then BOOM - solo mode forever. You’re welcome.

They know about it, but OFC that’s mod only and you’re still playing on a server with latency.
The whole point of solo-mode requests is to have 0ms ping and be available to all.
I still want self-hosted dedicated headless servers myself.


I understand what you are saying but to a certain point we have to make do with what we got. It’s been a very long time and they haven’t said a word no matter how many people post or make complaints. Doesn’t mean people shouldn’t keep asking but if people want a solo mode after waiting god knows how long, this is a type of method.

  1. You need the ID of the map. So, it can disappears at any time
  2. MMT is not a solo mod, but a mod that permits you to call a mission that is not shown on board.

The 2 means that:

  • if you pick a mission that has just disappeared, players will join your game… all players that click quickplay. The game seems to populate from missions most recently generated to the oldest.
  • if someone pick the same mission id, he can join YOUR mission

In fact, MMT is good, but not a solo mode.
There should be two solo “mode” possible solutions:

  1. Private games: they need actually 2 players, they could lower the requirement to 1. This is not a true solo game mode, but more a band aid. I would be happy with that.
  2. A solo mode: needs more work. This would be a game mode without bot, locally generated and “hosted”, several changes on game like: number of disablers, toughness game mechanics, demon bulbs objective. This is the 3 that came immediately in my mind.

The first solution is easy to implement. However the second needs more work but would bring a lot to the game.
I use to play MMT. I try to pick old missions, missions that have been generated for more than 2 hours.
I like to play solo cause the bots always follow you, they always wait you and they try to save you (note that I did not say “always”). I like the training it gives, I like to take my time to discover a map (sometime I can take 5 minutes at searching an idol), I like to have no pressure from the others teammates and I really want to play without having to deal with guys that never wait and cannot play as a team…

People can join you via quickplay, as was stated.
If you want to play solo by using this mod, you have to start a maelstrom that is no longer available. Since there is no qp for maelstrom.


im pretty sure if the mission is older than 1 hour it no longer has quickplay enabled for it

Pretty sure also… but at 2 hours.

To be complete. I think the game fills the empty players spots considering the mission timestamp from the newest to the oldest.

Yeah I was going to say I sat in a maelstrom yesterday for a long time and no one joined - it would make sense if people could still join via quickplay for hi shock

Maelstroms people cannot quickplay into

Sure… and a random player should start his training by a maelstrom mission… Personally, I cannot solo a maelstrom mission.