Day two of asking for a solo offline mode, also, a small thank you to everybody

firstly, please add a solo offline mode, some people wanna practice in actual missions and some people aren’t good at team play and some people just don’t wanna play with randoms but their friends don’t wanna join or can’t join or maybe they just don’t have any, solo offline would fix this, also, they might enjoy the game enough to wanna play it while their internet is out.

secondly thank you to all who have liked and commented on my posts, it’s really nice to see people being so kind.


you’re not getting an offline mode of any kind, too much of the game is done serverside. stop.



Consider that while the mods (linked in the post above) allow you to play solo with bots (or without bots), they will not allow you to gain any progression.

Also, although the solo mod will host your missions on your own computer (which means that you won’t have bad ping due to bad interned), it does not enable you to run the game itself, without being online.

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The more frequently you ask the more annoying you’re going to come across as. I don’t want to see “ask-a-day” threads start to become a thing, even though I agree with the sentiment that we should be able to host local servers and play the game solo.


True, but if you want progression you can use Many More Try to play on servers no longer available through the mission board. It’s effectively solo mode with the normal bots and you get rewards.


What else can they do except for asking and asking again?

I‘d also like to see FS finally fulfilling their promise and include a solo mode.


yeah this is your only work around and its still limited to whatever was avaliable in the last 24 hours, there’s so much repeat trash in a day even on maelstroms. where is the mission board overhaul.

I applaud your effect, but FS doesn’t care about us Rejects.

I’ve been lurking this forum for more than a year now and this is my first actual post.

I bought the game on day one from Steam and, twenty minutes later when I realized it didn’t have a solo mode with bots a la Vermintide 1 & 2, I immediately refunded it deciding to wait for the Fat Shark promised solo mode.

And then I waited.

And waited.

Finally in October '23 when it dropped on XBox, I went ahead and repurchased the console version because I at least have some friends with XBoxes who were willing to play with me. And they did. For about two weeks, until they got bored.

And then, in desperation, I actually tried playing online with randos. In short order, I was reminded exactly why I hate playing online with randos after being called a F****ing Dumb@$$ for shooting the Witch (er… I mean Deamonhost), a Stupid Amateur because I got netted trying to rescue the rest of my team, and several other choice epithets at various and sundry times because I was deemed not worthy of playing the game in some form or another.

Mind you this was me playing on Malice or even lower. I haven’t ever attempted anything higher as I know my limitations, so it’s not like I was dragging someone’s Auric game down by playing somewhere I had no business playing.

I find Bots far superior to humans for the sole reasons that:

  1. They are not verbally abusive
  2. They never abandon you or go off on their own
  3. They don’t get angry when you want to stop and smell the Diamantine
  4. They make as much effort as any human player to rescue you when you’re down (sometimes more of an effort)

Finally last month (and Fat Shark should f***ing love this), I broke down and re-bought my Steam copy of the game. And sure enough, there was my original level 1 character from Dec 2022 staring me in the face.

I now launch the game on both Steam and XBox, join both accounts into a private party, launch a mission, and then exit the game on Steam.

A thoroughly pain in the @$$ hoop jumping Solo Mode, but Solo Mode nonetheless.

And yes, I wish we could have our other leveled up, kitted out, characters become the bots like in Vermintide 2. And I wish I could tell the bots to pickup Scriptures & Grimoires like in Vermintide 2. And I wish the bots would throw grenades and kick off their specials like in Vermintide 2.

But… I can get through Malice levels pretty much every time with the bots in tow and that’s almost acceptable. At least it’s enjoyable enough for now to keep me playing.


I cant see them doing offline, but let ppl just do solo matches with 3 bots ffs its so silly that you cant

Stop using mods as an excuse for the devs to be lazy.


well each lobby with one player and 3 bots are straining the servers as much as a 4 man lobby,

it does make some sense for a launch period to disable solo, we are obviously long past that tho

But also, “modders doing Fatshark’s work.”


Guy links mods to a player, in order to help them out.

“Stop making excuses for lazy devs”

Where is the connection here?

Did someone say that the feature does not need to be put in the game, because there is a mod that does a small part of it?
Did the devs cancel their plans for solo mode because this mod was made?
What are you trying to imply here?

did he hallucinate the developers talking about it being in the final stages of production and then it going back on hiatus with no update besides its not important to them? Honestly this is one of the things we do have modders for, but also one of the most basic features requested since launch.

But we got the personality scourge, which was apparently a huge undertaking, before this extremely basic feature. like how modders access it, since it is in the game but missing the server connection. and you have total control over level/difficulty/scenario.

I’m just waiting till they finally communicate to us what the next big update entails and that they’ll in fact change plans/cancel on single player mode.

I honestly think at this point you should just give up on this idea since they havent given any response or indication that itll happen. You can only scream so much until your voice becomes horse and eventually you just gotta move on and know that you tried. I think they dont want to add it in but I do know you can do it with a modded game i know its not the same but it is what it is.

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i’ll keep doin it.