I think it’s time for another Cataclysm playthrough with experienced players guiding new player through Cata.
This would greatly benefit the community and ease frustration.
The reason I am writing this is because recently, Quick Play has been plagued with ragequitters and people just playing out of their league in general.
I don’t know why people generally decide to ignore those great guides and tutorials that are out there, blows my mind honestly how you see people doing mistakes that you shouldn’t be making even on Legend, let alone on Cata.
I also don’t know what the thoughtprocess of people is going into Cata in general.
Do you think it’s going to be easier than Legend or what are you thinking?
At this point people generally come up with the classic “but how will they know that they aren’t ready for Cata if they haven’t tried?”
Risking to sound like jerk, but somebody has to say it
Here is what the irks and quirks are with this argument:
Self-assessment is what is essential but most people lack of - just because you got carried through Legend, and most people don’t even realise that they have been carried and you had a fairly easy time in Legend, doesn’t mean you are ready for Cata
Just because you can cheese a level by using whatever is outside the basic head-on fight strat, doesn’t mean you are ready for Cata.
And no I am not assuming most people cheese - that is just a generalisation due to observational experience, because when I see your precious Weave 120 Potraits of FoW Potraits and you are doing mistakes that would get you kill even on Legend - I am getting a bit suspecious of whether you obtained those potraits legitimately or you cheesed your way to obtain them. -
Experience can be analysed and categorised after a few minutes into the map (obviously I am giving people the benefit of a doubt and chances)
Every player that has enough experience in Cata can tell by watching you, your movement, positional decision making and other things how well you will be doing and what the outcome of the map might be.
Personally, if I see players making the same mistakes all over again and not realising how to change your approach to circumvent that, is also a good indication for me that you are unfit for Cata yet. -
I don’t know how ofter this has to be said for people to understand - STAY TOGETHER
2 simple words that shouldn’t be hard to grasp, yet some people blatantly ignore it.
Even if you exlain in a mannered why, at the start that we should stay together if you want to survive (because I am not exaggerating here when I say most experienced players can survive on their own) we are saying this for YOU to survive mostly, not for us.
We want YOU to stay with us in order for you to have a higher chance of survival.
Yet you get the DERP type of players who are like (Uh let’s check out what’s going on over here) and mostly they DONT learn from their mistakes, you revive them at the next respawn and they do it again (as soon as he/she is revived - off they go) -
Ragequitting - somebody has to explain this to me because I cannot fathom why people would instantly - as soon they die - quit the game.
I don’t think you understand that this is frustating on so many levels:
A) You did not just decide to abandon the team by basically saying F you team but
B) If every player does that you just F’d out of the game leaving 1 guy alone to deal with all of it,
Bots dead - respawn points probably far ahead to reach - possibly low on health, no healing in sight
C) The obvious oh it wasn’t my fault - funny that it never seems to be your fault in particular
Walking around pointing your middle fingers out and simultaneously making posts on blebbit or whatever your echochamber of choice might be, complaining about how mean people are to you.
Well I don’t know if you have noticed but toxicity breeds toxicity - you shouldn’t be surprised if you get treated harshly when you are doing the same.
Now I am a firm believer of just let it go - if somebody shoots you in the game and you start shooting them back it’s going to have a snowball effect. There are always 2 sides to a story.
People need to seriously stop blaming either the game or other players for their mistakes.
Granted, the game has some quirks here and there but it is not often the case that you get into a situation that couldn’t control the outcome of with good positioning or decision making.
Also stop blaming eachother - instead blame the whole team for the failure and work on a solution.
For me Cataclysm has gotten really stale, as much as Legend has gotten before Cataclysm was released.
It is mainly not the frustration about Cataclysm that is directing my frustration towards this it’s peoples behaviour in Quick Play mostly.
My mindset right now is, that I would much rather bang my head against a true solo (which is much more exhausting than QP) but knowing you only have to deal with your failures and only yourself are to blame is more comforting than listening to a bunch of randoms with their Ds out comparing who’s is bigger like a bunch of first graders (granted some of them might actually be first graders but that’s beside the point)
I would much rather the community matured a little.
Ok there might be a little rant in there but the point of this post is to look for a collective solution which I think is doing another Cataclysm Playthrough which would benefit the community in the long run.
If people aren’t willing to make a minimal effort to improve their gameplay maybe this will, I hope atleast.
And before people start dissecting certain parts of the post - you are missing the point which is a collective solution to make the current situation better.
Please discuss