After testing the new Eviscerator Mk XV I’m curious to see what fellow Zealots think about it.
I do like the attack pattern as it’s absolutely predictable which is good in chaotic situations.
Horde control/clearing is definitely a bit easier & more stamina efficient on the Mk XV because you don’t have to weave in the block-attack all the time. (I’m using Savage Sweep = +200% cleave on both Evis versions.) The light attacks feel a bit delayed/slow sometimes though.
The heavy top-down attack of the Mk XV makes aiming against bulwark easier.
However, sometimes against single elite targets I miss the light top-down attacks of the Mk II.
I think new chain weapons variants are made for more casual players. Which is ok.
Attack patterns as simple as they can get and base cleave seem to be good enough on its own.
I played with new evis and get bored in second game, it’s not for me really.
The only thing i liked, is that not running savage sweep is not feels as bad as with the old evis.
So at least i can have some fun interactions with different blessing with new one.
I like it. It deals slightly less damage to the hordes due to the simplified attack pattern and the fact that most of the attacks are now relentless rather than vanguard. It doesn’t feel as good gameplay-wise since you are just spamming light attacks now, but that’s not a big issue. Picking off elites is much easier now, though. The charged overhead bonk kills most of the elite and special enemies with a single strike. Revving the heavy attack also feels better than with the vanilla one.
The one thing I didn’t quite figure out yet is the poke after the push. I don’t see how it can be useful.
Light specials being able to cleave makes a Bloodletter build sound rather fun; Bloodthirsty could be a fun pairing, or Savage Sweep for applying tons of bleed
Heavy specials mince Unyielding enemies
Push followup seems fun for gouging eyes out
The attack speed is my least favourite thing so far; it feels very sluggish even with 10% attack speed from Faithful Frenzy. Inexorable Judgement makes it fast enough to feel smooth though.
Very disappointed.
I was hoping for a HEAVY eviscerator. A slow but devastating weapon capable of cleaving ogryns in half (horizontally) What we got instead is just a simpler version of the mark 2 which apparently deals LESS damage then the last one
Stats of mark 2 :
Weapon’s effectiveness against Armoured enemies.
Damage vs Flak Armoured: [0.74 - 1.3]
Damage vs Carapace Armoured: [0.06 - 0.14]
Damage vs Flak Armoured: [0.74 - 1.3]
Damage vs Carapace Armoured: [0.34 - 0.68]
Mark 15 (the new one) :
Damage vs Flak Armoured: [0.74 - 1.3]
Damage vs Carapace Armoured: [0.16 - 0.35]
Damage vs Flak Armoured: [0.74 - 1.3]
Damage vs Carapace Armoured: [0.16 - 0.35]
So basically got opposite of what i wanted.
Same deal with the axe, since we already had a light axe i hoped for a heavy one like the one maulers have…
You don’t have to weave in a block attack all the time, especially if you have attack speed bonuses. Just do the 1 overhead light and go back into a heavy. If you have enough attack speed its faster than just doing the push attack.
I do this after using Fury of the Faithful or when at 5-6 Martyr stacks.
I wasn’t too excited about it at first, either. But it seems useful against the occasional elite gunner. The push interrupts the shooting quickly enough and the attack eats about 50% of their HP. Due to the animation I wouldn’t use it if being swarmed as it leaves you vulnerable for a brief moment.
[Edit) Oh, and it’s good against hounds after blocking them because the attack has a decent range.
The damage of the thrust push attack on the new eviscerator should be buffed a LOT. It looks great but it’s bad. Overall the new evi is a worse version of the old one.
I feel the same towards the chaxe, I prefer the old one by a lot, and it’s much better now even.
I didn’t even bothered on trying the new chainsword, when I saw the attack pattern I noped out of it immediately.
The new Evis has a 3 horizontal cleaves and a diagonal cleave for lights, and two overheads for heavies. Granted, having two heave overheads offers potential, but overall, I like the original better just for the premise, and also because I prefer weapons that require at least some mental effort, every now and then.
The new weapons aren’t bad, honestly, just not my cup of tea.
Haven’t tried the new axe yet, it might be interesting.
The Tigrus is nonsensical, a heavy weapon that deals the lowest damage to elites, and its activation is almost a waste of time. How can it be more feasible to simply spam the basic attack on an elite because it’s faster and more efficient than using the activation that only makes you waste time? It leaves you there, performing an animation while some enemies can still hit you, even the one you’re cutting or even the hammer… For being an anti-heavy enemy weapon, it’s pitiful unless you go with a martyrdom build.
New eviscerator feels good imo, old one having to do light 1 > heavy 2 felt very slow or using push attacks I didn’t like. The new one has a fast heavy 1 but the rest of the heavy attacks are weirdly slow but activating the special resets it to the fast heavy 1 and it does big damage.
There is some annoying delay with the new evis attacks, I find the light attacks to be especially tiresome when you have to click like 3-4 times extra just to get the combo going without pause.
The weapon itself is really good and the ability to cancel out of specials makes evis in general lot safer to use aggressively.
My current MKXV can easily 2 shot crushers if you can get special + heavy off and hit the headshot, which should be pretty easy considering the upwards swing. Combine with zealot ability or a crit and it goes down to 1 shot territory.
Its basically the weapon that half of the community have seemingly been screaming for since the game released, simple patterns without having to think about too hard.
I will personally stay with MKII. The delays alone make it enough that I don’t really want to put more time into playing MKXV and even when those are fixed, the patterns are simply too simple for me to enjoy.
I like the MK II, but the new variant has interesting predictable move pattern.
I just wish Bloodthirsty would not have the need to kill someone before getting the bonus…
For the MK II, I just wish the special of eviscerators would be more like the special of force swords or power swords.