I think you mean illisi? Because that is the only force sword that does cleaving type attack like power swords.
Either way I just can’t agree with this, especially now that you can cancel the sawing animation if it gets stuck into something annoying.
I’ve seen you suggest this multiple times before, but last thing I want is carbon copy of power sword active getting pasted into every weapon.
I agree on most points said here, the lights feel slow, you get stuck in some weird recovery animation between attacks sometimes, not sure what causes it.
The stab attack after blocking HAS to be a heavy, not a light, a light attack against a single enemy is absolutly useless, you’re just making yourself vulnerable if you do it.
The only use of the stab is to target specific points, for example a reapers legs where they’re weakest, but even a revved up light attack does hardly anything here.
The MK II was better for killing ogryns because of the revved horizontal attacks that let you target their weakspots, and horizontal heavies are just as capable of hitting heads on elites too if you aim a bit higher.
Overall I’d say the MK II is a lot more useful, the new one looks so much better though…
I heavily agree with you. We already have that in the old Eviscerator, but it still has the unique behavior of sawing into priority targets which makes it unique.
I guess we could save it for a 3rd Evis pattern but I wouldn’t like it.
Out of curiosity, why would you go for their legs instead of their head? I’m not sure exactly what armor type their legs are, but the Unyielding modifier plus headshot multiplier should be higher than whatever armor modifier is on their legs.
The stab is handy for poking into a crowd though. Sometimes those slight diagonal heavy attacks can hit adjacent targets instead of what you were trying to hit
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