Thunder Hammer - Crucis MK II - Special Rework

The Thunder Hammer is very fun to use, it has nice crowd control, nice heavies and overall a nice moveset, and it is good for bosses.
it’s the most iconic weapon in the 40k universe.

the fact it needs a damage output buffed when using the special attack, it is needed to be viable for different type of builds.

the ability to oneshot crushers and maulers on higher difficulties it is important, due to the amount of enemies. and the fact certain other weapons can easily one tap crushers but Crucis can’t… It’s just weird.

I firmly believe the Crucis should one tap crushers regardless of perks and blessings, because it is a weapon specialized for armoured enemies, as innate power.
you know armoured enemies, their number one weakness should be lightning, right? right!? :nerd_face:

But… I actually wanted something extra.
My personal feedback, provides something new and innovative about this weapon, hopefully it is within the 40k lore.

When using the special attack, it will deal Great damage to oneshot a Crusher.
You will receive then a reduced stun as the usual, after that, you can instantly light attack or heavy attack to deal another automatic charged special with little to NO stun but with slightly reduced damage for other enemies after you one hit the crusher.

This idea actually from a bug/ghost hit, where sometimes due to either lag from the servers, or when some players steal your kill when you are about to kill the same target with a special attack. If you try to hit again another target, you will still have another special attack, and you actually hear twice the thunder. lol

And I was thinking it was actually fun, and I think it will revive this weapon.
So I was wondering what If the Thunder Hammer, in particular only the Crucis MK II, would receive this treatment.

Having the first special attack (that is enough to one tap a crusher) with either original stun or reduced stun.
and then after that, the hammer it will still be charged with little power left, but now with slightly reduced damage and because of that, with little to no stun.
this to give more room after the first great special attack that will one tap crushers.

This is my personal opinion in how this thunder hammer should be buffed.
not just by only buffing the damage output from the special attack, but adding also something new, that at the same time, it won’t break the original design of the weapon. (it will use the same moveset, same animations)

I think the stun should still be play an important role of the design of the weapon, because it makes sense.
So, I thought of this, having the first stun, and then after the first hit, thunder hammer it is still charged but with now, reduced to no stun and slightly reduced damage.

Crucis deals a special attack that is enough to one tap a crusher, you get stunned but after that the hammer it does have still little power left after the powerful hit, to deal another automatic special attack with light or heavy attack, but with reduced damage and with very little to no stun.

Let me know what you think about this, if it makes sense or not.
and feel free to suggest your own rework or just feedback for the thunder hammer, more specifically for the Crucis.

Thank you :smiley: :hammer: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

edit: after reading feedback in various posts I like also this feedback
“Give a stagger AOE when hitting with special attack (enough to stop nearby elites for a split second).”


I don’t understand the need to grief players with the empowered heavy being absolute single target and generating off screen. Is trading all the cleave of a move with 18 hitmass and 6 enemies damaged not enough? What about hit stun for landing the move? …

They should definitely throw that old VT2 fix in where it follows your crosshair on priority target. It fixed a ton of moves that also had the misfortune of being swings and single target only. With the current design of Darktide being ‘density of all enemy types’ the current system is beyond dysfunctional for this thing. The Ironhelm already has the advantage for still cleaving and hitting other non-elite targets with the attack. At least let the Crucis snipe that one enemy you mean to hit.

Also the hammer should suck a lot less when it isn’t powered up, 50% damage reduction on maniac with light attacks is a joke, the damage of those attacks is abysmal.


One of the hammers should have had an overhead ST swing as the first heavy attack. Making two 2H hammers where neither of them had that is just pants-on-head.

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It’d be super sick if charging on the Crucis switched the next heavy attack to an overhead single target swing. I’d play it a lot more despite the jank if it were like that.


Yeah as said above, literally all they would need to change is making the empowered a downward strike to make it immediately more viable. I could put up with a lot more of its clunkiness if that were the case.

Regardless of that change though, the self-stun is ridiculous and unnecessary when you consider the other weapons capable of one-tapping crushers.

“Oh the chainswords leave you vulnerable while you-”

No. Not anymore, you can always cancel the hit with a dodge now.

Ogryn shovel has approximately the same wind up time, pickaxe is variable depending on the mark used, etc.

They nerfed the boss damage on the crucis without making it better in other regards, so it lost the only thing that made it stand out over literally anything else.

I’ve found myself having more fun/being more effective with the stun baton on a veteran than the bloody thunder hammer on a zealot. Absurd.


Yeah it’s pretty trash tbh. I end up using the ironhelm instead most of the time because I don’t have to deal with the single target wierdness. You’d think it would work well with shroudfield because of the huge damage multipliers, but in practice the target I’m trying to hit will run away as soon as I turn invisible, or my shot will wiff by hitting something else.

I like the idea of the special comboing into a single target heavy. The pickaxes show that weapons can easily support contextual combo changes, I don’t see any reason why the hammer couldn’t do the same thing.

As mentioned light attacks also need a heavy buff, especially charged lights. They should be more like the hammer in VT2 where they are the primary attack and the heavy sweep is more of a support.

when i play other characters, oneshotting crushers it’s the normality
meanwhile on crucis it is kinda always a facepalm, for the amount of downside.
the special attack of crucis it is satisfying but the damage is not. so i don’t get it.

I remember when the blessing Thrust was bugged, it actually made crucis great again. it was actually strong with heavies and the dmg was good. (it was just a bit too much dmg for the bosses)

about the stun, I think the more you hold the heavy attack during a special attack, the less stun you get maybe. or anyway a slightly reduced stun.

the priority target fix sounds good also.

not sure about overhead though, I like my horizontal heavies :frowning_face:

in my Warhammer
all the war
yet lack of hammers


Turns out the war was over the hammers themselves

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Adding to the balance section of the Book.


We’re still in Warshovel 40k.

Thunder hammer bros we’re so back, better than ever


self stun also reduced a lot :smile: for both light and heavy special attacks
nice changes overall

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