Have Crushers/Maulers been buffed? (Or Thunder Hammer nerfed?)

Maybe I’m getting paranoid, but I could swear that last patch my Crucis Thunder Hammer (with 80% damage / 80% first target / +25% dmg against carapace / Thrust IV) was able to one-shot Crushers and Maulers with an activated weak spot hit.

Now in the Psykanium I need 2 hits unless it’s a crit.

Any hammer users that can confirm/bust this myth?

Crucis cannot and has never been able to one shot crushers and is out performed by the power sword.


That’s a shame. It really should be capable of that.

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Its a bad weapon for two reasons:

  1. Everything else in the game can kill crushers with way less investment, generally much more safely, and at abbout the same speed in many cases
  2. Literally the only weapon in the game from a lore perspective aside from the eviscerator (there is no eviscerator in darktide mind) that has the stats line on tabletop to do onetaps on crushers. It can’t.

Thus its one obvious niche is filled by an axe and a shovel with rending, and it isn’t even good at the niche any way.


Then I must have dreamed the part about one-shotting crushers without Chastise the Wicked. :confused:

The Thunder Hammer really is just good for boss killing. If they decide to “fix” the boss damage of this weapon sometime, they can outright delete it.

Always makes me shake my head when a dreg survives a hammer strike in the face…

[Edit: fixing a typo]


With the fix to thrust blessing stacks not getting cancelled you certainly do “one shot” T5 crushers with an energized shot and full thrust stacks.

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it is kind of weird how the crucis takes so long to bring them down… i haven’t used the ironhelm so maybe that’ll do it. either way, i feel like either thunder hammer should be able to take out anything but monstrosities in 2 charge heavies, and 1 if you’re using chastise the wicked, especially for how slow the animations are. it’d still take a decent amount of time to clear out a wave of crushers/maulers, even if you focused them the entire time.


They mean from neutral, not using your ult

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They can two shot when built right and used right. Both hammers. But neither can oneshot wihtout chastise. Considering the power sword can 2 shot just by lmao push attacking…well…the weapon is bad.

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i know, i’m saying it should 2-shot regardless of build, and one-shot with chastise, given what it is. the amount of time spent focusing either enemy is a lot of time to invest on higher difficulties, especially when you can have 6+ of each walking towards you .

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ahh, thx! then yea, it was always a two-shot energized.

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I dont think you should have to use your ultimate to get the one shot on the Thunder Hammer, if you get a headshot.


Thammer should 1 shot on headshot. No thrust.
Every other weapon should never do better than 3shot.


yes crushers and maulers now have lots more hp than before

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This ogryn would like to show you all the knives and clubs that suck against armor without rending.

Edit, agreed about there being no evi in Darktide, it is a bigger chainsword and will never be wonderful evi.

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The spirit of your post is spot on.

My activated power sword actually stunlocks multiple ragers & kills them at the same time.
I deal top knotch damage to crushers while killing trash around them.
Activated power sword turns up standard functions to 11 and virtually bypasses all downsides, and the price you pay is a below average weapon without the activation.

The THs special activation ques up one strong hit, which can really only safely be done vs isokated targets without getting hit a lot. The price for that limited utility is like the power swords-- you get a lousy standard weapon.

One dude mentiones earlier, you do a fully thrust powered heavy hit on a trash mob… and he lives! Meme status. The price you pay for the ability to boof one isolated dude at a time is simply too high.

TLDR, thunderhammers should have their unactivated combat profiles buffed. Attack speed, cleave targets, and impact all need to go up.


This is the exaxt opposite of what I want. The Thunder Hammer is not a generalist weapon. This would just make the T Hammers pseudo Indy Crushers.

Their powered attacks needs to be super buffed against all non unyielding damage (it doesnt need more boss damage). Lights powered should be stronger. The Heavy powered attacks should be able to relatively easily 1 shot kill crushers. I want to look at Elite melee hordes with my Thunder Hammer and start sadistically grinning, not start back pedaling and hoping my team can shoot enough of them that the trash hammer can deal with the remnants.


I like your post. Your diagnosis is correct but your perscription is confusing. You correctly identify everything wrong with the hammer and how it doesn’t do what it should do with its special attack then proscribe buffing everything other than the special attack. Just buff special attack. Make special attack stupid good. Hilariously good. Then problem fixed.

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Both of you dudes are right that making special activation better fixes the problem.

Where I’m coming from is like it should:

Special activation advantage = standard profile disadvantages.

All I’m saying is the right side of the equation blows, hella sucky at almost everything but oushing trash mobs on the ground… the left side isnt great either, but if i could knock down ragers with a heavy attack and then safely charge a more significant blow that kills, I’d take that too. Special activation being better would be great too tho haha.


I have to say, I absolutely loath Fatshark’s interpretation here. It’s why the chain weapons sucked so hard for the better part of a year, and their buffs pretty much prove that, no, the regular attacks don’t need to suck to make the weapon balanced.

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