Thoughts on Premium Attire Purchases


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You people are fkin insane


Yes, we need them csgo stickers

fatshark will NEVER allow for more in-depth customization. they’ve already doubled-down on ripping us off with the horrible designs they have now so you can kiss any hopes of better customization goodbye. giving us quality of life improvements for the actual gameplay and ui is one thing but allowing for deeper customization would cut into their bottom line, which they’re 100% never going to consider. instead of letting us create our own unique sets, they’d much rather sell us “chromas” at stupidly high prices.

just look at the source material they have to work with in the 40k universe and compare it to what we get in this game. it’s horrendous. look how they butchered the kreig line; how do you even mess it up at all and not bother to fix it? they’re making frickin’ leopard print pants for the ogryns before giving us a closed-off guardsman helmet. WHY.

even the majority of the weapons skins suck. i don’t even know how you mess up gun skins so badly especially since guns are just inherently cool. i swear they go out of their way to make the stuff look as bad as it does because anyone with any artistic sense would(should) be embarrassed with the stuff they put out 95% of the time.

as long as people keep buying their slop at their ridiculous prices, they’re never going to entertain the idea of changing anything. for them, it’s very much a case of, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” when it comes to premium cosmetics right now. why open a can of worms that would potentially require them to constantly be fixing cosmetic pieces to make them work together when they can just palette-swap something from green to slightly darker green for the same price as the original? the worse part is THERE ARE PEOPLE BUY.ING.IT.


I am not sure you can say never. And what propose the OP would be one way to implement something that all players ask.
The only question they should answer is: “can this change generate more money?”
I tend to think that the answer is: “yes, a lot”.

Up to them…however the current system bring them less money from me.

i mean, i hope i’m wrong and that i end up eating my words in the next year or so, but seeing fatshark being fatshark, i don’t see this ever happening.

as long as people continue to buy stuff in its current state there’s no reason for fatshark to change anything. obviously enough people are buying stuff now since prices continue to go up while value and quality continues to go down.


As if it isn’t happening right now. Who doesn’t seen ye’ old vet cranking the hog with stim aniamtion? Zealots charging the hammer while matrixing? Ogryns dancing like a finest ballerinas?
And I, first among those.

Even in death, I still Vacuum Capsule!

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None of those are designed, intentional game systems.

Clown weapons from free customisation won’t be either.

If they were to allow their existence by adding customization options that create exceedingly goofy results, then yes, they would be.

They allowed clown animation abusing, by adding said animation, is it then intentional?

alls imma say is that for something they deign to be “premium” they look anything but…

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There’s a fundamental difference between players finding ways to make normal, conventional aspects of the game goofy and developers intentionally adding goofy things, be they mechanics, cosmetics, enemies, whatever, to the game. Players will do what they will do, I’m just saying the developers should not purposefully lean into making the game silly and goofy.

Developers could add very serious customization options, like option to place purity seal wherever on your weapon or body. This would be very much in line wh40k style.
Players, after like 5 seconds, would start placing them in least appropriate places, like tits or over eyes.

Again, that is the player taking something conventional and making it something silly. There’s a gap between the original concept and the silly outcome. What I’m talking about is if they add things like pastel coloured cosmetic pieces or a banana knife skin (as an extreme example) that blatantly chafe against the whole game’s aesthetic, that would be a problem. I’m all for player freedom and agency, especially when it comes to customizing your character but at the same time, DT is not an open world RPG. The player characters exist within a pretty well defined context and any expansions to customization should stay consistent and constrained within that context or you’ll flush a lot of the hard work that went into the immersive aspects of DT down the drain.

At this point I’m not sure what you’re even arguing. My point is basically “don’t turn this into Fortnite”. Not that I think they would, but yeah.

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Inb4 space marine 2 has more in depth customisation

Hell it’s just better from the fact that it’s not behind only purchasable arbitrary premium funny bucks and just sells premium cosmetics as purchasable dlc.

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If only Fatshark wasn’t so greedy. They’re out trying to get their greedy little fins on every penny they possibly can with as little effort as possible. Those greedy, lifeless beady little eyes…

We’re essentially asking them to do a lot more work for the same return they’re getting now. As someone already mentioned: they’d have to go through every single piece of gear and fix any abnormalities with all the different combinations. I just don’t see them doing it unless they increase the prices even more and, like, do we really want to encourage that? lol

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