Thoughts on Premium Attire Purchases

(…and perhaps how to make them work).

So, since we’re getting communication and some of the tensions are starting to ease up, and crafting revamp is coming Soon™, I thought another subject of Nerd Rage should be started, for reflection, for discussion, possibly for implementation after the more, ahem, necessary tweaks are made to Darktide. Now, since some friends and I were doing our usual ruminating over a game last night, and the subject turned to Darktide’s Premium purchases specifically, I thought I’d dump some ideas on how we would rework the store, and the cosmetic options, to have them be more appealing to us (and hopefully more successful and equitable to players at large).

Most of what we fell into hinges on one thing that a great many Warhammer fans/hobbyists (used to?) focus on. Customisability. The ability to take something and convert it, adjust it, tweak it and make it your own. We’d like the idea of an official For The Drip system. Let us play dress up with our Only War Barbies, please. Mixing and matching gear, giving us the tools to be creative and a little bonkers and just have a splash of fun. From that point, we came to the conclusion that small, individual purchases would be far, far easier to sell to us as a whole. The ability to pick and choose parts in the store, from a vast list, won’t confuse us, we promise! Now, while it might not be the single big drops you get from full cosmetic packs in one go, I’m going to extrapolate from my five out of five friends and say that literally everyone would buy a few pieces under that system. (/s in case that wasn’t clear).


  1. Multiple components, all available, all the time.
  2. Let us mix and match components inside of the larger pieces and play dress-up in game, without using mods. More customisation with more parts!
  3. Don’t have bonkers prices on individual components. Our chat decided $1, approximately, per individual ‘hat/pants/shoes’ was our ceiling.
  4. Let the weapon sights/magazines/gun barrels/cases be part of this customisation, too! It’s not CoD, it’s better.
  5. Sell purity seals. EVERYONE wants purity seals on their gun, okay?

These are some random thoughts during a much-too-early-morning from your resident Pink Haired Wordbomber. What are your thoughts and limits and wishes for a revamped store?


I like this suggestion. It’s essentially just doing what Fatshark already does for ‘official’ cosmetics.


Shut up and take my money! waves fist full of dollars

That translates to: yes please. Painting miniatures, however you damn please, is a huge part of the fun of the hobby. I used to love dreaming up colour schemes and new factions etc. Why the hell can’t we do that in this game!

The system you propose would surely generate heaps more interest and profit.

Ownership and agency FTW :muscle:


AT this point I either want them to rework the cosmetics to something like you suggest, or let me ritualistically sacrifice the ones I bought before I knew how BAD it was, in a huge fire on the Mourningstar.

Because you aren’t getting any more money out of me fatshark, until you change the way you do cosmetics. Greedy swine.



If they charged for every bit and bob at a reasonable price with the freedom of the For the Drip mod, I would probably dump a decent chunk of change into it.

It’s so absurd how James Workshop would greenlight a game with customization and then be super strict on what that customization can even be.

Like you said, it’s completely at odds with how liberal they are with kitbashing in official tournaments. They could just do a similar thing here, no? Take the locks off crafting and put em on drip instead, X number of customizable parts and X% of it can be customized at any one time.


I don’t really care how they change them but fact is i’m never buying these current ones at these prices.
So yeah anything really is better than what we have now.


In addition to a lot of premium cosmetics just being cheap reskins, elements of outfits being split up among different sets/purchases, FOMO rotation with some wonky predatory pricing models, my bigger issue is how bad many of the cosmetics are in terms of quality.

How on earth does one screw up the Death Korps of Krieg veteran as bad as Adia (the chinese cosmetic studio Arrowhead outsources these to) managed? The thing turned out like a comic-con cosplay composed of mismatched army surplus bits, not the actual models or art.

How do we keep getting cosmetics with huge floating elements that don’t integrate properly with the rest of the model?


I often wonder if it was a mistake of Fatshark to let us “cosplay” as regimental members instead of really embracing the reject concept.

I agree with you, though: I believe my outfit serves as a decent illustration.

I’m cosplaying a Tallarn Desert Raider, however to make it work, I had to pull the pants from the DKoK Set (because DKoK pants have the correct boots and the wrapped lower pants/legwraps), and the headpiece was not even sold with the extremely terrible “Tallarn set” (I can barely call it a Desert Raider set except for the chest), but instead with the winter themed set.

The point is that I had to use pieces from three different sets to build a Tallarn when the set should have been offered as a whole and modified such that the headpiece and kiffeh on the chest were properly aligned and color corrected.

The quality assurance on these sets is quite bad, and I have to blame Fatshark rather than Adia for this.

Sorry for quality:

edit: changed the picture into a better one.



You rock the bullet frame too :ok_hand: it’s the best frame imo. Looks so cool!

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Having the option to purchase a component for any given part at all times is a great idea.

If you mean dump the cycling cosmetics, I disagree. Tenured cosmetics are a great way to keep variety. Granted, when new stuff is released, a lot of people carry it.

If fear of missing out bothers someone, then that’s their issue to deal with, isn’t it? If I were to guess, based on my experience the reason why I would dislike

  1. I wouldn’t be playing often enough


  1. I don’t have enough money.

Both of these instances can be easily fixed with some forethought.

This is what I do to avoid these issues:

  1. I set apart time on my schedule to check every for ten minutes out of the cycling two week timeframe to check.
  2. I set some boundaries for yourself. I look closely at the cosmetics to see if I really wanted to buy them. ( Did I need to buy all the hot cosmetics for each class? No. I buy cosmetics proportionately to how much time I spend on that class. Do I need to buy each cosmetic for my preferred class? No, I only get a cosmetic if it speaks to me. If I like it I will buy it. Fatshark can find out what makes an outfit sell and what doesn’t simply by the sales.
  3. When I see a cosmetic I like, I know that I have six weeks to buy it before it’s cycled out. So that gives me time in a month and a half to save fifteen dollars in 45 days.

After doing those things, any fear I had of missing out was then gone.

What do you mean here? We already can do that…

For me, I’m fine paying three dollars for shoes, pants, shirt, weapon, hat each every two weeks. I think its reasonable.

Let’s agree to disagree :slight_smile:

That’s a good idea. Should they be decals? Or customizeable purity seals? I’d love to have purity seals to represent the weapon’s kill count.

Great post!

Game would explode.

Sell a proper kasrkin already

No, you cannot alter components within the costume parts. You can change the overall body choice, legs choice, head choice. You cannot interchange bracers, goggles, pauldrons, codpiece… That’s what is meant by components. And that’s what would make the components cheaper, more into the realm of impulse buy. A full suit might still run $10, but the odd cheap piece able to be integrated into any outfits sounds better to me, and I believe would lead to more purchases overall.

You don’t need to introduce rainbows onto every weapon to enjoy component customisation. To suggest otherwise is crass hyperbole. There are plenty of modifications that could be suitable, appropriate and creative… Even though I’m inclined towards pink leopard prints on a bolter.


THat’s kinda what I was pointing at; ruined immersion because of 4th-wall breaking skins. Or in CoD’s case: Everyone using golden guns or something like that. I guess, it’s just gotta be tasteful and thematic with the universe its in.

At least that’s my opinion.

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I actually agree completely. I’m probably in the minority here, but I dont think they should add conpletely unchecked customisation (not that I think they even would). It would only inevitably end up as a clowfest where swathes of people opt to look exceedingly goofy and consequently ruin the whole atmosphere and tone of the game. I’m in favour of increased freedom of customisation within a well considered spectrum that stays true to the tone and vibe of the setting.

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So, identical situation to the clown-fiesta offerings Fatshark sells in the MTX store every other week, right?

My record is pretty clear on the current array of fatsharks cosmetics; I think they’re shamefully shite and grossly overpriced. That doesn’t mean unlimited goofballery would be an improvement, in my opinion.


I think the key here is not in preventing the free adjustment of components, but limiting the palette of components we have to keep them within the vocabulary of 40K/Darktide. We can have all the pieces we want, so long as Fatshark curated those pieces to keep them better in tone. Limited palettes for shifting. So, for example, a keffiyeh (Tallarn-like desert headcovering) could come with options of black, tan, yellow, white and grey. You heard right, I’m not advocating for pink Tallarn.

More customization doesn’t mean unlimited to lose the wonderful design language that Darktide’s levels tend to have. That said, a lot of the premium stuff right now falls really, really outside of that for me, so what that really says I don’t know…

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That approach I am totally on board with and is what my suggestion for an improvement would be as well. In any case, it’s not too hard to do better than what is currently there.

OK I’m out.


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