Think We Will Get New Classes Sometime?

But we still want to end up moderately deep in admech, so heavily augmented is part of getting there. A Skitarii is very deep, very augmented, but still low enough rank.

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“Come back, Trapper - the Machine Spirit knows where you are anyway.” - Escaping Trapper Tagged.
“I purge thee in the name of Holy Mars.” - Elite/Specialist Killed.
“01001101 01111001 00100000 01100101 01111000 01101001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01101110 01100011 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 01100111 01101111 01101110 01111001 00101110.” - Bonding dialogue.

Also, the Blitz opportunities for a Tech-Adept Archetype would just be… well, let’s just say it makes mama very “happy” and we’ll leave it at that, hm? :wink:

Literally me (insert JPEG of Ryan Gosling)

If we want to keep the equivalence to the current 4, it shouldn’t be much augmented

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For character creation, we could just get some options unique to a Tech-Adept to allow players to customise just how “augmented” they are - but it shouldn’t affect gameplay like the character’s height does, for example.

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Vet “So what’s everyone think of Hadron?”
Other vet “Not one I want to get on the bad side of…”
Zealot "She serves the god Emporer, though she misnames him,
Skitarii “It is the plight of the unaugmented to be unable to comprehend the perfection of her poetry in binaric cant…”
Vet “What did you say?”
Skitarii “File not found.”

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Yes instead of having tattoo maybe

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How much is going to be variable, maybe according to the tech tree, but recall we have an Ogryn, almost unkillable zealots with holy relics, and a psyker who can call lighting to explode heads and limitless explosions with a trauma staff.

Moderate augmentation will fit well.


It’s giving
Sienna: “Feels good to be burning something doesn’t it, Saltzpyre?”
Saltzpyre: “Flames do lend themselves to purification, it is true.”
Sienna: “You old dog, you’ll make me blush.”
Saltzpyre: “What? I don’t- silence, witch!”


Something of that nature is what I am thinking of as well.

Hadron “Varlets, your mission is {madlib} Try not to disappoint me, though I understand the magnitude of that task is most likely beyond you…”
Skitarii “Modem sounds”
Hadron “Oh really?.. I mean… do not attempt to make me blush, I had those systems removed.”


I need flustered Hadron in my life :weary:

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After their sudden switcheroo with talent trees, not anymore. We might get one if we are lucky.

I just don’t feel like Fatshark is doing that well at patching this game, nevermind adding content.

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Traitor Curse ?

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Sad but kind of true, which makes you wonder what they are doing. Originally we were promised they were making the maps in such a way as to be able to very easily reuse assets and this would lead to a ton of maps and a very large feeling world.

It would be nice to get a new class but… as problem with new weapons and crafting system, we need a rework of existing classes first.
Psyker, being able to materialise something out of thin air and crush things with his mind being too weak that he almost playing a support role and use almost only “Smite” ability to actually do something useful in combat
And veteran, with worse copies of zealot’s abilities and ONE utility (smoke grenade) that is not just useless, but also hurts the team with no visibility ability, plus dumb keystones that has (mostly) no reason to use
If that wont happen balancing new class with others would be a bigger mess. I think we get a mechanicus-related one (according to some avatar frames for characters thats very deeply related to either new mechanicus mission or “story piece” (if you can call a story whatever cutscenes FS added to game)), but they should think lots about its role in team and not repeat someone’s ability/utility again

Darktide was supposed to be designed differently to Vermintide, to allow for rapid content development. This isn’t rapid when compared to VT2.

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Actually compared to VT2 we’re getting content more quickly, and your comment didn’t specify speed, only content, which TC de facto is

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