I’m very glad that we’ve got another bunch of things to do in Darktide! I hope you guys will still have a strength to develop even more and more. Thank you Fatshark!
After playing few hours I must admit that I feel it is now much easier to get a weapon of your choice, maxed out in terms of perks, blessings, stats. It looks to me that my character just lost something I would call “weapon based individuality”.
I was often checking other players in the lobby just to see what kind of stuff they were able to get from the lottery – now, there is no need to do that anymore.
- no more “locks” after altering weapon stats,
- no more limited amounts of blessings,
- no need for gathering tier IV blessings from multiple weapons just to do a re-bless in case of finding a weapon with perks already at level 4, just have 500+ power weapon,
- no need to decide between perks and blessings (no penalty for maxing out both as there are no “locks”),
- even the cost of maxing out perks/blessings based on resources/gold is just simply low.
After I got into the game, I was able to get a mastery level 20 in few hours (maximum 3) for both my favorite weapons. I actually have a feeling once I got logged in, I already had 17 points to spent on my chainsword (a bug? or maybe I just played gold tier mission two or three times? I have no idea).
In the armory I bought a basic chainsword with every stats I wanted (with potential to be at 80%). I quickly powered up those and got a weapon, with all perks and blessings I needed. I haven’t been able to get such weapon while playing Dakrtide for last 2 years.
After that I got another chainsword from the armory with the same stats which I maxed out to be exactly the same as previous chainsword and now I have two (and to be honest, the second one is just not needed anymore - it’s not a unique thing even to show to anyone).
The same with a bolter. I bought one in the armory with all needed stats, I’ve changed perks, blessings and job done. Again I haven’t been able to get the bolter like this for last 2 years.
I’m not sure if now there is a need to get any weapon reward after any mission at all. We will never get a better weapon after the mission as a reward than the one available instantly in the armory.
I only play with like 4 weapons (don’t ask why) – I will master those in next few hours via missions (or I can simply give all the unique weapons I have been gathering for last 2 years to the mechanicum priest). After that there will be completely no need for any weapon type reward from the mission for me at all.
I don’t even see the reason to keep any unique weapons in the chest. Everybody can simply max out any basic weapon bought in the armory as they wish and in few weeks we all will be running with the same equipment.
Not saying uniqueness of weapons we had was a leading thing for me to play Darktide, but it was an important factor. That uniqueness was helping me out to stay with Darktide for last few months. I still play this game because it’s HITTING HARD when it comes to teamwork. It does not forgive stupidity or lack of skills, but chasing that rabbit to get unique weapon from the lottery what something nice we just lost.