There is a problem after giving Unlock and Loaded few hours of try

I’m very glad that we’ve got another bunch of things to do in Darktide! I hope you guys will still have a strength to develop even more and more. Thank you Fatshark!

After playing few hours I must admit that I feel it is now much easier to get a weapon of your choice, maxed out in terms of perks, blessings, stats. It looks to me that my character just lost something I would call “weapon based individuality”.

I was often checking other players in the lobby just to see what kind of stuff they were able to get from the lottery – now, there is no need to do that anymore.

  • no more “locks” after altering weapon stats,
  • no more limited amounts of blessings,
  • no need for gathering tier IV blessings from multiple weapons just to do a re-bless in case of finding a weapon with perks already at level 4, just have 500+ power weapon,
  • no need to decide between perks and blessings (no penalty for maxing out both as there are no “locks”),
  • even the cost of maxing out perks/blessings based on resources/gold is just simply low.

After I got into the game, I was able to get a mastery level 20 in few hours (maximum 3) for both my favorite weapons. I actually have a feeling once I got logged in, I already had 17 points to spent on my chainsword (a bug? or maybe I just played gold tier mission two or three times? I have no idea).

In the armory I bought a basic chainsword with every stats I wanted (with potential to be at 80%). I quickly powered up those and got a weapon, with all perks and blessings I needed. I haven’t been able to get such weapon while playing Dakrtide for last 2 years.

After that I got another chainsword from the armory with the same stats which I maxed out to be exactly the same as previous chainsword and now I have two (and to be honest, the second one is just not needed anymore - it’s not a unique thing even to show to anyone).

The same with a bolter. I bought one in the armory with all needed stats, I’ve changed perks, blessings and job done. Again I haven’t been able to get the bolter like this for last 2 years.

I’m not sure if now there is a need to get any weapon reward after any mission at all. We will never get a better weapon after the mission as a reward than the one available instantly in the armory.

I only play with like 4 weapons (don’t ask why) – I will master those in next few hours via missions (or I can simply give all the unique weapons I have been gathering for last 2 years to the mechanicum priest). After that there will be completely no need for any weapon type reward from the mission for me at all.

I don’t even see the reason to keep any unique weapons in the chest. Everybody can simply max out any basic weapon bought in the armory as they wish and in few weeks we all will be running with the same equipment.

Not saying uniqueness of weapons we had was a leading thing for me to play Darktide, but it was an important factor. That uniqueness was helping me out to stay with Darktide for last few months. I still play this game because it’s HITTING HARD when it comes to teamwork. It does not forgive stupidity or lack of skills, but chasing that rabbit to get unique weapon from the lottery what something nice we just lost.


You’re approaching this from the perspective of an experienced player where you should already have whatever weapons you want.

Think of it instead from the viewpoint of a completely new player. With that, you’re going to spend a lot of time unlocking stuff, slowly increasing the prowess of your weapons, and making choices about what you want to have…as opposed to a horrid RNG circus.

I know for a fact I’m going to spend a lot of the weekend going ham on the weapons I haven’t yet mastered because, hey, now there’s something to chase directly.

Also, you can keep extra weapons with unique combos of blessings and perks. Swap bolters out for different builds, building one for precision and another for explosions and bleed stacks. Decide whether your melee weapon of choice should be optimized for impact and stagger or for single-target elimination, etc.


Well, honestly, I don’t want to chase a perfect weapon.
I prefer to be able to test anything


Ability to change any weapon anyway you like is like enabling a cheat mode in the game. After mastering the weapon of your choice, switching blessings, perks anyway you like, devs simply eliminated a need to play the game to get best EQ.

It’s like enabling infinite ammo on the sever in other game or disabling stamina to be able to run the whole map all the time. Some kind of developer mode.

I would understand that such testing of a weapon with any perk/blessing you wish would be available In the psykhanium - that would be a good explanation.

Maybe you have all the time in the world. But not everyone has the luxury, some of us only have a small window per day to play tide and that window should not be spent trying to craft a single weapon and then finding out the blessing you spent so much money and time on turned out to be either not fun or just weak.

I love the new crafting and free blessing/perk switching. Its great, its a whole lot better then what we had before.


I don’t think the ability to easily acquire whichever weapon you want, and enabling infinite ammo, are remotely the same thing. Fatshark tried to make this game a looter shooter when it was a horde shooter all along and that kind of prohibitive crafting system had no place in it. I’m glad it’s been reworked.


I’m glad you guys like it and it’s true I’ve spent a lot of time in the game which probably changed the way I look at this situation. It might be that I’ve put just more expectations than others in this DLC and in the end I got something new but also lost something old. To me that switching perks/blessings system make this game a bit easier, however from new players perspective this might be good. We will see the stats in next couple of weeks.

What’s the point of implementing weapon tiers, grades, perks, blessings in first place if you can max out the weapon almost instantly? Think of an MMO game or anything like Diablo, where you have to grind for resources to get some kind of a legendary weapon - now try to imagine what would happen if DEVs would let people have the same weapon almost instantly, with all available buffs and possibility to change those as much as they need.

Or try to imagine you can pay to get all the perks instantly and change the buffs as much as you wish but you have to pay for it. So now, the Darktide has this option for free.

Of course, we could say that game has to be friendly for new players - but that’s why we have 5 difficulty levels in Darktide. Once you hit level 30, you have so many resources, that you can buy in the shop a weapon and just max it out - what’s the point?

I don’t think they should have done that at all. The less we have to grind for any of that, the better the game gets, so it might as well be removed.

I wouldn’t mind.

It is a very complicated system to what it does.
Fatshark does not have that guy which asks “Do we really need that?”.

Old system was ok. You had your surprises.
New system is just boring grind that won’t last long.
Same as leveling your character.

But at least now you can “ExPeRiMeNt WiTh DifFeRenT BuIlDs”.

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I think there are a good number of players that have been sitting on big piles of resources and are thus able to power their way to perfect weapons pretty quickly.

But there are a lot of players that aren’t there. I went into this update with about a million dockets and 5,000 plasteel. Which when I started upgrading everything burned out pretty quickly. I have a ways to go upgrading stuff but I’ll take the new system that is deterministic 100% because it gives me the freedom to experiment with stuff.

I’d much rather have the “grind” of the game be chasing penances and achievements over chasing items. I’m slowly working my way through all the class penances (zealot and Psyker are done and I’m almost done with Vet - I have ways to go on Ogryn).

The new system is so much freaking better. For me, having some “unique item” that’s marginally superior to the next person is not something I hang my enjoyment of the game on. I’d rather we all be on an even playing field and let skill decide who gets bragging rights.


The only reason it’s so fast is because of carried over progress and you already playing on max difficulty.

The systems are intended for new players so that they can progress and experiment with weapons before they reach Lv30 and not have it all be a complete waste of time. It provides a much more fun initial experience and is healthier for the game’s playerbase in the long run. I was able to even take some of the weapons I had laying around from way, way back when I was initially levelling my characters, and make them into beautiful maxed out weapons. It felt awesome.

Obviously when you’re already playing the maximum difficulty and have tons of resources to spare you can make whatever you want. But you SHOULD be able to make whatever you want in that situation. You’ve already done all the work and are assuming you should be put back to 0 for it for some inane reason.

The old system was so impossibly bad that you could have the resources from an entire month of playing the game, pour it into one weapon type, and potentially come out more or less empty-handed. If you honestly prefer a system that unnecessarily brutal, I don’t know what to tell you.

On one hand, yes Melk is pointless now, on the other, good riddance to checking his shop religiously every single night for an entire year to get a workable weapon and Tier 4 blessings. Yes, I did in fact spend an entire year waiting for the right model of knife to pop up with a loadout that wouldn’t potentially brick at Hadron after blowing tons and tons of resources initially and winding up with brick after brick. The update finally came out shortly afterwards, and instead of being mad that I “wasted” my time, I am simply overwhelmingly relieved that no one will ever have to do that ever again.


You know that now we will both have exactly the same knife you’ve been waiting for, for a year? And other weapons too? This isn’t annoying you at all?

No need for Melk, no need for weapon type rewards, no need for mechanicum priest. Not sure if we need any resources at all to be included in the game - of course now we will be constantly grinding those, all the time as the main reason to have exactly the same weapons as the guy standing next to you. As @Hank_jw suggested, we could get rid of grinding (any resources) at all just to see if that will improve player base.

We should just got a single point in which you get any weapon we need and we are able to modify it any way we want.

BTW, I got a thunder hammer yesterday with all the stats I wanted to be at 80% (it costs like 11K in the armory? I had to buy like 4 of them to get that “dreamed” one?). Taking into consideration the fact that you can have only 2 blessings on the weapon at the same time, you don’t even need to level up mastery to 20 to bring like 4 or 5 blessings to top tier - check it yourself.

Also I was just wondering - why can’t we max 5 stats out of 5 to 80%? What’s the reason behind being able only to have 4 stats at 80% at the same time? Or why do we stop at 80% at all? Why not 100%?

This system is 100 times better than before.
It respects people time and allows them to pursue the playstyle they want.
Arguments like “before my cool weapon before felt special now everyone has it” are just childish. While saying that this “will kill build diversity” it’s just ridiculous as this enables players to test new stuff without the risk to brick your only hard grinded good weapon.

I have been having so much fun lately in the game, it’s like 3 times more content has been made available to me.


Surely good balance between different perks and blessings should pull the work here in ensuring there is good build and weapon variety to go around. Trying to achieve that instead by scarcity just seems out of place in a Tide game. For most of us VT2 veterans the majority of our hours took place after we’d overcome the gear progression and could freely try different loadouts, and improve our own skills with a variety of classes and weapons.

I agree it would be pretty lame if everyone ends up using the same stuff, but there is more than enough weapon and talent tree variety to ensure this doesn’t happen as long as things continue to be tuned intelligently.

For instance the T Hammer buffs were nice, but we’re left in the situation where its blessing options are still laughable, with like 2-3 blessings absolutely dominating in their usefulness. However make Thrust less necessary for break points, buff shock and awe to actually help more with horde clear than Slaughterer/Head taker does, and now you’ll see people running different loadouts based on what they want their Hammer to be able to do. This is already the case with some weapons, but I’m hoping that whatever they work on next we see them continue to tweak blessing balance in the background so we see more different variants of each weapon being run in game.


3 times more content you say? Maybe I haven’t yet discovered it? Could you share a list of “2 times more” content at least?

Yeah you’re right that we had to wait over a year for this great crafting update is really annoying :wink:

On a serious note though I‘m actually quite happy that friends and family playing DT way more casual than me now can realistically get cool stuff and tinker around.

I had for all classes several builds that I enjoyed - I didn’t need better crafting for myself

Yet for me this is the the best update so far - better zehnter skill trees even n that I also really enjoyed.

And it’s assign that FS seems finally willing to take player feedback into consideration - and nothing was as despised as the old casino style crafting.


That’s a nicely written post.