If you don’t see it probably you are one of those that just slap on his character " that one popular build" and just play it until you are bored.
Why would it annoy me that everyone is able to access a weapon that has the right perks, blessings, and stats easily? That’s how the game should have launched. Every single time a new weapon came out and I realized I had to blow tons and tons of resources to be able to play around with something new it just became more annoying than anything. In what world would you want your teammates you’re relying on to NOT have good weapons because it took you a lot of time to make yours?
Not to mention when you spent tons of resources to make something only to realize that it sucked or wasn’t really what you wanted – The Bolt Pistol launch had plenty of people go for crafting ones with Surgical/Deadly Accurate, myself included, only to realize that Deadly Accurate is far less potent than it sounds and that the Bolt Pistol wasn’t underperforming due to a lack of getting the right build like some other weapons that shine with specific blessings, it was just flat out mediocre at the time. Obviously I could have saved myself a lot of time and headache by installing that one mod that lets you test builds in the Psykanium but I didn’t even know that mod existed at the time. And you shouldn’t need mods to avoid wasting tons of resources on what is essentially a guess.
Melk is probably the last reliable way to get a new weapon class and actually be able to play with it without spening an average player’s week worth of progression to even get it to the level where it could be used in higher difficulties.
That’s definitely a fair point since Brunt’s got hit so hard and Melk weapons are actually maxed stats now.
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