The Zealots Thread

After stealth/ shroudfield discussion, after the Burninator from @Mezmorki, after Knife+Pistol, MKII versus MKXV and actually the Bosskilling Crucis Hammer Shroud Martyr and playing some Chorus builds and Zealot my most played and by lore liked class i just want to hear from you guys what do you like most about Zealot.
Is it your Knife, with or without Stealth, is it your Flamer or Chorus, or Stealth, a Hammer or an Eviscerator or even the Crusher, a Pistol, Autogun or the Bolter?

I actually just cannot decide what to like and maybe need a break :smiley:

I just made a Crusher Support build with much impact as i got a decent one with Hammerblow and Trauma IV

i made a Knife with Lacerate and Mercy Killer III, could exchange one Blessing with Flesh tearer IV, but dont know if i should.
And i’m not good at using Combat Blade.

Zealot is the only class i have all Penances done.
Was there ever a nice Crusher cosmetic in the Shop?

question over questions, feel free to add something strange or special or your meta, your most loved cosmetic, your Zealot Story, your build, your best weapon for Zealot or whatever comes to your mind.


My main build that I have mostly complete is a Movement tac axe crit build, using dodges as my primary toughness generator. You basically dance around the enemy and I use chain stacks like shredder on my tac axe to maintain killing power as you dance about. It really gets you into the zone.

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Riposte + Flesh tearer for blazing piety builds.

Use MK VI Combat Blade. Use 2 stamina curios. Spam push stab.

Laugh maniacally at the carnage.

For inexorable judgement run uncanny strike + lacerate on MK VI again. Spam lights at head level you’ll still get a lot of bodyshots for lacerate through enemy flinching and simple player error.

Watch crushers die to massive bleeds because rending makes sense.

FotF for both. 20% attack speed for 8 seconds is way better than a single high damage crit for dagger.

I recommend the 2nd build of you aren’t good with the dagger as you say. Its very easy. The push stab one requires some aim.

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Evis + headhunter vraks 3. I hate throwing knives, but it is the best build I can come up with right now passive wise.

I do dodge toughness regen and some other dodge bonuses since I can dodge with my eyes closed by now.

It’s my favorite build in the game and one of my favorite builds I’ve made in any game ever!

My Ogryn is stronger, it I still prefer zealot’s movement and quickness fun wise

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Zealot was the one I got to t5 completions with first back in … ooh, Feb 23 ?

I favoured the Shade assassin elf class on VT2 (other fave was the Ironbreaker), and pretty quickly I realised this was a hybrid of those play styles… at least, how I played them.

I have never chased meta builds. But I think I’ve stumbled across them independently of the forums.

I started with knife (bleed+crit build) and flamer, which looking back was a highly charitable way to get to level 5 matches. The melee skills came later.

After the “big flamer nerf” patch, I branched out a bit.

I’ve tried the thunder hammer: I thought it’d be like Bardin’s 2h hammer, but it just isn’t. Bardin could keep the area around him clear with regular heavy sweeps; it doesn’t work like that on the zealot. I’ve not really gone back to it since. It feels too slow. Too clunky. I take too much chip damage. I don’t like it.

I briefly tried tactical axes. Yuck. Tack - tack - tack. Pause. Tack-tack-tack. Pause. Not for me. Not enough damage. Still got chip damage. I’m sure there are other variants, but it just felt lacklustre.

So then I reverted to knife+bleed, and went with agripinaa shotgun: a combo I loved for a long time. Til around September I guess last year. (note: i recently revisited the lawbringer and it’s not bad).

I’ve since tried the chain- weapons. I’m not sure I get them. Even with the recent changes. Big heavy swings leave you open, and I’m not good with weapon combos in stress positions. So… I’m happy currently with the knife still. Someone else has said this in another post; but I can bind a macro to spam light hits, save my mouse buttons from an early death, and just concentrate on dodging and positioning.

For 2ndry, I use a pistol now. It’s a bit overpowered for sure I think, but until the shotguns get a balance pass that’s where I’m at. I like that melee > one-shot on a special > back to melee combo as it feels agile and responsive. I’d still prefer a shotgun, but that’s where I’m at. Maybe I’ll try the purgatus again, but I’m still - even after a year - waiting on a high roll version of this.

I’ve tried other guns. I can’t quite believe how many variations we’ve got on a “rifle”, but none of them sit right for me on the zealot. Tried a vraks 3, and 7. Just feels clunky for a quick character. Tried the XII. It’s okay, too slow again; more a vet weapon. Tried Columnus - but again - better on vet. YMMV.


does the Crusher Special cleave?
the Hammer special often gets wasted on a poxwalker in the way, but i recently felt the crusher special goes through more?
Maybe i just got it wrong

edit: actually i’m doing no keystone builds

agree, although i block push in between 2 or 3 heavy swings.
actually trying stuff with the crusher. The pattern is not perfect, but the lights are fast and as i said aboce lots of impact.

I played MKII a lot back then, liked the MKXV when i returned, went back to the MKII, again to MKXV, but in the end MKII is the best with vicious strike.
The pattern from old days still works best: heavy-light-light-block push.
Many do it different like heavy- block push-heavy… or something with one light only, but imho the real deal is h-l-l-push almost no chip dmg because heavy only after push.
You can also start with Push-Heavy-light-light

There was, once. It’s not amazing IMO but much preferable to the nondescript blob of metal that the default skins are.

I don’t have any number one favourite by a large margin at the moment - I frequently use Combat Blade Mk VI, Evis Mk XV, Chainaxe Mk XII, Crusher, and occasionally use Tac Axe (I forget which Mk), Chainsword (both Mk), Evis Mk II. Everything else is either rare or effectively never (sorry, Combat Axe gang)

Ranged weapons, it tends to be Agripinaa IAG, Columnus BAG, Revolver Mk II, Bolter, usually paired to offset what my melee sucks at.

Fire grenades, Beacon of Purity, Chorus and Inexorable Judgement are my most frequent picks in each of their respective categories - I mix and match a little, but they definitely account for most of my picks across 5 builds.

The Crusher special only applies its bonus damage to the first target hit (AFAIK), but it does increase the cleave of your swing so you can hit more targets. For instance a light sweep without the special will bounce off a Mauler body, but with the special active, it’ll cleave right through.

Be sure to make good use of the push attack on it as well, it does really good damage on headshots. I think heavy → light → push attack is the single target combo, but I could be mistaken.


Used the TAxeMk7 with crit + bleed (or CRIT + bleed). That Light+Spec+Light+Spec+Heavy+Spec+…
or Heavy+Spec+Light+Spec+Light+… on FotF was a mouse-killer. Tried every other Melee, stuck a while with CAxe or Evi, but after the sheer speed of my little TAxe, they were just too slow. Never liked Heavy Sword or that goddamn Toothpick.
As for ranged, I never liked the flamer that much, even before the nerf. Too clunky. Used a shotgun for a while as an Agripinaa. Came to love the revolver. Stuck with it.

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Flamer, Ironhelm TH with T4 Thrust and T4 Momentum, knives and stealth. This is a build that is capable of killing most anything, but mostly focuses on crushers and bosses. Stealth is exceptionally useful for pickup/solo panic clutch but the flamer prevents being swarmed easily and the hammer and knives are the perfect special counter so it removes pretty much everything from the board.

For me its very simple. I can be very aggressive and make very bad decisions and get away with them, even excel because of them.


I actually have an inquiry in regards to Zealot! My current formula for all of my other Classes is “Horde Clear Melee + Big Enemy Killer Ranged”, but I don’t know what the best combination for that would be for my Zealot! I’m considering a Heavy Eviscerator + Revolver build, but I’d like to hear from y’all first!

If I had a Storm Shield and Meltagun for my Zealot, I’d NEVER have to ask a question like this - but here I am :rofl:


I use a heavy evis with beak headhunter autogun, but revolver would work great too.

I do shred and wrath on my favorite one but shred + basically anything works.

Headhunter to do all crit blessings and it is tons of fun (the iron sights suck though)

I run crit build and it’s tons of fun. I go the dash ability and just zoom zoom everywhere


Thank you for that, it helps so very much! :smiling_face:

Coincidentally, much the same can be said for why I prefer ogryn to zealot.


Zealot is most fun when trying to melee EVERYTHING so any weapon that works for that is good. Heavy micro-Eviscerator works well for that role and then you really want a revolver or shotgun or laspistol because you want quickdraw that can drop specials on the fly and occasionally help with frustrating targets like gunners, reapers etc.


HEvi and revolver is a very good combination, up to you whether you want to go with incendiary or stun grenades for your blitz. I also get use out of the agrip shotgun in my own build for bomber/flamer sniping purposes.
For the revolver, use it as a quickdraw weapon, your evis is going to kill most tough targets with a single special+heavy and you’ll want the penetrating revolver for sniping through those hordes.


At the moment i am kinda hooked on a martyrdom/bleed/crit build with cooldown reduction from crits.

I run it with 3 wound curios with some gunner resist and other miscellaneous stats that just happened to be on the curio when i upgraded it.

I am currently using the MK IV tactical axe with Shred/Headtaker, critical strike chance and maniac damage which lets me light attack spam crushers and maulers to death with relatively good efficiency, but the build can be used with other weapons like the knife and the eviscerator, although if you want to use the eviscerator i would not run it without Shred.

Last but not least i got the old revolver with Surgical/Handcannon since i like having the option to quick swap to my ranged and pop a few heads and then smoothly transition back into melee again, makes me feel like a space cowboy.


depends what u like, how u play, whether u like complex or simple builds/combat techs

all in all u rly jus gotta pick an ultimate variant and build from there

Try Ogryn!

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