The way missions are handled and the progression systems tied to it seem like a step back from V2

First of all, I wanna preface that I’m loving the game, it’s incredibly satisfying to play and I’m loving every minute with it, I just wanted to bring up some minor gripes with the mission select - which is to say not being able to selectively pick your mission reminds me of old payday 2 where everyone hated for not being able to pick the mission they actively wanted to play.

And what confuses me most is how obscured end of mission loot rewards are, V2 had a nice system in play where you -COULD- pick a mission you actively wanted to play and people would fill from quickplay and get a bonus towards their end of mission reward chest, right now however that system works is entirely obfuscated and the best guess is just it’s a random chance to drop absolutely anything on mission completion.

And It’s my sincere belief that with modern gaming culture and how missions/modifiers are structured eventually people are going to naturally figure out what is more rewarding for their time and effort and actively filter out some missions stagnating search times for them - obviously we’re absolutely not near a time where this is a perceivable issue due to the popularity but the lack of futureproofing should be noted in the systems, and if you want to be charitable and say the current system is so you can test the maps you’re free too - but I would note that the random modifiers do exist for a reason.

For example right now for example scripture missions are far more desirable than grimoire missions for experience, one is a far more punishing affix for the random player vs donating your item slot to a book that does nothing - and it’s going to be a fair while before people get curios with curse resist - if they even bother to take them to begin with because you’re presented with the choice to just…not interact with grim missions on the map page freeing up that stat on your eventual high end curios.

If I was to offer bad suggestions, maybe start with changing quickplay to actually offer a bonus for people willing to just play anything, maybe make it drop more money, more experience etc because I truly believe games like V2/DT are best played on a randomized mission rotation that covers the entire games map roster so you get to experience all it has to offer - that way if you ever get around to giving people the ability to pick whatever mission they’re in need of they’ll be backfilled by people with an incentive to play with you and won’t just bail when they see like “t5, endless hordes, grims, assassination”

This is nowhere near a big issue in the current state of the game anyway, but I do think some small consideration should be given for future systems.

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