The store feels bad because meh weapons have three variants

Here is a thought about why the store feels so bad: The weapon variety in this game is weirdly lopsided. Almost every single generic weapon that people largely don’t care about comes in three varieties, while every iconic 40k weapon people love to use comes in only one.

For example:

The Zealot has access to:

Three Combat Axes
Three Tactical Axes
Three Devil’s Claw Swords
Three Turtolsky Heavy Swords
One Chainsword
One Eviscerator
One Chainaxe
One Thunderhammer
One Combat Knife

So, is it any wonder that going to the store is so frustrating in this game? Twelve out of Seventeen melee weapons are just variants of generic clobbering implements nobody asked for.

It seems to me like one of the fundamental issues with the store isn’t just the nature of having a random selection of items to comb through once an hour, but also the distribution of items. To someone looking for a good Thunderhammer it will almost inevitably seem like the store is always just filled with random axes and swords.

I’m fairly certain there was a good explanation for this at some point in the game’s development, but right now it’s very weird that there are multiple variants of all the generic weapons and only one of all the iconic weapons.

I feel like this something that should be addressed. Adding more variants to the weapons that don’t have any, or collapsing the weapons that have multiple variants into a single one and give it different skins instead or just tweaking the chances of any given item appearing in the store.

There is definitely some frustration inherent in the weapons that would be most popular even if stats played no role into it whatsoever being much more difficult to obtain simply because the chance of being offered that weapons instead of one of many generic ones is so low.


I totally agree with that.
It wierd and unfun that we are swarm with option for subpar weapon but only have access to one kind of the good one…
It would be amazing to have soe variety on the iconic weapon that have different sat mix/pattern.

RNG is fun according to the devs.

Maybe they did that on purpose so people visit the shop more often, thereby spending more time in the hub and passing by the premium shop more often?
I mean, honestly, why aren’t there 2 variants of Force Sword or Hammer?

Sadly. But yes.

Even the Emperor’s Gift is tilted towards the not-as-fun weapons because of the sheer number of weapon variants for the less fun wepaons. My sharpshooter has received ~80% autoguns, because there are 3 patterns with each having 2-3 variants.

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