The reduced availability of ammo feels super bad

People should be conservative with their ammo.
I see so many players, when a couple of random elites are roaming, fully unloading their magazines. I swear i can almost feel they scream MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE!.
No wonder then stagger blessings are trash, people don’t know how to time their dodges, or how to properly use melee weapons and then go in the forums screaming to buff their “main”.


Is zealot conservative about the number of swings he will deliver?
Are psykers conservative about their powers?

I agree that spam firing everywhere can make you run in problems fast… however, we are not here actually. Weapons with few ammos are really a bad choice, except if you don’t rely too much on them (zealot, vet commando). Other, you have yet to watch your ammos consumption.
This change impacts severly the veteran, especially cause now a vet has not always +25% ammos.

Would we say to a psyker, “be more conservative with your powers!”?


Because psykers and lasgun vets need to be conservative with their ranged.

If they want to make it that sort of game, they need to be consistent about it.


Did u know that joke about the “three psyker coming into a random T5 mission”??? No??? OK, the joke am I, the dumb zealot with a bolter right in the mittle of a low budget version of the Guardians of the Galaxy starring two psyks as Yondu Udonta… I got casted for Taserface… That jerk anybody could take serious… There was not a single moment where I have to use my bolter or even my TH, only as the CSpawn or the Ogryn joined the party I could “assist” them a little bit… It was a really chilled run for me :smile:

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The point of the discussion is that you do NOT need to be conservative at all if you enjoy playing Laz guns. You can shoot holes into cheese all game long.

You can not if you dont. Weapons that struggled for ammo, like Revolver, or Shotgun, are downright griefing a party with normal usage, because standard ammo capacity doesnt allow them to refill properly from the usual ammo pickups.

This whole ammo economy change wouldnt be that silly looking if Laz gun Vets wouldnt still have infinite ammo and Psykers not the ability to just press buttons to kill stuff fast at any range with no ammo consumption what so ever. (Ogryn ammo also works fine. Their tree plus the 1% of Vet do wonders.)

I dont get the “Shock Trooper” Talent anyway. If you tell people that crits on something dont consume ammo, they would rightfully call that Talent overpowered, but for Laz guns it is supposed to be balanced? You cant even make the argument that Laz guns need that kind of Talent to work. The XII was and is an absolute unit of a workhorse.


oof you needed to go there ? well if your just going to take everything out of context and come at it in bad faith theres no point talking to you.

That first part was a joke (I thought that was clear from the “seriously though”). I meant no offense.

its all good were just discussing somethign we both love no offence was taken :wink:

edit- but to answer your point. i get that it existed and was fun like the power sword and im guessing the new Yondu it takes FS far too long to correct these issues.
its jsut i see that fun as being counter to the fun they intend so i would expect them to move away from it. not like i know. This part theory and mostly as i do on these forums i play a devils advocate role a lot , i like debating stuff :wink:

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With every major balancing update the game becomes less of a shooter, as they promised us.

First at 2nd beta, ammo dropped from 75% to 40%, now dropped to 25%, and require going in deep for a specific tree.

weapons as braced autogun, shredder ,bolter, recon lasgun , plasma , Kanteral MG IV (Fast Firing Variant), shotguns, autoguns. all do suffer hugely from this issue, even Kanteral MG XII, with high intensity suffers, as they did even nerf the ammo gain on special kill.


Nah, they’ll just keep nerfing the power sword with every patch

did they nerf the basic heavy attack without the charging?
cause they nerfed the heavy charged attack and slaughterer blessing.


Oh I hope to god not. If they listen to either side of the screamers, they won’t be satisfied until it’s been reduced to a spatula or elevated to a lightsaber. Neither extreme would be a good outcome. And the newest nerf just keeps aggravating things. Again :confused:

I liked playing plasma gun despite its faults, and the patch 13 changes, both the vet talent tree and the new way ammo return is calculated really makes those flaws even more glaring. It holds less ammo, costs more ammo to do equivalent damage to most other guns, gets less ammo back on top of the heat management and the absolutely rubbish crosshairs.

Even if you build specifically for the plasmagun to get it feeling anywhere near what it was pre patch #13 you then lose out on a ton of utility and defence you would have under the old talent system.


Wow what an argument, comparing melee to ranged :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
First of all i was speaking in general about all classes. Not only vets. And of course i think uptime of force weapons is basically 100%, peril right now seems just a resource to use to get buffs and should also get some changes to prevent infinite spamming.
If you can go around the entire map shooting every single enemy what use do we have of melee weapons? Let’s just get rid of them and call this game COD Warhammer 40k ( even if someone in fatshark would strongly be against this :sweat_smile: :rofl:)

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Hey. It’s been a day. Reduced ammo still feels really bad. I’m constantly running low on my vet in a “I can’t use my class features” way rather than a “ha ha this adds fun challenge” way. please revert ammo changes.


yeah I did use it on low intensity for fun before, although I was an ammo hoarder ,now I am not even touching veteran anymore i think.

I really don’t think the issue is so dire.
I’ve latency issues now and then. But as, on the one hand, you cannot choose what server to take, and, on the other hand, it’s a quite a rare occurrence in my 1k+ time with the game. Now, the game crashing is my main issue but that’s beyond the point.
I haven’t even installed the ping mod because - why bother about such a minor and rare (for me personally) issue.

Only they aren’t.
Recond lasgun 7 is an excellent example for it. It has ~100 dmg per “shot” (bullet / zap / cell ???). So, with good aim you deal staggering ~10000 per clip. FYI on D5 a boss has ~30k. Me personally, I can’t hit the broad side of a barn and ~50 of my sshots hit body if i am lucky. It has this abysmal ADS where after shot 0 everything you see is red light. However I have seen some people who deleted stuff with is. One clip is ~30 shooters. This is a lot. No psyker can deal damage this massive. Thus, we have ammo. Case and point.

And don’t get me started on stupid people wasting ammo left and right.
Someone drops an ammo kit when everyone is in white…
Someone drops an ammo kit before the lift / airlock.
Someone steals you charge of ammo because they took theirs and then killed a poxwalker.
Someone steals your ammo because they are in yellow while you’re in red…
I have seen it all and I’d say this is the major issue.

Not only that, so many people ignore any pickups. Then they are in red and you wipe… Seen it every now and then.

I mean, yes we would! I have not seen the new psyker yet, but usually his damage output is per corruption meter is lower than a clip from a gun. So they gotta wait, loose “dps” and cool off.

Translation: I’m not having X problem, therefore it’s likely not a problem at all.



Have you tried… not having the problem? :stuck_out_tongue:


Sure have. I’ve been playing psyker instead. Shields are fun, but other than that the class isn’t really me. I hope they do something about gun-based ranged play soon.