I get that there’s people who felt like ranged play was too powerful, but there’s got to be ways to address that without just stopping people from ever doing it.
dont dump a clip into every single poxer and u’d be fine
Embrace the Psyker life.
Don’t take venting shriek.
Laugh at the weakness that is ammo.
Forget to vent.
Regret nothing as you succumb to the warp and die.
That’s basically been my entire evening so far. Ammo doesn’t matter if you don’t have to use it
I mostly play Veteran with my trusty MK12 Lasgun, and i rarely have ammo issues. But i see so many others using Ammo intensive Weapons like shootguns, autoguns and recon lasguns and then fireing hole clips into a few enemies. And guess what i also see? Them ignoring 50%+ of the ammo boxes available on the map because they just want to rush and dont pick up whatgs not directly in there path, or look into an side-ally even IF someone marks it for them.
Haven’t come close to running out of ammo yet.
Veteran on lasgun especially shouldn’t run out ever, if you built properly and aren’t trying to do those 0-5damage non-crit shots on crusher.
Remember if you hear a “clang” that usually means you dealt very little if any damage.
You were allowed to use crutchsword on vet for a reason.
Pulling out the gun is too slow compared to just melee and get that toughness regen. I’m moving forward in map anyway, that’s logically toward the enemy.
Can not confirm.
I use the recon lasgun and you do not run out of ammo.
I think ammo issues start to creep up if you use a autogun or have 2 ogryns in your team that just love dakka dakka (and who doesn’t)
Autogun needs some planning and not shooting at everything that smells a bit odd.
Other than that, no. Ammo issue is more of an issue to not quite know what to shoot and when. Hell I even dump some mags in a monstrosity, just because I can’t for my life figure out the pattern of the chaos spawn.
If I want to be melee focused I go and play my Zealot. But vet is a ranged class and shouldn’t have to worry too much about ammo imo. Autoguns and especially the shotgun just burn through ammo way too fast now and makes them pretty much nonviable choices right now.
And the problem gets worse when other team mates are in need of ammo too, I have played quite a few rounds now where pretty much everyone was very low or out of ammo.
A boost in ammo or making the ammo talent easier to acquire for other builds would be really nice I think.
And please spare everyone the condescending replies about vets wasting ammo blah blah etc Simply assuming that every veteran or any other class for that matter is mostly played by people too stupid to understand how to play. And you of course know exactly how those people should play, which you will subsequently go on and explain. Like you’re all the next Jsat or something, is a little annoying to say the least.
Try and say something constructive for a change, it’s a legit issue so it’s quite understandable to raise concerns about it.
You don’t understand, man. If you bring a weapon and then use it, you wasted ammo.
Facts, never shoot nothin no how.
feels goofy watching your ammo while Yondu stands in the corner spamming M1 all game. current void perils cost is way too low for the massive damage its doing, and the silly shards have way too low a cooldown and peril cost again.
but I like less shoosting and more bashing/cutting. should just have been uh, applied evenly…
The whole point of this “tide” was ranged combat… nerfing ammo was lame
Agreed. It feels terrible. I’ve been struggling for ammo all night, except it doesn’t matter because everything is so wildly overpowered now. Veteran and Ogryn spent the whole round starving, but it didn’t matter because I had nothing to do. I don’t like anything about the update. : (
source? ive never seen them say anything other than hybrid of the two.
cant say i agree im still getting ogres and vets that need to full auto mag dump every single pox walker im currently swinging at , not seeing anyone make any actual descisions around ammo
This isn’t a survival horror game, it’s a horde slaughtering game. Nobody wants to pinch pennies with their ammo all the time. That’s simply not fun in a game like this.
im not sure the label matters. to me the tide games have been hybrid melee/ ranged. in the l4d genre
the only people i see struggle with ammo are the most egregious full auto every pox walker back up and train the horde onto the group rather than put the heavy stubber away, ill reload in combat no matter the damage because this gun is welded to my ass style of player.
its a matter of perspective , you call it penny pinching , to me the choice of when to use the valuable ranged resource is and should be an important pillar of tide gameplay. its subjective , im not saying its right and wrong , but i do think your expectation is counter to the clearly demonstrated aim of the devs. i mean we have ammo for ranged not durability on melee.
You’re missing the point - The people that play that way do it because that way is what’s fun for them.
It’s about the game being overly stingy with the fun. Some people just go ham and burn out their fun early and then appear to be “struggling with ammo”, others spend the whole run trying to ration it so they can have a little bit of fun here and there.
Meanwhile, psyker spams infinite pack-shredding homing shards.
Well it dpends on what Las you use.
Recons are ment for Hordes, so it makes sense to have AMMO not nerfed!
Theres enough Players even before with Big Ammo Pools that relied more on their Melee than Ranged. If you enjoy more shooting then leave it and let people shoot some more!
I see the Difference very very Clearly even in the Psykhanium when shooting a couple Elites, specials. What are you talkiong about there is enough Ammo?! The Ammo Pool got nerfed by y hard man. The skill to get your Recon back up to to what it was, you would “waste” a shitton of Skills, depending on
what Build you are uising / trying to do.
Recon was and is a Hordeclear first and for some Elites also very viable. There was no reason to nerf it.
Also what about SHotgun and Revolver. They even have less Ammo now and not much to beginn with even on Vet!
Next would be Survivability, its not good anymore, skills are all over the place
Ranged weapons are too strong in this game, reducing the amount of ammo was a good thing.
Only time ive ever seen ammo problems is when people are being foolish and not actually looking around for any kind of supplies.
From what ive seen is people are rushing through the level at breakneck speed and shooting everything in site and expecting ammo to just come to them.