So far I have used a few different variants of the Autoguns on my level 11 Veteran. So far I do think they feel better than they did pre-buff, but their use seems so trivial or F Tier when compared to other weapons at the Veterans disposal. I actually love the sound and feel of the Autoguns but even at their current buffed state the damage seems to PALE in comparison to all the other weapons and the DMR Style single shot one having no sort of optic feels off. But that’s not even where I would lay my major criticism of the weapon down; that is reserved for the ammo capacity. Most Autoguns have a high rate of fire with a dismal mag size, but to pour salt into that wound. They have an abysmal level of ammo reserves even on a Sharpshooter. I love the feel, and sound of these guns and maybe a slight bit more in terms of Magazine Size and Ammo Reserves could make these things feel more useable as horde softeners.
EDIT: I forgot to mention maybe tone back the muzzle rise a smidge too?