These are not differences of opinion. These are put downs.
I am not sure who is teaching people that having a different opinion is free reign to be enormous richards, but it isn’t.
I enjoy this aspect of the game. Good work Devs!
I do not find that enjoyable.
See how it shows a difference of opinions without telling the person they are wrong or demeaning them for liking something? Magical stuff.
Gameplay feedback is directed to the devs, not other players. You are looking for general discussion, which would be an open forum for discussion.
You can add input. It is still directed at the devs. I can comment on technical feedback too. and network connectivity.
It is for feedback of the gameplay. “feedback” denotes the intended recipient to be the provider. Like if I hand you a document and ask for your feedback.
General discussion is for discussions… generally…
The intent here would be that people would be polite and not spam their complaints and try to drown out any voices that enjoy what they do not. So the OP could say he likes the PS, and others could agree OR politely disagree. Instead, we get this…
OK… i look away for 4 DAMN HOURS and somehow my dipsht post about me enjoying the neuron activation and dopamine release i get when i played vet with a power sword and being sad its kinda sht on him (NOTE that doesnt mean i think its a bad weapon but that the chain sword works better for vet due to it not needing to charge up before every 2 hits meaning you can more easily swap and hordeclear a horde nibbling your nutsack than with the powersword and for those who say that its braindead, it requires you to make sure you dont miss time a charge and make sure you keep the horde staggered with bashes as well lest you get smacked for failing to keep up with its rythm. like easily its ridiculous WHEN ITS POWERED but honestly it still suffers from desperatly needing to be charged up to be useful which on zealot with all his toughness boosts and dmg mit as well as hits way boosted melee dmg and his faster melee speed wouldnt be as much a issue and easily if given to zealot as is, it would be a high A if not even also a low S for him competing with the evicerator and axe and yea ill say it, all his hammers aside from the crusher are B at best and only good for the one shot elite gimmick. like srly zealots one job currently is to make mince meat of hordes with all his buffs in one regard or anohter boosting his MELEE weapons and not doing sh*t for his RANGED weapons, flamer included so in all seriousness, if his melee cant at least mass CC like the crusher which is high B if not close to low A, its not gonna be a good melee weapon on him.
oh also, i only read to like comment 26 cause the estimated comment read time is already 18 min and im a slow ass reader so its probably double for me… thanks mild stigmizim in both eyes and dyslexia making reading annoy…
Maybe cause flamer needs a nerf. But if you really play the class and are in melee all the time, it is not easier than other classes (I play all classes).
Must precise that I don’t use critic template with the zealot.
However, in term of difficulty, from the easier to the more difficult I would say: Ogryn (really all is good, strong HP, strong toughness regen, good damages) > Zealot (until the death saves you, you have to wait 90s and you can go back… but you cannot do that every times) = Veteran (you have the PS and more ammo to deal with situations and avoid a lot of melee fights) > Psykers (great damages, more skilled class, weak)
I pulled the team back from a near wipe having to cut down a horde, half a dozen specialists, a few dozen shooters, some big bois, all with a Power Sword and it felt amazing.
But I’ve done the same thing with a Heavy Sword and a Butcher Cleaver, it just doesn’t feel as satisfying.
You can find 2h power sword model with fashion randomizer mod. Not sure it’s allowed to post datamined content on the forum? Well whatever, i think it is for zealot, but not sure, since you need to toggle off “respect archetypes”
XD dude more like i just got the game and just like the wooshy wooshy laser sword and a bunch of random people decided to specifically sht on my post because they dislike the powersword for what i feel at least are very subjetive reasons / reasons based on it existing on veteran / everyone using the evicerator on veteran cause it is 1000% better for his ranged weapon playstyle meaning they dont even know sht about the power sword cause they probably dropped it the second they got the evicerator and than just went onto herecy and damnation and never touched the powersword again cause chainsaw sword is fun and do go brrrr and is just a f*ing beast and monster of a backup horde clearer
its just somthin about the buzz and than the ‘KRRRCCHCHHTTT’ and watching like 15 nurglites drop only to swing again one more time and watch their friends walk into death and than repeat ad nauseam… like ik the evicerator and antax are leagues better for vet because you dont gotta charge before each hit and without boosted melee speed its hard to charge swing push and keep up for a prolonged period without taking chip dmg whereas the chainswords and axes let you bash, bash hit/ light or heavy attack, repeat a lot safer especially since you’d only be whipping out melee to deal with threats right the f*ck on you likely when your outta ammo with no time to reload.
i mean from my perspective as a crusher hammer main, the increased swing speed of zealot is exaclty what charged power weapons like the powersword need and is why the zealot has the hammers too. its just that slight extra time it takes that doesnt get noticed with the first 2 or three charge attack repeats but 4? 5? 6? yea vet starts to notice the time lost if you dont have a team to help makeup for that loss right behind you.
XD aside from the crusher hammer, the power hammers are AT MOST upper b but honestly i think thats too generous for what are gimmick weapons that only really can boss clear and do good single target dmg which is not at all what zealot needs in a melee weapon since they can only rely on the flamer for crowd clear and zealot using their ammo like that takes ammo from vets stopping elite clearing and boss killing and takes ammo from ogryns who can horde clear with the same level of efficency as a flamer zealot but with FARRR less melee potential than the zealot. basically if your a zealot using your gun for crowd clear than your hurting your team. like eviscerator horde clears so easily and without eating your stamina too much giving you the chance to block, bash, and dodge far more easily AND gives you one of the best single target melee specials that not only stuns, not only pins, but does monstroues dmg on the right builds and fing melts unfortunante elites.