The power sword is so badass

This is the official forum, gameplay feedback section. You know to express our opinions without calling people sad, pathetic, bad or putting words into someone’s elses mouth.

Power sword is OP weapon, which prevents new veteran players from learning the melee combat mechanics. There, this is my opinion on the subject of power sword.

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I wish you wrote that from the start, instead of demanding nerfs and claiming on which device and what games should I play.

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No harm done?

Again, I’m not a native speaker, but afaik “should be nerfed” means a suggestion. “must be nerfed” means a demand. Either way, I will stop now before Hedge waltzes in here and decides to delete us all.

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I think the power sword does too much damage to ogryn. That’s it. That is the only problem. Enemy ogryn should be tough enough to shrug off the wounds dealt by a power sword (based on crunch and lore). They cut through armor and bone and flesh easily but ogryn are incredibly tough. If they did less damage to ogryn that’d be sufficient.

Thank you for attending my micro-ted-X talk.

First of all why are you lying and twisting words? I said that HP bar mod give advantages in my opinion. You don’t agree? Eh, ok. Do i dming devs in discord asking them to ban this mod? Do i create threads about this mod over and over? No, there was a thread and i drop my opinion. You see, i’m not trying to get any instruments i can influence on the game with.

It seems you are still butthurting, maybe you shouldn’t start a conversation? So let’s say i’m an arrogant elitist, than you probably will not like any of my point about anything, so you want what?

You can imagine anything you want. Despite i’m not saying “you should play this weapon and should not”. I give arguments why i think some things, after i have test them, as it was about “combat depth”. You don’t even argue with subject at all, you just keep screaching i shoudn’t voice my opinion at all.

You did not tag them so they would be aware, just in case they learned of it later.

I tagged via @ only 1 person from this forum. Another one was just an example of well known tide player, not a forum member even. So your conclusion was what? I’m trying to win an internet dispute with you by attracting via tagging more people (one!)? Huge cringe here.

Where did i say people shoudn’t say something? I’m totally ok with opinions i don’t like, so i argue with them and not telling them “literally who asked ?”

LOL ROFL LMAO HAHA KEK. The point is Darktide is just a slightly different game than V2, if you have played V2 a lot, you will learn DT fast, you also will learn fast that DT is downgraded in some ways.

Did they ask for ideas on redesigning all those things?

Who are they? Who should ask me specific? Devs themselves? My first post about weapon was just disagreement. Are you ok? Also welcome to the internet forums, blacklist function is there.

Racism is an opinion. Remember that everytime you think you can justify your actions because it is your opinion…

300 IQ take. Opinion about videogame element, racial discrimination, justifying actions (actions=words?) A lot of here but nothing makes sense together

You really are just spare parts.

If I blacklist you, I can’t point out when you are putting people down and not just giving feedback. It is my opinion that you should not do that.

As for the rest of your angry reply… You cannot follow your own comments on a thread. End of the day, it is not your job to put people down for liking things. If you see a post of someone saying they enjoyed something, you can leave that alone. You do not need to tell them they are wrong. You can go ahead and make yet another thread of your complaining. Call me a liar all you like, your comments are there to be seen. Just because you cannot follow your own words and context, doesn’t mean others cannot.

Stay toxic :wink:

call me a liar all you like, your comments are there to be seen

So if you are not, can you repost them maybe? Where i said mods=cheats, but please, without word twisting and things out of context. Or will there be some excuse for why you are not gonna do it?

End of the day, it is not your job to put people down for liking things.

End of the day, it’s not your job to talk people what they shoud say or not, if they don’t break forum rules maybe. You are just power tripping, nothing more.

Stay toxic

Sure i will.

I love how the most satisfying to use weapons in game are so controversial.



I love the jeers from vets when they see I have a krourk stubber most days. I am square pegging this gun hard and it does have good damage squirreled away in the clunkiness. This is what happens when I was an eternal Ripperchad and they buffed it up to meta status when it was amazing on launch. Stop making it easier.

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Because it would be tiresome, and would benefit no one. The thread is there where you clearly side with a mod being cheating. The same one where you claim you are done over and over and over but keep coming to repeat yourself, just in case someone important might notice you.

Power tripping? Don’t I need power to do that? Are you giving me some authority? Last I checked, I have no more power than you or anyone else. Unless the ability to follow my own comments is power…
It is my fault really, I should know better than to mention anything that might be fixated upon. The shiny dot will always get the attention and draw people away from their own points. My bad.

You are correct. It is not my job to tell people not to be elitist toxic people who put down others for liking things. That is correct. I do feel it is a moral obligation though. See, the existence of ignore and block functions is not permission for you to act poorly. They are there if someone does, not to give permission. Maybe no one else wants to take the time or deal with the backlash of telling you how it is. Maybe they are not as eloquent. Maybe they just aren’t as bored with daily life as I am… A million reasons why someone else might not tell you that your actions are not ok. I am good with it though. I am all those things, so I have no problem taking my time to do so while I watch shows, cook, clean, play missions or whatever other simple life tasks I have.

The difference here is that you are taking the moral responsibility to put others down because you disagree with their experiences. Then you tell them how to experience things. You can like or dislike whatever you want. You can make your own threads about it. You cannot crap on someone else who says they like something. Just like they cannot crap on you either. You are not a victim here. You are just in the wrong in a very basic social way. You can grow from this, or you can continue to dig in your heels and insist that you are correct to tell people how to enjoy things. It is your choice.

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No i wasn’t clam such things. I said there:

  • that advantage mods are not ok in my opinion
  • there could be some mods in the future, that will provide such high advantage that it will be hard to make a borderline between advantage and cheats with your “advantage mods are ok” logic

What i didn’t say:

  • mods are cheating

There was no generalization about all mods.

You can’t proof your words, hiding behind excuse, like that, pretedning you are not lying

Because it would be tiresome

I didn’t even read your text after second quote. I don’t respect you, i don’t respect your opinion, not becuase it’s different, but only because you are lying and twisting words, trying to manipulate. You can reply to me in any thread you want, i will not read or reply on your posts. I feel nothing but disgust towards you.

LOL. Okkie dokkie.
I am twisting words, but you Just said they are not ok. Again. I am not doing this with you here.
I don’t need to “proof my words”. There is a thread people can go read themselves. Nothing is hidden. It is all there for others to see. Here and there, you have proven your bad attitude. You do not have to like me. Ignore list me, tell me I disgust you, and be an angry kid.
Put someone down for liking something again, you might see me or someone else telling you it is not ok. Social basics. Basic decency.

P.S. we both know you read the whole thing. :wink:

Man, all OP said was that he loves using power sword, what’s with all these mean-spirited angry responses? :frowning_face:


Because some people get mad when they see others have fun with their toys while they have to play with their own.
Because for some people it is crucial to believe that games you play in your free time, have to be hard labor.

Or maybe, just maybe, they still can not cope with the fact, that one class has a weapon, that others do not have access to. So they have to pull out arguments all around to justify their anger and grief ridden attempts of trying to push the Devs to take the fun out of said weapons.


Some people should consider playing different classes i guess.


What am I to do? Play the class that is for NOOBS and BASICS. What do you take me for?!

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Don’t worry. Nobody forces you to play the class that has health regeneration and easy mode crit bleed bleed crit mechanic.
So you can play the other 3 classes that require some skill.

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It’s still so easy even after the Roulette nerf lol

Because it’s on ‘Gameplay Feedback’ duh.

If you don’t want difference opinion you could just create a thread and ask CM to lock it maybe?