Watched the first video, meh is all i have to say. Low density spawns, just 1 boss fight which is an exception. Couple trash rat hordes, when you got a chaos hordes you started to take a beating.
You could do that run with any class/weapon combo, add regen necklace + select temp hp after kill.
What you dont do is run into the middle of a field with a horde incoming. Find a fence and put your back to it, or even better drop down asap. Leave the shooting + pausing for 2 enemies for recruit/vet.
What he’s saying is any uniqueness brought via her career’s talent/passive set was watered down to the point that she doesn’t feel worth playing(unless you like looking like an elf). You could achieve nearly identical results by playing either of her other 2 careers. The point of the talents/passives is to give an impactful and unique feeling when playing these characters. When it’s just minuscule stat buffs like +5% attack speed or something or like her lvl 15 talents that do nothing now, then what’s the point of any of it? Like another person had said, it’s just an advertisement bullet point on the cover of the game. It has no real value in the game itself. That entire match half of your character’s talents/passives weren’t helping you or helping to change/enhance your play experience.
Other careers should have been brought up to that satisfying point. But instead, any satisfaction was destroyed and brought down to the lackluster levels of the other careers. By “In line”, I think you mean watered down. Kerillian isn’t the only one they watered down into nothingness.
I’ve seen multiple groups I’ve joined put up vote kicks every time an elf joined the party b/c of her trash changes. “Why have an elf when we can have AOE crowd control and fire damage…?” Well, the answer used to be her passive hp regen she could share with the group, but not any longer.
Disclaimer: I did not read the original post. But I do agree that Elf is very strong. Waystalker is strong as hell, haven’t played Handmaiden that much and Shade is also decent. But since ranged > anything, Waystalker is just an absolute brute. I just use longbow and one shot most things, during horde mode you can penetrate many rats/chaosboyz with 1 arrow. Once you start to go low, one ultimate and whammo, 20 more arrows. All that said I won’t go so far as to call her OP. Best ranged DPS together with Siennas Pyromancer.
This guy is QQ’ing over doing more damage than BOTS. Just thought I’d save everyone the effort… Sienna is just as good as Kerillian. my hero power is 545 and Sienna is VERY powerful. Pyromancer FTW.
Bullshit. Regen nerf made her passive nonexistant/useless for any good player who do not go below 50% HP in his matches. Basicelly- the better you are- the more useless your passive is.
That is the only complain. Nobody complaied about her being weak damage wise, spear wise, anti bosses wise, anti horde wise etc.
The complain is about her passive being simple useless unless you are bad WS player who is constantly below 50% HP.
Besides you are known here elf hater nad whiner and your arguments are baised and suited to proof your points without looking at larget picure. You video is baised, very low horde/special spawns and you have a reputation of personal vendetta vs elf (god knows why). You are as legit as Horde player in WoW writing about how Allience is OP.
The problem is that her passive is useless for good player. That is the problem. Rest is just thing you made up, because nobody complains about them.
I strongly suggest to cool and get off elf-hating bandwagon just because you don’t feel your “main” is where it should be.
This is a bit disingenuous as the current champion is basically the old Veteran. To get a proper comparison with pre-launch Champion you’d have to play on Legendary. They really did bump everything down a difficulty level with the release patch.
The fact your “example video” is with bots so you can get the kills just makes it absolutely obvious how biased you are in your “proof”.
She is fine but its stupid that you are basically forced to play waystalker with a longbow / shortbow and glaive on legend just to clean up armor, most of her loadouts are just ineffective when 90% of what you fight are storm vermin, specials, and chaos warriors, and packs are easy so there is no real threat there. I just hate that the game seems to pigeonhole you into certain play styles.
I stopped playing waystalker since regen nerf and Handmaiden is just as good. Just finished a Champion run with 7.8k damage, most damage on boss, and it was all using a spear. If anything the Spear is OP not kerillian herself.
You obviously don’t know how to play Glaive or Dagger/Dagger Keri at all if you think Spear is stronger than that. If any they are all in good place. What is lacking now is Wardancer sword and Dual Swords.
Ironically I play 2h Sword, enjoy it, and feel effective. 2h Sword is definitely harder to use though. You can’t just spam like spear lol. I’d say it’s competitive with other weapons, but a half step behind the best elf weapons.
Glaive has really high damage output and is great for fighting armored units, dual daggers is sub-par by comparison to spear. Spear not only has 180 degree block/push but its first charged attack has a huge cleave range. Dagger is sub-optimal on legend and your only REAL options are glaive/spear at that difficulty. Overall, I keep highest damage and most kills with spear no matter what. With the Glaive, playing defensive is not nearly as easy. It requires a LOT more thought into your positioning during hordes and the power attacks don’t cleave. They’re single-target based.
Spear is definitely the best option in Champion or below.
Sword and Dagger is better than Spear but requires more skill and is not as safe.
Also what you say about Dagger Dagger is BS. I use them sometimes on Legendary, not on Champion and they destroy.
Spear is best for those who can’t play without its comfortable range. Other Elf weapons can deal much better dps, but you are at much more risk of being hit and your game needs to be much better than that.
i think the two nerfs to the spear are pretty sufficient. it was over powered before. it probably doesnt need further tuning.
ive mained all those characters to lvl 25 and i find them to be on par with the waystalker. your honest to jeebas comment is honestly making me wonder if youre even over the age of 15.
then take her party regen if you feel that way. during the beta i always took party regen when playing as the waystalker and still do. the 50% regen was a good change. before, when combined with the regen trinket it was OP and was far to forgiving when taking a hit. even a good player can find themselves missing less than half their hp.