The current state of spawns

Fatshark this is a personal message from me and a lot of other extremely loyal Darktide players. I am sure you have heard it before many times but you have still not commented on it.
You are very soon going to lose a lot of your loyal fan base for such a stupid thing.
It has BEEN months and months since event spawns have been broken. Events are suppose to be a challenge and you constantly are pushing this agenda of “teamwork” but what is the point of teamwork if the event is so easy and vacant you can just solo it???
Next you purposely broke horde timers. I do not know why you would do this. One of the things that shows how good a player in tides games is how they pace the mission. Removing horde timers completely destroys the pacing and makes the game way too predictable.

I do not know what you are scared of? Why make a difficulty easier, if its too hard the person can just go down a difficulty.
Can we at least get some feedback or public acknowledgment because at this point it feels like you are completely disregarding your hardcore loyal fanbase…


The game needs a new difficulty altogether mate, we are way too powerful for the current setting.
Oh no, 4 Crushers? LOL PLASMA GO BRRRRR aaaannd they are dead before they even got a chance to get close.


A new difficulty for a couple of builds that are way overpowered isn’t what is needed, correctly balancing the game is what is needed - but this is Fatshark and they don’t even play their own game apparently - so they have no idea how overpowered the few good builds are, compared to how useless other builds can be.

Which is why so many experienced players refuse to team with certain psykers or with plasma vets etc. it trivializes the game and takes all the fun out of it for us. People who want easy mode should go play Borderlands, that feels more like a game for children with power fantasies.


Horde timer went away? When? What triggers hordes now?

After Secrets of the Machine God update

Only progression through the mission, easily noticeable if you play the same map twice, hordes spawn in the same spots


Some events were improved, so its not like they cannot do it, but I would like them to improve the AI director behaviour through the whole length of maps and add difficulty modifiers which are actually fun. High intensity shock troop, monstrous, even melee only and lights out are fun, but everything else just uses the most annoying enemy types which also tend to break audio for many. We had few fun deeds in VT2, why not introduce those?

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That means nerfs, not a new difficulty

The game can barely handle the current spawns already, and you’d leave many weapons in the dust, downgraded from underperforming to liability

Kick the plasma noobtube in the nuts, nerf VoC, make using Smite actually require one brain cell, that already fixes 90% of the game’s current balance issues

The remainer 10% is nerfing the Veteran, but that would probably lead to mass death threats

If people want to be stomping super heroes, there are already 5 difficulties below Auric, there’s no need to add another


This patch just introduced a bunch more powercreep with 0 nerfs, balance has never been this whack.


I was calling it weeks before it even dropped. I really dont know what they were thinking. But hey, “it’s just a pve game”


Gives us a reason to fight stronger enemies in future instances.

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