Time to address the broken spawn rates

You guys need to fix the spawns. I honestly am starting to see why people are complaining about difficulty at this point and its not because the game is difficult itself but because the spawns are COMPLETELY BROKEN. One game they probably get a hellscape on Atoma while other games its like walking through a malice mission. No clue if its the servers, AI director or what but there needs to be more consistency with actual difficulty. I have two screenshots as an example. One is from a hi shock that was about 3 weeks ago that consists of wayyyy more specials/elites spawning throughout the game. The other screenshot is a T5 Auric Maelstrom I did today that only took 21 minutes because there was practically nothing spawning.

No, the team wasn’t some godly team that enabled the 21 minute run. Perfectly normal team but there was no real crazy spawns. Compare that with a hi shock - which is supposed to be an easier version of a maelstrom. The hi shock was much more difficult and spawned a lot more elites/specials.


Most Auric Maelstrom modifiers are easier than Hi Shock games. It’s been like that for awhile.

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Not sure what you want the solution to be. What does fixing the “completely broken” spawn rates mean to you?

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Aren’t you the 15 difficulties guy? Just pick one of the 14 lower difficulties :rofl:

Hab Dreyko is probably the most broken map for spawns. That modifier is nurgle blessed histg iirc, and that’s about as much damage as you would expect on that map. It just forgets to spawn specials and often times because you spend so much of the map inside events it doesn’t spawn many elites.

But almost every single map is incredibly broken right now due to serious issues related to events. They also made some seriously foolish change to how horde spawns work, making it entirely based on progression, which means that pacing doesn’t matter.

They’ve acknowledged broken events at least, but that was some months ago. Playing darktide without the tide just makes it dark. and boring. mostly dar- well, 50-50 on dark and boring.


If you actually knew how to read properly you would know the post is asking for more consistent difficulty, not less.

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Really? Maybe I just haven’t been paying enough attention. From my experience I always thought maelstroms were way more difficult but lately they have been much easier than Hi Shocks.

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It means giving more consistency toward spawns rather than one game being easy and another game being extremely difficult.

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yeah the spawnrates have been broken for a while.
Sometimes nothing spawns just small clusters of mobs in Aur/Mael
and you can speedrun it with everyone getting like ~300k damage

Hardes dificulty should always be on the higher end of the spectrum and have more stuff to kill and pressure you not a walk in the park where events only spawn small packs

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Some events spawn noticeably more than they used to as well, the ones that come to mind is Ascension Riser train event and Enclavum Baross bridge event. Coincidentally, they are both battery events.

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Here is a Maelstrom I did yesterday. Compare that with the maelstrom up top that I linked. You can clearly see the huge difference in special spawns as well as the extra 10 minutes it took. 10 minutes doesn’t seem like a lot but in these missions it is.

Spawning in events has been broken for months.

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Okay so its clearly a known issue yet nothing is being done, like the majority of issues in this game. Got it.

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It was good for a little bit after the update, idk why it keeps breaking

I can say that we are looking into this. :pray: Trying to get more work done on it. It isn’t as easy to pinpoint as we were hoping.


Alright thank you for the response

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i rolled 20 ragers in a heresy while doing a penance game I have never seen that in auric except maybe once in 1.4k hours of play

Rager patrols seem to be the rarest composition. On Damnation the Ogryn patrols are overly common in terms of representation.

As for Hab Dreyko, it has a lot less set piece areas for ambients. The mid level event has also spawned nothing on its own for a while, only feeding more ambients in along horde. I’ve wanted some ragers or maulers/ogryns tossed into this phase for forever.

Meanwhile Clandestium is grand and has tons of areas where they pack the room with elites and even have hordes roll in when the lateral shuttle stops so there’s that mix of combat we all enjoy. Its like 9 set piece rooms and basically 3.5 events.

I can’t wait till Fatshark implements non-stop-no-break-horde modifier.

I just hope fatshark can figure out a way to modify difficulty WITHOUT just adding more special/elite spawns. I feel like after this patch we’ve hit the limit (on the high end) for how much you can crank up specials and disablers without it being completely annoying, and anything more would just push the half-broken audio and quad burster quad trapper antics to an obnoxious level.

Bulwark patrols make me want to scream, by the way.