Event spawns are still broken

Issue Type (Required):

Enemy Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

Since my last post about this, the only change recently to spawns was a poor decision to make horde spawn behavior progression based rather than a timer. This has made levels much easier, on top of the already existing issues with every single event in the game.

I’ll recap what my previous post had but I figured that since there have been multiple updates that do not address this problem that it warrants bringing this issue up once again. There are clips there as well that I won’t migrate, only map I think it is missing is the newest map, and enclavum has had its mid event updated, but the final event is still problematic as ever. I don’t believe I placed every event of every map, just the ones that I found egregious and obvious enough to warrant showcasing.

Event spawns are broken and easily exploitable on every map. They don’t spawn enemies close enough to prevent players from speedrunning objectives or in massive/challenging enough quantities to change player behavior. This leads to missions being the exact same way every single time, with little to no variation or challenge to the player.

The problematic spawning has a few very noticeable patterns. It will often start with a huge wave at the start, and slowly but surely become more and more of a trickle as the event occurs. It often will spawn only a wave of elites or a wave of horde, and if it spawns both, it’s a small amount of both. If there is no initial huge wave, it will remain a trickle. Final events like excise vault or archivum syckorax are especially noticeable, as the arena is very huge yet also incredibly empty no matter where you are.

There is also a pattern I’ve noticed where special spawns are severely reduced during events on most maps even during high-int shock trooper gauntlet. It’s not something I really looked into thoroughly, but I am also aware that now, after the first event of smelter complex, special spawn remains severely reduced, bordering 0 specials up until the final event itself starts. I first noticed the behavior looking over mercantile’s final event, but warren is the bigger more obvious one.

Some events will often have no enemies spawning for a period of time until the objective needs progression. This is particularly noticeable on missions with the symbol minigame, but can break on any map. The final event of Vigil Station Oblivium and the mid event of Consignment Yard have these issues significantly more often than the other maps in my experience.

I’ve stopped playing the game about a week or so ago, which was already following a huge reduction of playtime to like 1 or 2 missions every other day maybe. I don’t feel motivated to find the footage for this on current patch, I only loaded up and played 5 missions to get a proper feel for spawns just to confirm it is still a problem. I am bored of the game and the new modifier does not seem interesting to me. I don’t plan on coming back unless I see significant updates to spawning behavior for events, even if regular horde spawns are reverted, as they are supposed to be the real test of the team’s abilities from map knowledge and teamwork to personal player skill. Currently, they’re a comforting bench along the stroll through the park that is the state of auric damnation right now.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. load up mission.
  2. play up to an event.
  3. before starting event, check stats via scoreboard mod, screenshot if necessary.
  4. after event is over, check again and see that special kills barely move compared to previous, and that the change in damage is very low, often times less than 200k across the entire team, sometimes even less than 100k, during event.
  5. repeat process for every subsequent event.

bonus: check scoreboard and notice that the line for damage and time plateaus for every mission due to the progression change. Whether the game is an hour long or just 15 minutes the damage dealt is nearly identical with little variance everytime.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam