Issue Type (Required):
Enemy Mechanics
Issue Description (Required):
As of the latest patch ambient spawning is completely broken, resulting in maps being a ghost town even on the highest difficulties, please fix urgently your game isn’t fun when the “tide” isn’t there.
Also excise vault events don’t spawn nearly enough enemies, check to make sure it’s actually using the spawn logic of Damnation on Damnation because it feels like Sedition.
Here’s a clip of me losing my mind :
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
Walk in map, see no enemies, keep walking
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Constant (100%)
Platform (Required):
PC - Steam
Player ID (Optional):
I have seen these ghost maps too on Auric Damnation last week, less than 2k total kills on auric damnation does not compute.
February 26, 2024, 7:07pm
Here is a compilation of 3 clips where areas were empty of enemies. Excise Vault, Silo Cluster, and Smelter Complex
The hangar area in Vault was completely empty. The enemies weren’t pulled away from there earlier either.
Silo end event area is completely empty. It is usually filled to brim with enemies.
Smelter area after dropdown before airlock is empty.
February 28, 2024, 4:08pm
Please fix that quick FS, it’s really not fun to play right now.
February 28, 2024, 4:46pm
Auric maelstrom feels like sedition right now, it’s horrendous…
March 1, 2024, 8:00pm
Events also have issues with spawns just stopping at times. (Without people getting downed/dying, which would “naturally” cause it)
Here in Refinery Delta end event latter half spawns just stop until end of event. Only specials keep spawning.
I’ve seen this happen as well, I don’t have the clip anymore but we had an Ascension Riser end event where periodically the horde would stop spawning for minutes at a time
The single worst bug we have since the release of the game. It’s unbelievable for me to see this not Hotfixed for days now. Auric damnation HISTG missions have 1700~ enemies. I run 20 meters from a single enemy to an another. And Spawns are incredibly easy to deal with now making the whole run a joke.
It’s painful yea, but it was even worse just after patch 11 if i remember correctly, where there was even less ennemies to kill.
Still no word on this after several days? Not a priority, I guess?
March 4, 2024, 12:18pm
Still no response from from FS? Still no changes? I
I’m absolutely flabbergasted this is not all over the forums, but I trust Fatshark is hard at work fixing clipping on cosmetics.
1 Like
1.2.32 just downloading now
Fixed an issue where the amount of enemies spawning during missions was lower than intended.
Let’s hope it’s so.
Issue Description (Required):
As of the latest patch ambient spawning is completely broken, resulting in maps being a ghost town even on the highest difficulties, please fix urgently your game isn’t fun when the “tide” isn’t there.
Also excise vault events don’t spawn nearly enough enemies, check to make sure it’s actually using the spawn logic of Damnation on Damnation because it feels like Sedition.
Reddit says otherwise so looks like the bug is in your end… Reddit - Dive into anything
did you using mods or something ? if yes try to delete it it might be causing issues which is out of scope the devs jurisdiction.
March 13, 2024, 5:47pm
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