The Crafting Memorial; lest we forget

Well all that effort and we just got a Battlepass but with extra steps; and it’s still somehow worse than Vermintide 1/2. Locks are also still there. It’s also now a grind instead of a lottery ticket. Great to see feedback was put to great use.


There’s a whole lot of details I want before deciding one way or the other whether I like it or not, but yeah, as described it’s still definitely worse than VT1 or 2

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I’m not too confident at all. It’s probably going to be either: 1) every weapon has a battlepass progression 2) we have to repeat the grind on every character 3) weapons can still get bricked regardless because of locks.

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It would be stupid if we pick up a weapon and cannot inspect its progression path. But it seems we level up the weapon and unlock blessing points to then proceed to skill the weapon. Maybe we get a respec option if we get points, but who knows. This could all be a fluke, and it’s something wholly different.

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From how it looks to me and the information given, it’s seems like you choose every aspect of it as you level a weapon: perks, blessings and stats, but after you finish leveling it limits how much you can change it after because of the locks; if you want a drastically different build of the same weapon, you have to level one again.

Then it’s the details that are missing that will truly make or break that. Individual weapon progress? Weapon family progress? A currency you can spend on ‘mastering’ or leveling weapons? Is that currency siloed by weapon, weapon type or character? Do weapons have set statlines? How are they determined initially? Do you still acquire weapons of varying quality? How does that affect mastering/leveling it? How does that affect initial stats etc. etc.

I just want more information before I decide.




The 5 words that every darktide player has been waiting to hear.


I’m gonna wait before opening champagne, but that information brought smile to my face.
Here, a small cheer: wo.


Yes. This is not a guarantee that the overall system will be great, but at least this seems like they are finally making a step in the right direction.

(I hope the number on that display is not his age. If it is, he must be working quite a stressful nightshift.)


Well F me.

What I hoped for and why I held back using my resources for when the day comes.


No doubt removing locks “might” involve cost. But I think that is covered.


It does seem positive on the surface but I have a lot of questions regarding the system.

1) is it a per weapon type or per weapon deal?

Taking say the Thunderhammer as an example I would personally be ok if I did the grind and I was able to do all the stat increases and changes to all future thunder hammers of the same type but if they are expecting people to put in 20-30 hours per bought weapon then I’m far less excited. I am also not sure how this is going to work for similar weapons of the same class.

2) How does existing gear and blessing unlocks work in the system?

I’m curious if the new gear system is going to take the old gear into account and to what capacity? I know personally I held onto a few weapons hoping for a rework so I’m wondering if you can do this with any weapon or if it’s a “Special Issue Inquisition” weapon that you can modify.

3) Resourcing, existing shops, and leveling

How much is it going to cost to progress in either time or resources? Are the crafting mats stil used as before or is it a new resources?

Is there still going to be a need to try and re-roll whites from brunt’s or hunt for blessings in Malk’s or are they getting retooled?

I guess more info will come with the crafting def blog but I’m skeptical about this still being a monkey’s paw situation


Jesus Christ how horrifying.


Oh damn don’t give them anymore ideas! Imagine if blessing progression wasn’t just weapon type and you had to individually grind up PowerSword 3 and PowerSword 6. The screenshot from spanish website does suggest weapon type only and not variant based…hopefully :smiley:

So far looks more certain, the enhance stats will look to cost a certain amount, obviously below look more like test numbers and won’t be real values (maybe :smiley: )


At this point best if everyone halt any crafting. What you do now - Could be redundant in next update.

If any more reason needed to stop crafting - You don’t know how much materials it will really cost to increase stats of your existing inventory. Hoard the plasteel for next update on this.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they had the old and new systems side by side. To immediately get gear if you want it. Or to go through the mastery process. So you can immediately try and roll some weapons or use them to level them up and gain mastery.


Crosshair changes. Can manually choose to have a simple dot sight in interface settings and turn off hit indicators. Guess no more need for Crosshair Remap mod.

Few new weapons we knew about and ALOT of weapon re-balance changes.

Some Ogryn light 2 hand axe for horde, medium and heavy for single target damage. On Grey heavy Branx over 50% damage on crusher body. Swing time is big though.

Big change to Ogryn shovel brutal momentum build. Can’t stack one shot crushers clipping into eachother anymore.

New mission available - Time to give it a whirl.


I don’t know if it’s just from the complaining I’ve made, or sheer luck, but I quite like this brand new toy I just got:


How is it? Is it like Bardin’s pickaxe from VT2?

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Sadly, I have no time to actually try it right now. Full review on the HUGE pickaxe (oh yes it’s a proper pole-arm) coming soon!


I yearn for the day that you may retire this thread, but I salute you for your service. I pray that your duty may come to an end soon.


Someone posted the blessing list for the pickaxe. Slow and Steady looks kinda spicy, not gonna lie.

Pickaxe Blessings