The crafting is too much like gambling

Well, you’re part of the 5% minority opinion here. Literally at least 95% of everybody active here doesn’t like it.


Some people just enjoy gambling and enjoy watching their life savings go down the drain in the hope the next time they bet, they will win the rigged jackpot.

Most people realize the house always wins and hate gambling because they value their time and the fruits of their labor more. In other words, you have to know when to walk away from a rigged game.


An accomplishment you can’t work towards. It’s pure luck.
There is no guarantee you will ever get the godrolled perfect weapon, doesn’t matter how many hours you put into the game, doesn’t matter how many aquilas you buy, doesn’t matter if you wish to get it from the depth of your heart.

I for my part hope, that it’s the same as with the skilltrees… The system we’re having now was just the easiest to implement for their release deadline and they are working on a (hopefully) better system in the background.
But sure, many new or returning players will get frustrated with the system and the lack of content sooner or later and might stop playing (again).


You really hit the nail on the head. This is the problem they’re not seeing.

Once you reach level 30, you’ve effectively finished the game. That creates a problem where the player no longer has a goal to work towards. If you decide your goal is to do all the penances, then it’s an achievable goal you can work towards. It’s why I love the Krieghelmet and the For The Emperor skins. I earned them I didn’t get “lucky” I earned them.

The problem with the RNG system is that you don’t earn “god” weapons, you just got lucky. Which diminishes the value, there’s no accomplishment there. The other problem with the RNG system is if you are someone who likes to be creative and experiment with new and interesting career builds, or you like to fine-tune your weapons, then you’ll find you just can’t because any ideas you want to try are blocked by the RNG system.

This means both goal-orientated people and creative-orientated people are dissuaded from playing Darktide for these reasons. The only people who remain will be people who actually like gambling (Which is a minority) and the others who either genuinely enjoy the gameplay or are genuine 40k fans who like to roleplay as an Imperial guardsman or Ogyrn from time to time. Which I’d wager makes up 95% of those who stuck around when the population tanked from 100k to 2k.

Now we’ve seen people still like the game and people came back to the news of a more customizable skill tree, to me this demonstrates a strength Darktide has, which is people genuinely enjoy the game and want new and interesting ways to interact with the heretics on Tertium, but how long will that enthusiasm last when they’re met with the frustrating RNG system?


Saying that “everyone” doesn’t like it doesn’t actually reinforce your statements, you know. Neither is saying “95% doesn’t like it”.

Crafting system is quite fine (I wouldn’t say “perfectly” fine because it obviously can be further improved), and the fact it doesn’t allow you to make a perfect stats item without RNG is fine as well. It’s quite enough that it allows you to roll 95-98%-perfect items quite easily, and the remaining 2-5% of more stats don’t even have any visible gameplay value other than satisfying all those people with heavy OCD syndrome.

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I don’t think this is feasible for most. Most players won’t spend this kind of time, and Darktide is magnitudes worse.

Even if you did a straight time comparison it’s a better EXPERIENCE to do incremental guaranteed progression over rng. Let’s say with RNG it takes, on average 100 hours to get a perfect weapon. You’re better off just making it so the grind to get one with a deterministic system takes also, roughly 100 hours.

DRG has a long grind to get all the over clocks and some RNG in which order you get them in. But afterwards, it’s entirely deterministic and you have the freedom to customize it however you want.


If you’re not designing your game for 95% of your player base, what are you doing?

Getting a weapon even 80% perfect is a rarity. Getting even a 380 you want with the stats you want is very unlikely. Getting all T4 perks you want and T4 blessings on top of that is also unlikely. It’s more like you get 40% of what you REALLY want with perfection (when you include exact values on star bars) and you compromise on the rest.


You are active here, cuz you don’t like it.
People who like it… do not complain on forums about what they like.
Furthermore, people rarely complement things they like on forums.

When was your last post here in which you complemented some of this game aspects?

Dude, 95% of player base are not on forums.
95% of playerbase enjoing playing game without complaining on forums cuz they like the game.

You are minority and you do not understand that.

Why’d you even say “even a 380”, oh my god. Last 10-30 points of base rating is the most meaningless thing out there as the practical increase in power is absolutely negligible even after all the other buffs. It’s literally things like “0.01 better charge time” or “3 more stagger” on a slow/hard-hitting weapon.

Perks and blessings are the only notable thing here - getting T3 (or worse, T2) that you don’t want and getting T4 that you want is a pretty big difference, and it’s the ONLY true rng layer out there. But you can set 2 out of 4 to whatever you want, so it’s not even remotely that bad as people try to claim.

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Not true at all. 10 points of penetration and damage missing can be the difference between one- and two-hitting an enemy type.


Especially with weapons such as the PG on damnation.

On the other hand, and I’m going to sound like a douche, the gaming experience was much better when we were about 2k players compared to now where every game, the randos on my team, whether it’s Auric Damnation Hi- STG or Maelstrom, my team goes down over and over again.

These days after the update have been incredibly frustrating and it’s the first time in my 1120 hours that I have started quitting games because of randos.

I dislike leaving the team, but the games have been unplayable because people are so incredibly bad while also being toxic in the chat.

This was never an issue when we were down to the core audience of 2-4k players.

PS: I know that I am off-topic, but I needed to vent a bit I guess.

You will seek 80% (max) in all damage-related stats anyway, as those are the most important ones. Even a 330 might already have maximized damage.
No, a practical difference between a 350 and a 380 will typically lie in the least important stats only. Items not fitting to this rule will be trashed early, that’s all.

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I know what you mean, sometimes when I play heresy or damnation I see people on the team and I find myself thinking: “Why are they even here?” then in the end game screen you see ranks as low as 9…

It makes me miss V2’s system which put power caps on difficulty modifiers. The worst part is at some point they realize from all their deaths they’re not contributing to the team but instead of leaving so a more experienced person can join, they expect you to carry them to the finish line. This of course often ends with defeat because if you’re the only capable person on the team, then when you go down it’s over.

That said, I sometimes like to play a little game where I’ll intentionally invite low-level people to play on heresy and see if I can’t carry them to the finish line. I do this as a little challenge for myself from time to time, and it is fun when it’s intentional. Not so when you just want to do QP.

That said I mostly play Auric now so I don’t usuall encounter them anymore.

Depends on the weapon really. Some guns have 3 stats that determine damage.
For the PG the thermal resistance is a very important stat because it’s the difference between being able to shoot 9 times or 7, even lower if the thermal is particularly bad.
Two extra shots may not sound like much but when you hit like a truck it makes all the difference. It also helps prevent you from unintentionally overloading.

Yes, plasma cannon is one of the most stats-hungry things out there. As are staves. Your point?

That damage isn’t the most important stat, clearly.

It is if it allows you to reach certain breakpoints with your build. It isn’t otherwise. Same with overheat/peril-related stats.

My point was - for any given class, build, and weapon there are always the most important stats (typically just one) and the least important stats. And that any player who indulged themselves in late-game equipment crafting will always seek the most important ones first.

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Yep, Auric Damnation Hi-STG’s used to be free wins for me and even Auric Maelstrom missions had a high success rate, but I can only clutch so much on my Psyker to try to carry the teams through the missions.

I’m not the best player out there, to be fair, but the things these new players die to should be almost impossible to die to and they quit out immediately or write toxic comments in the voice chat.

When I was going through the difficulties at release, I stayed in Heresy for a very long time, observing and following the better playes to learn tricks I could use when moving up to Damnation. This was before the extra modifiers.

Dying is one thing, we all do mistakes, but at 2-4k players we were all laughing it up and typing “nice try” or “next time” none of this toxicity that is in every damn mission now.