The Auric Board Needs Stricter Entry Requirements

I find it fascinating how this thread and this one and this one are proceeding at the same time. Makes me think the mix of difficulties and players might be tuned pretty well rn

This is very disingenuous of you. That first thread you linked literally has this in it:

Saying that other players in PUGs currently is the biggest difficulty spike in the game is exactly in line with what’s being said in this thread.


If you can’t be civil, don’t reply at all, thanks. I’m just pointing out that different folks have very different takes on whether the game is too easy/hard at the moment.

TIL “disingenuous” isn’t civil my word. It is literally disingenuous to suggest two posts that fully agree on general PUG quality are somehow in disagreement. OP of this thread also doesn’t really comment on the general difficulty, just that it’s frustrating being paired with super out of their depth players. OP of the first linked thread makes a similar assessment of PUG rando quality as shown by what I quoted before.

One thread comments on there needing to be more restrictions because of frustrations. The other comments on the overall difficulty balance of the game. On the one point of crossover (quality of random players in Auric) the conclusion is basically the same.

This comparison as a justification for “everything is fine” makes no sense.

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Yes, accusing people of lying is uncivil. Don’t do it again please.

The context for this thread is that it’s frustrating being paired with unskilled players because they’ll cause you to wipe; that is, the missions are sufficiently hard that getting paired with subpar players will cause a wipe. The context for the other thread is that even the hardest auric maelstrom missions are equivalent to “sedition” difficulty, such that the only way to achieve even the slightest challenge is to pair with unskilled players…but even that doesn’t help, because everything’s so easy that we can do it as a duo. The third thread is remarking on how difficult and stressful damnation missions are in general.

Yes, these are three remarkably different takes on the overall difficulty level of the game. I don’t see how they can be interpreted otherwise. But to you, they’re so clearly identical opinions that anyone suggesting otherwise must be lying – which is itself quite a claim (and yes, also quite rude). Obviously getting paired with terrible players is annoying and no one likes it; it is no surprise that both threads and most players would agree with that sentiment. That’s not the point of my observation at all.


I had assumed you were posting something generally relevant to the actual topic of this thread. Had you posted this comparison in the “game is too easy” thread I’d see the logic. This is a thread about whether or not there should be further restrictions on players entering Auric, while wiping is mentioned difficulty itself isn’t really directly referenced as the issue, and if auric was widely considered too easy then obviously that would be its own issue separate to entry requirements. I mean Auric certainly set up by the game to be top difficulty, so should there be requirements?

2/3 of these compared threads say that bad randos do cause wipes, and the 3rd says random players cause bigger difficulty spikes than the game dropping several monsters on you (even if the game is still too easy to them with this being the case, that’s clearly what is implied by what they’ve said). So drawing these all back to the actual main thrust of this thread, it really does seem to paint a pretty unified picture that there should be more requirements to get into Auric. I don’t think that’s what you’re actually trying to say though.


->Enter thread
->two crybabies taking turns being annoying

yeah, that’s the darktide forums i know.

anyways, i’m not touching auric with a 40-foot pole because it’s going to be the go-to difficulty for people that think they need to minmax everything to be good at a game, which means it’s full of people that don’t learn teamwork because they expect their stats to carry the run. fatshark had to know that would happen because they reworked the mission select map to make sure you couldn’t miss it and its bonuses so i’m assuming it’s for people that want to carry sweaty tryhards that don’t actually know how to get good at a co-op game.

To be fair, if you are pro enough, you should be able to carry the chaff that spawns in somewhat, too.

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It’s actually incredibly casual, if you know what you’re doing.
I mean it can be tough and full of adrenaline, but compared to the skill ceiling other games demand, you can get used to it here.

What’s worse is actually being used to the highest difficulty and then playing something else. You suddenly feel like you joined the kids in the ballpit.
Once you have entered the Kitchen Sink, you cannot go back. You will always want more of that.


It would be more reasonable to actually try it, than to make baseless and false assumptions like that.


this isn’t my first fatshark game, i know where the problems in max-difficulty games come from. darktide’s been especially bad about attracting ramboes since the update, and i know better than to imagine that the highest-paying missions are anything less than cocaine for those failures.

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No way, not until they fix crafting. Not even bothering with that at the moment and have no problem clearing content, but it would be nice to tinker with gear too… but not under the premises we have now.

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Sad but true, currently any time I think of crafting a new weapon I remember what a ball-ache it is and decide not to in the end.

While I do think that Auric should have another simple requirement before entry, I don’t think it should be gear score. Its quite bad at measuring power in this game too.

Also, I agree that ditching the bonus currency in auric is a good idea. Let the challenge be the reward, not pointless material gains.

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they won’t do this, fatshark’s done this sort of thing in vermintide, and the moment there’s not an increase in loot for a special game mode the playerbase flees it because without those morons ruining auric there’s not enough people to keep the games getting filled fast enough for people.

Wait, what did you write, exactly? I’ve never seen you flagged before. @Mayson

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Something along the lines of having the ability to carry / solo somewhat being important in T5+, too. Essentially, one can’t blame it 100% on bad players when they lose, because they themselves should be able to stay in the fight and get to the next rescue point regardless.


Really? I ran cataclysm a lot for the achievements… and for the fun of the challenge.

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This is just patently false. Cata has no extra rewards over legend, and that’s a choice I’ve seen pretty much universally praised.

I struggle to believe you’ve played previous Tide games much with a take that dubious.

IDK about you, but if I have 3-4 games in a row where I have to hardcarry the team it’s a horrible gaming experience for me. At the same time when I have a solo-mode player in the team that just runs around out of position constantly due to being a highly skilled player running an overtuned kit, it’s also a horrible experience.

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Big true!

Sometimes you carry them, sometimes they carry you.

It usually evens out in the end.