It shouldn't be possible for sub-lv30 players to join Auric Maelstrom

I actually thought Auric level was locked to Lv30 only but apparently players below lv30 can join Auric Maelstrom missions.

here’s the lv26 guy who was in my group

here’s the mission

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Maybe they were in a team and the other person can queue for Auric ?


Can’t imagine how painful it will be to play auric when (probably) people start coming back to try patch 13

I suspect this is the case but it shouldn’t be possible.
I simply don’t wanna carry someone else’s baggage

Think Fatshark really need to rework the level requirements for every mission difficulty.

A Maelstrom Malice mission has a level requirement of level 15, meanwhile you can join a high intensity hunting grounds mission on heresy difficulty at level 9

You shouldn’t even be allowed into a Heresy mission before level 20, or 25 if the mission has increased difficulty modifiers in my opinion. And for some reason you can join damnation at like level 12 or something??? It is just insane to me. Had so many missions fail because we had a completely unlevelled team, who were not ready for the difficulty they picked in both skill and power.

Wait until granny hears of this treachery.


That’s the wussiest thing I’ve heard in weeks. Heresy isn’t hard, I’ve had people level 15 and below pull their weight there better than the average level 30 I’ve seen.

Auric Maelstrom is the only thing deserving of any kind of level limit.

I do understand the desire to keep out lower level people to raise the average power of team mates but it is 0% worth the loss of being able to play actually enjoyable content when leveling another character. Especially if they release new archetypes down the line adding more level restrictions would really suck a lot of fun out of leveling those.

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Nope. Any level should be able to play any difficulty. Just like in Vermintide 1. An experienced player should not be wasting their brain cells on lower difficulties where the gameplay is left click simulator. What you should be requesting for instead is a ‘solo’ mode so people can host private games and not get thrown into public match making.

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not to mention how rare it happens, and if you’re truly relying on everyone being 30 you’re perfectly capable to search for a new group.
IMO this is a total non issue…

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Maybe, but the amount of runs I’ve had where I had to carry everyone and still get overwhelmed has taught me to be extremely sceptical of anyone below level 20 joining a Heresy mission. Hell, even when I’ve been duo-queuing with a friend, so I can at least trust them, we’d get 2 players who are just straight up useless because they are trying to punch way above their weight.

“Oh you can just leave then”, yeah that’ll be a fun time of queueing for mission after mission only to leave because I see people who are low level and clearly inexperienced. Most of the time I try to finish the missions, but when you’ve had multiple experiences of the exact same type in one day, it’s real easy to get fed up.

Furthermore, it doesn’t matter how skillfull you are if you are a level 12 doing damnation. You are a deadweight who is just surviving, because you can’t efficiently kill anything due to not hitting a single breakpoint, and you don’t have access to almost everything of your kit or weaponry.

It only becomes a different matter when you decide to level up a whole new character, because then you’ve already have access to a huge amount of money and upgrades materials thanks to your other characters, so you can inflate your weaponry to levels that wouldn’t normally be possible for a low level player.

If Auric is gonna have a restriction of level 30, then if nothing else, Damnation should also have that requirement.

It’s so weird to me how chill Cata players are in Vermintide over this stuff; but in Darktide it’s a whole different group of gamers.

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Well Cata arrived after VT2 was mostly calm, take Legend near release of VT2 and it was just the same, a tad less annoying maybe

Yeah I remember now how elitist legend players were at release.

In Vermintide 2 they had a patch that changed experience gained from missions, so difficulty didn’t matter. Play on recruit or legend, same experience gained.

Additionally, as some of you seem to have forgotten, the difficulties actually had a power level requirement. If your gear wasn’t good enough, you simply couldn’t play on Legend.

Did that stop me from being frustrated at team members? No, obviously skill level varies between players, but at least I knew they had earned their way into Legend instead of just queueing for the highest they could find while still wet behind the ears.

I never played much Cata in Vermintide, so I can’t comment on that, it simply seemed too much for me. I have been enjoying my time in Darktide on Damnation however, and people have been quite pleasant unlike on lower difficulties where they’ll get screaming mad at times when things go south.

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