Difficulty Level Restrictions

I’m sick of having my time wasted in loading screens after needing to drop out of groups because some low level has wandered into a heresy or damnation match looking to get carried, and thereby placed an unwelcome burden on complete strangers and ultimately sabotaged the match. And even more of my time wasted if I stay and the group inevitably wipes. Low level characters simply cannot handle heresy difficulty and above, not unless they’re being carried by their teammates.

Please implement more realistic entry restrictions for the in-game difficulty tiers. For example, I believe this would be fair to everyone:

Sedition/Uprising - as already implemented
Malice - minimum level 20
Heresy - minimum level 30
Damnation - minimum level 30 + minimum total equipment power level of 1,100-1,200

These level restrictions could be waived in private matches, but would be mandatory for public ones. If a group of friends wants to carry a low level character through a heresy or damnation match, by all means, but forcing PUG players to carry strangers’ low level characters, who contribute nothing to the team, is highly unwelcome.

Thank you.

Think of Darktide as lat day at the gym.


Level 20 for Malice… That feels like bait but I think it’s sincere? I don’t really agree with any increase to level requirements but these suggested values especially are wild.


Simple fix, minimum requirement to play auric : having 1 character leveled to 100 (considering they implement the truelevel mod into the game at some point).

This should filter out a lot of plebs that have no business here, because honestly as the playerbase lowers it becomes unplayable without a group, especially on weekends.

I mean I can help clear Auric on my ~40 Zealot so 100 seems pretty crazy to me.

I did play on Auric with a bunch of people last night that didn’t have a lot of the basics down, like…staying together. People spread out immediately it was crazy. So I do agree Auric should have some kind of clear state first. I don’t mind helping people improve but I feel like if you’re queuing for Auric you really should be able to clear damnation without too much trouble at all.

Maybe clear every mission on damnation first?

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Levels in general are a horrible way to limit any sort of difficulty. Most v2 Cata vets would absolutely destroy malice/heresy with sub 20 characters for instance. At least I dumped Sedetion/malice as soon as i could when the game first came out.

Sure I agree there probably should be some sort of limitation that not everyone will just instantly join auric and the likes without having never played the game, but the system needs to be more elegant than just level limitations.
Gear score is even dumper idea, you can leave that crap to wow.

I played with Lvl 24 chars on regular damnation who outperformed my lvl 30 char due to pure player skill so - no.

If someone got a lot experience leveling 3 characters and routinely carries on damnation it would be unfair to keep them out of damnation on their fourth - if they can handle it they should be able to do it.

A better way would be to raise ressource rewards on lower difficulties so the higher ones become playground for chgellange seekers only and grinders stay at lower difficulties.

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Level 3 for malice if I am right? When I leveled my second vet, I jumped in malice as soon as I can. And it was pretty easy.

Malice is so easy even from level 10 onwards. OP is projecting his inability to play hard.

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Yeah, yeah. We’ve all seen that unicorn lvl 20 player who’s so good they can hold their own in t4/t5 with the big boys.

Except with this player population / game age, nobody is really doing that. Rank 25s I’ve seen are genuinely 25s. They’re looking for for a loot carry, and just tank the level as their gear/skill isn’t up to it.

I think if you’re playing much of late you can see this. Not only in game but also the forum posts about the general quality of pugs going downhill.

Probably Summer hols / boredom / new auric missions splitting the ageing game base.

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Yeah, level 20 for malice is a take and a half.

That’s a pretty good idea.

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Yes, this.

Maybe a certain amount of damnation missions completed, mixed with a level cap or something like that.

Nothing personal I understand some players can do it without a lot of playtime, but in general low levels are just a burden in auric.

The quality of pug matches is so bad since like 2 weeks, honestly there is no reason to play without a premade right now.

For what it’s worth, I don’t care much if we win/lose so I’m not particularly interested in “gating” people from trying harder difficulties to get better. I mean hell, we all suck until we don’t anymore, right? People dealt with me being new when I was getting better, so I’m happy to extend that as well.

That being said, - I’ve had matches in Auric where people didn’t even seem to know the maps that well. They tried to hold positions in the open where they got torn apart by gunners, or didn’t seem to know how to flank other spots. I feel these are lessons that should have been learned back in Damnation, so why are they doing Auric?

I’m fine with making Auric an unlockable “hard mode” that shows that someone is competent at damnation first since it’s a particular step forward into pretty hardcore difficulty. But I don’t like the idea of gating malice/heresy/damnation to levels or gear or w/e because everyone learns/performs at different paces.

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