The Auric Board Needs Stricter Entry Requirements

It wouldn’t make sense to do that, given that you can have a 360 axe with 10% damage stat on it.

Maybe if crafting was squared away you could do that, but not in it’s current iteration

Just follow how Deep Rock Galactic dev does, barring Hazard 5 mission to all until you done Hazard 4 assignment. Even Deep Dive & DD Elites tell you to promote drawf before doing it.

Better gatekeeping is to have certain requirement and done the precursor assignment, then afterwards difficulty will be fully unlocked.

Now i wanna see how dev implement Morrow or Ranick for the “assignment” thing. Also need 3 missions straight with incremental difficulty as well for more than double rewards


It is a non competitive game, sure. It is a coop game. Why would someone play on the hardest difficulty without knowing how to cooperate? Since the revival of this game I am seeing old habits, using medkcrates and ammo crates for yourself, not knowing where medstations are, running around like a headless chicken. It is fine, but I play with 2 friends and we ALWAYS go through 3-4 people, because the newbies get downed, instantly quit, then another one comes. Rarely do we get someone experienced. And this is a problem because when a maelstrom leaves the board, we get stuck with a bot.

Knowing that someone is not experienced is not thinking less of them. And yup, a lot of people are playing darktide. And the learning curve is not sedition until level 30 then instant auric maelstrom.

Patience is indeed a virtue, new players should be patient a not rush into auric maelstrom.


“Why would someone play on the hardest difficulty without knowing how to cooperate?” Because like bad players throughout history, they think they’ll be good enough to not need help and turn to good ol’ denial when they end up sucking.

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Normal Damnation already became a babysitting event.


Nobody gets to complain about normal Damnation.

  1. The game funnels players into it by making it the only difficulty with respectable crafting mat quantities. I don’t blame anyone for rushing it to make crafting less agonising.

  2. Base Damnation is pretty damn easy now compared to pre patch 13. Having to carry people is honestly fun at that level.

Auric is another story and I completely understand the frustration of getting lots of barely level 30s joining and being dead weight.


Honestly based take. I dont mind saving peoples asses one bit, or helping them through levels / understand mechanics unless they activly get me killed like, running over to melee a pox burster im trying to push. I have a great time with our unskilled friends.

Hot take: New players should start as Ogryn and just RP as idiots. Its 1. really fun to play with people that refuse to speak out of charachter, and 2. It lightens the mood.

Hell no gate keeping it is stupid your already locked out if your not level 30.

I got my mates back into DT after P13 and it’s been great all got level 30 everything now but we basically leveled with every high modifier heresy while leveling.
I got a level 160+ zealot and everything else is under 40 but I was just fine running auric maelstrom and HI STG with them who are fresh level 30s.

We failed maybe 70% of the runs for the first 20ish times and now it’s like 20% fail rate.
I just told them to get good since this is the most fun the game has to offer.

How is it stupid for Damnation Aurics and Maelstroms?

Just now on Maelstrom: special waves.
Two (1 dropped and got replaced) back to back xbox brand new level 30s with purple fire shotgun spam on 1, both of them ran ahead to die over and over, ate all the ammo with most of us running dry. 1 guy deploys ammo right in front of a big bag 'cause he was under half on his MK6 edit: RIPPER (yes 6).

Luckily they died often so there was a chance to restock on ammo.
They both moved as if they were macros.

2nd dude ran off during hound+ waves to trigger a slug right next to a demon host that he also trigger.

Luckily it was 3 of us on so we carried them. Quite frankly they both deserved to be kicked.

This happens over and over over. They’re not there to learn or practice, they’re just there to be carried.

Hell yes to the so called gatekeeping, learn to walk before you can run.


For a second there I misread and thought you were talking trash about the Mk VI Ripper and I was about to throw down :rofl:

But yeah agreed with the general sentiments here. For VT2 Vets it’s equivalent to this. Imagine you could QP Cata deeds and kept getting people that would clearly struggle in champion. At some point you gotta ask why the hell they’re there rather than learning the ropes on Legend/base Cata. The next logical question after that is why the game lets them do this. Heck even VT2 Cata required you’d beaten all Lord levels on Legend to get in. Call it gate keeping, but forcing people to through some amount of learning curve is probably for the best.


LOL It was the Ripper 6, tired, typed stubber by mistake; thank you for correcting me somehow! That was the cherry.

I find people were a lot more receptive to actually learning in VT2 vs here.
I may have mentioned it further up, I spent many dozens of hours doing Champs every big update to help new players as I had time on my hands.

People were very nice and appreciative, and understood that I was trying to boss anyone around or telling them how to play “my way” etc. Showed 'em book locations, tricks & tips etc, it was a nice experience for everyone I think. And I certainly didn’t blindly carry.

Here in Aurics :“hey some of us are out of ammo, you can look at your team’s ammo count before picking the large bags up please and thank you” is met with “ZOMG Don’t tell me how to play, sweaty”


Everybody who tries to defend that we don’t need more restrictions to que up for Auric damnation deseresves these new wave of players:

  • no idea where i am
  • ammo vacuum
  • shield ogryn who think it must agro everything
  • drop medkit before medstation
  • dont bring any armor pen to scab melee only
  • blow all the barrels especially near ledges
  • DH griefing
    I wish them relaxing play and fast games.

And these are only some of the few of my experiences which I don’t know why but always on a hourly replay.


Ripper VI is a pretty good weapon IMO. Less good for single targets but the ideal firing pattern to mulch shooter groups and horde if you’re so inclined.

For some reason R VI performs worst for me.

It underperforms, by a lot compared to the other two variants, it’s just not good and this makes me sad; it could have used some love. I think it falls way behind the 5 for shooter groups due to min pellet count?
Regardless, or as they say in the interwebs, irregardless, this dude did do well with it but he was great at making ammo disappear.

It’s disliked by many if not most.

yeah carrying is fun and adds a lvl of difficulty.
I and a friend use it as our own objective to keep the noob alive and make sure he/she have a fun time in auric.

Gating auric or T5 from console-players or new people trying to move up in difficulty sounds more like a skill issue from OP.

Im fine with that. Last man standing is enjoyable.

Poppycock, for reasons already listed.

You even misquoted the person you quoted, quoted out of context, you have a career in “journalism” on a certain “news” network ahead of you.


i posted sth similar here, i bet lots of player think the same.

BTW, the 500 special condition frame or the 1000 mission frame works, it will improve your experience on maelstrom as it did to mine.

Before a proper system comes out from fatshark, we have to figure a way out by ourself I guess.

The mod that shows 30+how many levels of your character worked but not so good , I spend 1000 hours on my zealot, but my veteran only 30+10, does that means I’m bad at maelstorm ? i don’t think so, simply means my veteran will not be as good as my zealot but perhaps more than enough for maelstrom already.

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