The Auric Board Needs Stricter Entry Requirements

I think level is good indicator about gametime with gametime comes experience. We dont really have anything else which translates to “experience”. True there can be high level low difficulty farmers.

On the other hand, alts can be easily spotted during first 3 minutes of gameplay. If somebody bitching about that in lobby that is their problem. Game tells everything. And your example is rather rare, probably we play on different servers.

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Might be a bit controversial but similar to KnotForSail I like to think of these bad teammates as just another modifier.

I genuinely believe the game isn’t that difficult, and, ego aside, if I had 3 teammates who all played as well as I did every game I would probably grow tired of playing quite fast.

You might hate them in the moment but in the end those lovable idiots are the most funny memorable moments. Like the Ogryn who deliberately clubs the Deamonhost over the head, then sits afk in the corner with his Slab shield while the rest of the team has to pay with 50% health corruption just because big brain over there thought he broke the system. Or the knife Zealot who puts Sonic to shame until they run face first into a Mauler’s axe and instantly quit the game. Love to hate, I suppose.


It’s not cause it comes with malice-heresy portrait frame and starting sigil, and no, it’s not cause of fashion choice in 99,9% cases you can tell as runs go.

Even before #13 during 2-3k online not everyone could handle maelstrom, now it’s a complete circus, despite game become easier.

Cause newcomers aping to try it just because or cause they see big reward numbers.

If there will be new difficulty it absolutely should be locked behind in-game achievement or payed dlc, and provides no additional reward.

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This game is already substantially easier than Vermintide and got massively easier with the class update, and you want people to waste their time with 100 Tier 5 missions before being able to do Auric? You know, you can just play with bots with a mod if you really don’t want to play with anyone else. This game isn’t hard enough to justify such silly restrictions. The current gate is fine how it is.

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True Level mod helps a ton here. There should 100% be gated content. Something like:

Complete 10 malice missions before you can access heresy missions.

Complete 10 heresy missions before you can access damnation missions.

Complete 10 damnation missions before you can access Auric missions.

Or if you complete 5 of each type without going down once, you can move on to the next tier.


The level cap being 30 honestly makes no sense. It should go to 50 with 50 being the equivalent of perhaps 30 +100 using the true level mod. Levels 40 and 50 should grant a skill point each, putting the total at 32. 2 more points would be super useful for a lot of builds without being game breaking. This level cap being the entry requirement for Auric would also allow players to develop enough basic Darktide skill to not be deadweight with most builds, to say nothing of the better equipment they’d also likely have.


Idk man sometimes the new players are better than the super high levels, sometimes theyre more fun to play with too because they play more coordinated instead of speed running and leaving behind everyone like they need to finish the match in 5 minutes or less otherwise the world will end lmao


As others have noted, there’s no other reliable alternative at the moment to gauge other players’ skill lvl. Obviously it isn’t a 100% 1 to 1, no need to be condescending about it.

My problem isn’t with bad players, and they’re not within the scope of the thread.

There’s plenty of other suggestions from others on here that address this. The 100 mission requirement was just a spitball suggestion, and I’m open to any other less stringent alternatives. My main contention here is that the current lvl 30 gate isn’t enough for pubs. There needs to be a proper way to guide people up the difficulty ladder to onboard them into the auric board.

I’ll admit that I was salty when I typed up the initial post and that’s probably coloring people’s impressions here (along with the 100 game thing), but still. . . Jesus Christ dude, did you bother to read anything beyond the title and the first sentence?

The problem isn’t with newbs coming in knowing the basics, and being able to at least contribute the bare minimum. These folk have put in the effort to learn the game, and are looking for more challenging content after having played a few T5s that they felt like weren’t enough. They’re fine.

The problem here are newbs that haven’t even bothered to learn the basics, maps, and builds, etc. Guys/gals that haven’t even bothered to properly scale the difficulty ladder after hitting lvl30 to learn what fits them. They then hop on Auric Maelstrom and Auric T5 STG without even knowing where the medicae stations are or that they can push bursters.

All I’m suggesting here is that the devs need to introduce a way for people to properly scale the difficulty ladder to separate these two types, and keep the second type off the Auric board until they’ve become the first type.


My problem isn’t with bad players, and they’re not within the scope of the thread.

It’s very much about bad players, but you’re hiding it behind an euphemism in an attempt to target those that couldn’t reasonably be good yet. They’re still bad though. If I play chess against someone who never has they are by any formal metric of skill “bad”.

My point was simply to perceive those “new bad” as regular “bad”; they’re funny little goobers who run around missing the doorway three times until their face is swollen and blue. At some point you reach the skill level where you can actually enjoy them for what they are. They’re just trying after all.

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Is it elitism, or maybe, just maybe not wanting an unskilled player ruin a mission?


You do realize that what you are describing is an idiot (aka noob) and not a new player (newb) right? And how did said idiot get to 30? Oh yeah - by either being carried by buddies or by the dumb luck to land enough missions with 3 competent people that the got enough xp to progess. So what is stopping said idiot from doing the same thing to meet whatever requirement you set out? Nothing. One hundred tier 5s? Doable if they have buddies, are willing to fork out the real cash for the Darktide equivalent of a boosting service, or just don’t care how many other people they screw over along the way. Make it a thousand and the answer is still the same. Tests? Useless the first time someone puts an answer key or “how to” guide online. Gear? Hahahah. Two words. Gear Score. Something that did exactly jack for stopping idiots in WoW. But boy did it sure make for some incredible drama when people who didn’t understand how the idea worked got their mits on it.

Face it Overlord. There is exactly zero effective ways to keep idiots out of the highest difficulties. There are however lots of ways that you can drive an even bigger wedge between the players however while also reducing the number of people playing certain tiers to the point where you can’t get a match at all. And what you have been suggesting really does do just that.

Not that I really care at this point after yet more stealth nerfs and just plain taking a dump on the players by FatShark. Frankly the only thing I can compare this game to is watching someone actually commit seppuku with the scabbard still on the blade. Stupid, pointless, and utterly disgusting but still moving forward due to a refusal to admit to being wrong.


Enjoy having inexperienced players joining my Auric. More than happy to help them out. It only takes 2 really good players to comfortably complete an Auric run.

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It is. You want to a gatekeep a non-competitive game mode from other players because you believe that they lack your preconceived notions of what constitutes proper play. This kind of attitude is what strangles and chokes off communities. No one is going to want to play with the guy who thinks less of others, especially one who drives off potential fans for being, and to quote your own words, “unskilled” in a cooperative game. A lot of people are playing Darktide, possibly for the first time, and as result a ton of them are obviously not going to be good at the game; because some of them haven’t been playing as long as you guys have.

Patience is a virtue. Give it time and the general skill will increase. Eventually, through time, people will get good. That’s how it is with these games. Most people who first started Darktide were not amazing at the game unless they were an old player from Vermintide. I remember seeing loads of players failing basic Vermintide fundamentals when I last played.

I have no clue if Auric is like Cata 3 in Weaves or is comparable to regular Cata play; but you’re going to lose more games than you win in higher difficulties regardless, “unskilled player” or not. Sometimes the AI decides to slap you with specials/disablers out of nowhere. Other times the game decides today is the day to spawn a patrol from the ethereal on top of you with no prior warning. Other times brain derps and you end up eating an overhead while staring at the enemy without blocking. Crap happens on these difficulties.

Rather than getting worked up over whatever random crap little timmy is doing over on the horizon you could instead focus on yourself and what to improve upon so to prevent the situation from happening again. It’s not a competitive game so you shouldn’t be taking it so seriously.

Speaking of which, I’d like to share a short story, whenever I play Chaos Wastes and people open the challenge chests and beastmen bannermen spawn we always get caught out, separated, and threatened on all flanks by the enemy. This chest modifier sucks because their banner buffs stacks infinitely and this is made even worse on Cata scaling. I always would say to myself why doesn’t my group just stick together. Until I realized: it’s because no one is taking the initiative to call on a secure position to hold. We always play like headless chickens whenever bannermen show up. Once I started taking the initiative and told my team where to hold up, the bannermens became manageable since ninety percent of the encounter is horde management while continuously pushing them back and slowly inching forward.

Not wanting to be forced to babysit people trying to make you carry them for rewards is hardly gatekpeeing. Brand new underexperienced and undergeared players are joining HiSTG and even Mael in droves just looking for a free lunch, they’re not there to learn and they will be of no use. Even if they wanted to learn, they won’t being flat on their butts, they’d learn a lot more progressing naturally, that’s why there are different difficulites.

Except the better strategy was to keep moving backwards slowly and fight them outside the banner aura, thinning them out and eventually making them pick up the banners to move them, rinse and repeat. Staying in one spot/inching forward only works on legend and below and even then, many groups wouldn’t do well. Sometimes you didn’t have room, but rarely.


That’s uhhh. What holding means…

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well according to the dictionary:
" to keep one’s position against attack or opposition; not withdraw or retreat ."

But I get what you meant lol

Game atm is pretty much a breeze.
Everything has been buffed through the roof.

I doubt its meant to be a breeze, they specifically said they were trying to make it harder. I think its a case of them not quite getting the balance right yet.

Doesn’t really change the fact though, having one game mode/difficulty thats specifically tailored for more experienced players is the way to keep everyone happy.

I’m not saying folks should be excluded, I’m saying folks should have to earn access, through work, to play on super hard mode. This allows people to get a sense of progress and skill, by overcoming a challenge.

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Time. It will take much longer for them to get there, so either they will stop or become less idiotic. And no additional reward aswell. Again, there is no such problem in V2 on Cata.


That’s …uhh…not what it means at all.