Mission terminal AGAIN

REALLY? 5 lights out/vent purge and only 1 high gauntlet!?.. Are you kidding me?
not to mention just how pathetic this maelstrom mission is. Maelstrom should never be this easy, it should ALWAYS be a minimum of 65 000 - 85 000 dockets level of difficulty.
And while we’re on the subject normal “high intensity” should NOT be in the auric pool, since it comes up normally outside of the auric board, it only takes up space here.

This is just so irritating… I want to play the game but the game itself wont freaking let me.


Aaaarrrrrr Ennnnnnnnn Geeeeeee.

And also, the Auric board is only a bandaid and still subject to exact same issues as the normal board.

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I dunno. I’ve been playing auric almost exclusively for a long while and I’m annoyed at how often so many choices are just high intensity-shock troop gauntlets. I agree, it makes sense to always have that option in auric, but I’m mostly interested in the modifiers (fog-darkness etc) than shock troops.

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HISTG should be the baseline for ALL auric missions, with additional modifiers added on top. Hi-Int should be exclusive to the regular board.

Or you could - I’m going out on a limb here - let use choose what we want to play in the way we want to.


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