Auric Maelstrom Missions

A great addition to the game! It’s like HISTG with additional modifiers.

Anyone who was not happy with the current mission selection and not always getting HISTG your prayers are answered.

Credit where credit is due!

P.S. I wish my item locks got reset :stuck_out_tongue:


Technically, the rules applied to all items. So, if you have weapons you have not reblessed or just one time, you can rebless or refine with the new rules (verified - I could save a 380 weapon with this)

However, I would like that Auric mission get a bonus for plasteel diamantine
But, I agree this is a nice addition to the game.

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I love the new missions too!

That combat team at Fatshark sure outdid themselves on this one. Awesome work!


Def a major step forward for the game, the auric board and wallets really cut down on pain points.

Makes me hopeful that this game can see a successful soft relaunch.


I had one in fog and just got obliterated in our spawn. I’d like to learn what I’m up against, was like a thousand blades in the dark. Good to feel challenged again.

Auric mission board is the best addition to the game thus far.

The locks still suck ass, and I would at least like to see a third unlock on weapons so we at least have control of three fourths of the perks and blessings. 100% unlock would be the best option.

Server authenticated client-side hit detection is the elephant in the room. It would likely be a relatively large undertaking, but we have seen games change netcode solutions before. It’s not unprecedented.

Other than that, more content. We need to be getting a map per month, and a new game mode like wave survival or objective escort would go a long way.


For sure. It’s not the full freedom of mission/mod selection that some people have been asking for, but it serves almost the same purpose and it definitely meets the needs of those people who wanted more consistent access to tougher mission options.

Auric/Maelstrom missions are absolutely insane. They’re the first difficulty where gear and build selection actually matters.

The difficulty gap between Hi-STG and Auric/Maelstrom is massive.


Yes agree… and even on T4 Auric, you feel a difference.
So, why not giving us more materials?

Tried several (3) hi intensity shock troops auric T5… that’s insane… For now, I have not ended one.

Because that way Auric can be just for fun and newbies are not incentivised to crash our games to farm resources.

Agreed strongly. But I wouldn’t address this before I added a few new classes. This problem sucks and is very very high on my list, but content at this point is higher.


I think it’s mostly so that people who aren’t ready for them don’t go there hoping for easy resources. At the risk of sounding elitist, I think it’s fair to say that if you’re still focused on farming currency, you’re probably not ready for most Auric missions, to say nothing of Auric + Maelstrom.

T5 Hi-Int is about as high as you can go with underskilled players on your team. Above that, it only takes one player not carrying their weight to cause a wipe.


Not directly related to what has been discussed so far, but related to the topic.

It would be funny to see additional modifiers for Maelstrom missions.
We already have “killing a special has a chance to spawn a weak boss”.
How about “killing a special/elite has a chance to spawn a small horde”?
Or “frequency of horde spawns is doubled”?
Or “Mostly melee enemies. More elites.”?
Just add more mayhem.

A bit of a side question, but did they change spawns on stg? I got a feeling spawn director is much more evil now, like maybe it was broken before and works properly now after servers maintenance.

So far they added almost all flash missions conditions you can find via solo mod as Maelstrom missions. Almost


There is also interesting thing like different gaze colors for mobs - green (we have this currently as nurgle buff), blue, red, purple - obviously all chaos gods colors. And yellow…eh… Vashtorr?

This is why i am confused about the two penances mentioning flash missions.
They are still there and were not changed to say “Maelstrom Missions”.

Seems they will do something else for flash missions, cause before the previous update this missions were called as flash in game overlay when press tab too


Or Endless horde

There’s already “mostly melee” and “mostly ranged” modifiers.

I like this.

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