The Auric Board Needs Stricter Entry Requirements

As much as I use the law of averages in way too many aspects, the only way this “carrying to being carried”- ratio could ever even out for me is of I let the urn of my grandma play for 6 months straight.
Or started using a whole cocktail of drugs before I logged on.

In a more realistic note: I’d have to start deleting characters and redo the leveling process several times over while joining damnation games from the start to even get into the scenario to be carried. And even then, I’ve had games as a level 12 in damnation, being the last one standing and somehow rescuing the other three while being chased by a while horde of elites I couldn’t kill.

The point is that you can get to a point after which you will carry more than you will be carried and this doesn’t ever really even out anymore.
You’d have to start using unviable builds to be carried and even then you can still be the best player on that team. If you don’t do viable damage but pull of a game saving clutch, you were not carried that game, imo.

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Tbf if you do almost nothing all game, let your teammates die, then use an invis ability to clutch unshackle your mates, you are still dead weight.

If a clutch situation only happened because of your incompetence, then you shall not be praised for getting through that clutch situation.

(Not saying this is what you do. Just an example.)

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You’re missing out, go into it knowing having one less team mate gives you the chance to learn to solo different parts. Nothing feels more rewarding then dodging from audio ques while shooting elite mobs.

I had a team that one went into custody right before the end, then when I went to rescue him the other two teammates decided to bolt for the exit. I got netted from not stopping pick up when I heard the que, and the two that bolted for the exit got downed from a fire grenade in the elevator, was pretty funny.

On damnation you get a lot more learning experiences when you go down that you wont get on hersey or malice.

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There are so many variables to take in account for here.

My Veteran Quorin for example, he has a support build with voice of Command and a Recon VIIa which is the one build that I run the most on him since I enjoy it alot.

I use VoC on cooldown to constantly give the squad yellow toughness, I have CDR on my curios and lot of Crit for unlimited ammo (so I don’t hog ammo pickups), and I will never top damage on the scoreboard mod unless my team are huge potatoes.

However I can carry them through the games by making them almost impervious to most of the damage that the A.I Director throw at us, CC mixed hordes with VoC and Shredder Grenades, be ammo efficient, fairly tanky, revive bot, still being able to kill most of the things in our way.

I’m not trying to say that we should have to carry each other because in a perfect universe, when stars align; we should all contribute, but in the end, this is a team game and everyone that has played whether it’s Dota 2, League, Quake 3, whatever, knows that the performance of your team (and yourself ) can vary greatly on personal MMR (skill level), how tired you are, distraction, having a bad day etc.

I agree with the notion that Auric need stricter requirements for entering since there are way too many players after the update that has no business being there.

However, sometimes even after 1200 hours I do a stupid mistake, you do a stupid mistake, it happens to all of us.



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Oh dw, I understand the difference between the personal and royal “you”

Usually when someone is entirely useless, they die first and will never be put into the situation of having to clutch and even if, they get folded by three zombies.

My example was more to ilustrate that you can be ,what most would consider, “dead weight” while not being useless at the same time. If you can’t do damage but you also can’t die, you cannot be useless. You’re not pulling your weight, that’s true, but you’re not what I’d call dead weight.

If I call someone dead weight they are not doing damage and can’t stay alive on their own.

I’m not saying your wrong, I just look at it a tiny bit differently.

Then again, my distinction only ever applies when a good player levels a new class in a difficulty far above what their damage output would allow a regular player to participate in.

I am not for a higher bar to entry per se.
I see the problem in the efficiency ensentive for playing higher difficulties. The “for challenge” difficulty shouldn’t give you better rewards than the regular highest difficulty.
Mealstrom giving the most amount of dockets surely attracts player to try it even if they aren’t fully ready.

Dockets is the one currency you can never have enough of. I even got to the point where I’m sitting on 100k plasteel and if I don’t decide to burn 40k on a new gun, I have no use for it.
The 3.5mil dockets however, will be spent in a heartbeat if I decide to get a new gun.

A new player is probably not yet aware of that (or they are since they had to get their gear somehow) but either way, if you show a player a bigger number as a reward for clearing “the same” mission, why wouldn’t they play it?

This is something that will pass with time and the proper etiquette becomes wide spread.
It also should be more acceptable to kick someone out of mealstrom if they don’t perform.
In L4D2, you get kicked for a simple mistake or not following the unwritten rules the community agreed to follow.

I get that it’s annoying to have runs ruined by people that signed up, not understanding that they are supposed to be there for the challenge, but I also don’t see an actual good solution for raising the bar.

In VT2, cataclysm told you something along the lines of “this mode is extremely hard and gives the same rewards as legend, want to continue?”
That is enough to keep people out that are not there for the challenge. It’s so effective that I consider soloqueing for legend to be harder than cata. Everyone wants better loot in legend and your random legend player is horrible. If you que for cata, you’ll only find good players.

Long story short: if DTs rewards were designed with keeping mealstrom as the “for challenge mode”, in mind, we likely wouldn’t have this thread here.


If the Auric-level missions would constitute some real challenge on par with something like VT2 Cata or above your take would have a bit more weight.

As is now the only thing that constitutes a challenge requiring multiple good players is the bugged version of Auric-Maelstrom Monstrous Specialist with Nurgle’s blessing on maps where there are (sometimes multiple) double full health boss spawns during events.

Due to the increase in player power, non-STG Auric is easy enough to carry with B-tier equipment and Auric-STG is easy to carry with any of the A+ tier setups, of which there are currently numerous. Unless the Director goes into a frenzy of course which does happen sometimes (1 in 10-20).

I think rather than damage and toughness we also need enemies that mix up the combat more.

I think currency the mobs at the moment lack real supportive elements to buff, keep them in the fight, or provide cover.

Having new enemies that can make the arena more dangerous (smoke nades, electric / blind mines, mini mortar support, a Psyker that can put up shield walls from range or have glass cannon abilities) would mix things up a lot.

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I would like mini boss types that buff nearby enemies.

Like an extra tanky crusher type enemy that buffs the damage of every unit nearby.
Or some preacher type guy or someone with rot aura) who does not actively attack, but buffs the defense of nearby units.

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But that would require ObeseTubafish to actually have a clue how to script mobs that can do more than “randomly target player - move into range - fire - if suppression = true then move back X - repeat”. These are the same twits who utterly botched a full patch (not finishing a skill tree, gross lack of proofreading in abilities, etc). Now picture that degree of incompetence trying to create something that even studios with decades of practice struggle with.

I mean it would be wonderful to have mobs beside “high damage lower health”, “lower damage high health”, and “high everything because”. Ditto with having some areas mined or boobytrapped such that sprinting through them is suicide, or some other hazard or obstruction that required more than the current “tape W down and hold shift”. But if the past is any indication - and it’s track record is VERY good at predicting human’s reactions - it wouldn’t last. Gamers are prone to throwing screaming fits when their comfort zone is changed. Note not nerfed, just changed to the point where “the one true plan” doesn’t work all the time anymore. And of course ObeseTubaFish would feed both groups narrative due to screwing up by A) not making mobs bound by the same rules as players and B) allowing conditions that create impossible situations when combined to not be mutually exclusive which just feeds the narrative with a small bit of truth.

Its a good idea, but I just can’t see ObeseTubaFish attempting it. And if they try did it end up being the bargain basement version that may or may not work as advertised at any given time.

I mean ehh?

Some of the base work is already there to one degree or another. Mortars are probably going to inherit targeting similar to grenadiers.

Smoke is once again just another flavour of grenade.

They managed to make the leech from Vermintide and the storm wizard work so the framework is there for a caster type.

I think the only new thing would be a sport that drops / throws mines instead of grenades.

I also think having an enemy emit a buff / Debuff is within their abilities.

More complex stuff would be like a 4 man weapons team that sets up, suppresses an area and when killed leaves a useable heavy weapons nest or having a more mobile sniper assassin that breaks contact, plants a trap to cover its escape, and moves after every shot instead of just sitting there

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similar to the flag bearer beastmen enemy in VT2? ^^

That would go so hard, I didn’t even think of what kinds of enemies where missing in DT that they could implement from VT2 at this point

There could be some priest of nurgle kinda guy that summons defensive buff totems.
Totems should be destructible and be summoned from some distance, blightstormer style.

For offense buffs i think it would be cooler if the enemy who applied these buffs, was quite aggressive and simply had an aura around it.

These buffs should wear off right after their source is destroyed.
The defensive buff could simply be nurgles blessing (enemy glows green) that we already have in the game.
The offense buff could be the buff that existed in the “fewer but tougher enemies“ modifier (eyes glow red iirc).


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