The amount of red accesories is too damn high

Nope, it’s analysis I did on my own and I would say can be considered relevant, as I could pretty much predict my drops to a certain degree (and it is something anyone could figure out with a little observation and keeping track of drops). What I can say is that I know how to provoke getting two of the same items to drop back to back, which did come in handy since I do like certain weapons to get dupes of. With getting items I want, there’s of course still RNG, but considering I was able to actively chase down the last items I want, I’d be in favour of leaning towards this game’s RNG being, in general, heavily stacked towards giving you what you already have. I will post an analysis of quickplay legend games soon and what maps came.

As a side note: I also have a rather large amount of cosmetics, too. 4 for Bardin, 4 for Sienna, 3 for Salty, 4 for Kruber. Keri is the only one I don’t have any, but I haven’t pursued getting any for her. Still not sure how it works, but I am working on it :wink:

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That would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

You may tell us your way to make it and let us test

Can you please respond to your community Fatshark?
Would be greatly appreciated if you took your customers serious instead of just listening to the usual Twitch streamers and youtube players.


ok FS

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"The likely plan for red dupes is allowing players to take a set of reds and break them down to turn them in to another red (that is not included in the original set of now broken reds).

As for chest hoarders, the odds are that we’ll change our approach to this in the future should we tinker with anything, and we’ll try to ensure anyone who has hoarded chests have their chests unchanged by any alteration of drop rates."

Hedge said this in another thread earlier about red duplicates.

Great (actually no), how does this solve the issue with amount of accesories dropped? We still have around half of all item drops as acessories, not only reds, but all drops. And about current “solution”, if I try to sacrifice red neck+trinket+hagbane it doesn’t prevent me from gainin another dupe charm or volley xbow or longbow, etc, just another lazy “solution” that can accomplish something but can’t solve the issue, just like blue dust->green dust don’t solve idiotic randomness of VT2 crafting system.


so unless we will be able to incluse all jewelry we will likely just melt down alot of reds to get another jewelry or another item you already have.
Tbh they have a poor solution to fix their poor RNG system. lets fix it with another RNG system to make people even more sad about the sh!t system they have already.
some say the RNG system is working as intended. the last 5 reds i have gotten is the same flamethrower for iron breaker. the chance for that is so small, there must be something increasing the likelyhood of a certain item dropping. i have yet to see dual axes, 1h and 2h mace and warpick for Bardin allthough i have 106+ levels on him alone. actually theres alot of items i have yet to get a single one of. yea i know thats the point of RNG.

i agree with you. 20% drop for each category is so poor designed. how can they not figure out that you dont need as much jewelry as you need weapons since you can use the same jewelry on each career. allthogh you cant use your 2 handed sword from kruber on saltzpyre. a simple maximum amount of each jewelry would fix it nicely. then each time you would get a red jewelry item it would simply roll a weapon instead. oh and also add a maximum for weapons please. as the last 2 days i have gotten 5 flamethrowers playing slayer and not a single dual axe 1h or 2h mace.

Between the lack of content and every red I get being a dupe or a charm and necklace, 504 hours later, I’m done.

I could overlook the lack of content if we had a red crafting system in place and continue for a time (content is obviously more important) but here we are and Monster Hunter is in a couple weeks.

You’re not doing a great job of keeping players around Fatshark.


Yeah, Monster Hunter comes out in a month. I’m really looking forward to that, especially since I’ve been doing deeds in V2 and only have about a half dozen pieces of jewellery to show for it.


It seems about right.

However, i do feel like the rng in this game actually likes me to some extent, I have a lot red weapons which i use, Saltzypre for example i have 2 red rapiers, i use both, 2 red repeating crossbows, 2 red two handed swords, a red hatchet, 2 red maces , 2 crossbows and a red repeater, So for the most part, im doing pretty good on the red weapons but no doubt have a seen accessories way more.

I can’t tell you how delighted I was when I opened 4 reds tonight and got my 11th and 12th charm, 8th necklace and 9th trinket…

Just about ready to uninstall this dumpster fire waste of time game.

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