That's Unfair Devs! Tell about this to your buyers

WElp several vnps i used before got blocked. Sooo. Does it count?

It proves, that foreign VPNs are illegal, not their usage. And that’s a very big difference, since you didn’t get fined or arrested for using them in the end.

So no, it is perfectly legal to use VPN.

It’s just a random law. VPNs are illegal but it’s legal to use them. Does it sound dumb to you? So technically it should be illegal. But it’s not. Our laws is kinda strange and doesnt make much sense but i said from the beginnig that you can use vpn without any worry.

VPNs are not illegal btw. Only commercial and public VPNs. My bad, not mentioning that nuance earlier.

So you can set up your own VPN as use it as much as you want the way you want.

As for this part:

this discussion is irrelevant. If you wanna discuss that, go to some political forum and do it there. Or at least move to the lounge.

I didnt start that XD

Don’t panic! I am a russian player, I am experiencing questionable goverment actions related to intenet sequrity, that causes collateral damage. It is unpleasant, game launches 50% of the time, there are periods where I can’t acsess the game for hours, but generaly I can play the game. Not everytime I want to, but it’s fine. Really frustraiting, but bearable. I don’t think cancelling sales in Russia is nessesary. Nobody knows how long this issue will persist.

Neither me, nor any of my friends can play the game since 1.0.8. Some live in cities other than mine.

About this. Game work fine with this only sometimes. Then I must do some IP-cmd things again and again. That because my ISP that change IP 3 times in a day. Also, This is not an official decision from the developers. If I will be a new buyer I will never to do that - I will never try search the answer in forum abyss to just launch the game for the first time.
Also, goverment ignoring messages from gamers. Today “Roskomnadzor” said - If someone wants to remove the bans, contact the court -
I don’t think that developers will do that. That’s why they need write official message about this

Developers just don’t make an official message about this problem. Like there’s not. I seen a topics threads like “game SSL error everytime. How can I get my money back” and developers answer this messages! But doesn’t makes official announcement.
Why I said about Inquisition-martyr developers? They do right things. They make official message about this issue and stop selling the game in Russia because of it. I think that’s right.

Fatshark Still ignoring this issue and haven’t message to buyers. Also maybe this thread will help

I do think the developers should at least make sure steam gives a warning when purchasing V2 with a Russian IP address.
I don’t think they will do this very soon however. I think the devs are very busy and underestimated the amount of work the game still requires. I mean I don’t know anything about game development, but one big issue is the scarcity of green dust. This could easily be fixed by (temporarily) changing the cost for rerolling to require green OR blue dust.

You could also contact steam about the issue though, perhaps Steam can make sure the warning is displayed when purchasing V2

Right now we need use VPN and suffer with high ping. We have a solution for this issue but there a pain in the ass. We can play ok, but we have a bad net speed in others (like twitch, youtube etc) and need to launch VPN everytime. Damn!

Is it really so painful to change IPs once per patch? Does that really deserves all that drama?

Is it really so painful to write official message to buyers? Does that really deserves all the refunds?
I can’t use VPN and play it. I use alt+tab often and need high speed net not only for playing the game.

Here. A fix that requires no VPN. And it’s pinned.

То есть, я понимаю, что вместо того, чтобы помочь разработчикам и искать совместные решения по устранению проблемы я просто ною и говорю, какие они нехорошие. Но я действительно не понимаю, почему они старательно игнорируют эту проблему, делая вид, что ничего не произошло. У этой темы высокое количество просмотров. Я уверен, разработчики заметили ее. Но официально позиции нет. Российское комьюнити у игры стоит на третьем месте по количеству — подтвержденный разработчиками факт. Возможно найти общее решение, помочь, работать над этой проблемой или хотя бы написать, что «все ок, мы работаем над этим, про вас не забыли», после каждого патча публикуя солюшн типа «хоста».

Cause they ignore ALL problems. This is just one of many, not better and not worse than any others.