Thanks for Carr*y*ing ..?

Dear FatShark,

Had a rather regretful encounter with an eerie ‘ninja’ like individual…
So joined a group to indulge the weekly event slaughter with some other like minded saviors of the Reik. Seconds later I was under the command of an Elgi Maiden of the shield, while once again the full fury of Aqshy’s unchained one was at my fingertips ! Our two other companions were of the less sentient AI type … We ran through The Pit on a fast pace. Suddenly at the end of the map ( well actually after I showed were the last tome could be found …) a rather unpleasant message appeared saying " PLAYERX has removed you from the game ( or group or whatever …) " …

Is it so that if you do a “DUO” run that the leader can kick you ? If so could this be changed so that there’s only the option to disband a group so that the scheming one can’t finish the map with only his bots as companion + all “lecture and” loot in the bank …

He is the host of a game, not you - thing he did might not be justified but power was on his side. Just remember the guy’s name and avoid him in future/host your own games. There’s sanctioned mod in Steam Workshop which lets you host your own Quickplay games.

As for your suggestion - that’s likely not going to happen because:

  1. No player composition should be more ‘privileged’ than other.
  2. I’d like to have a right to remove the single other player who’s trolling or generally is making the run unpleasant. With 3-4 players there’s obviously a vote option to lessen kick abuse, but you can’t implement it in a duo.

Valid points …

Didn’t see it as 'privileged’cause if you’ve got 3 players and 2 voted kick well then it’s ingame “democracy” at work … duo play is 50% vs 50% and I didn’t even get to vote -_-

Trolls can indeed be a little mental-glitch provoking factor… UNLESS somebody really sabotages the hell out of a mission ( on higher tier like legend/cata ) by shootin the bots, other players etc etc

Nonetheless thx for the reply and about the guys name … Dawi have a book of grudges, I’ve got a desk of grudges ;p name is alrdy carved into it (my Rinn is gonna be so pissed but she’ll understand!!)